Timeless Talk

šŸŽ¤šŸŽµšŸ”„Harmonies of the Heart: Season 4 Finale

ā€¢ AJ, SlideShow & SG Tatiana ā€¢ Season 4 ā€¢ Episode 16

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Ever wondered what it's like to pour your soul into music, only to face the daunting wall of writer's block? Tatiana (@ByNatalieeee), a phenomenal New artist & our Special Guest, joins us to unravel her own musical odyssey, discussing the raw authenticity in penning lyrics that resonate with the soul. We laugh, reminisce, and dig into the heartfelt journey of creating music that speaks to the experiences we all faceā€”betrayal, self-worth, love & the pursuit of artistic fulfillment.

Navigating the intricate maze of human emotions, the conversation shifts to the turbulent waters of infidelity & the complexities that ensue. Tatiana's latest track becomes the backdrop for an animated debate on the consequences of betrayal and the temptation of revenge. While dissecting the themes of her song, we interlace threads of personal stories, challenge the portrayal of women in media, & of course, keep spirits high with a friendly roast about our middle namesā€”proving that even in the depths of discussion, our bond of friendship remains unshakable.

As we draw the curtains on this chapter of Timeless Talk, Our banter takes a turn down memory lane, sharing tales of military drills, school electives, & the diversity that each of us brings to the table. Closing out the season, we leave you with a glimpse into the creative edges we intend to push and the promise of more relatable, engaging content when we return. So, tune in, get comfortable (like we did with our new chairs), and join us for a finale that's bound to linger in your thoughts long after the last note fades.

-SpecialGuest: Tatiana (@ByNatalieeee)

*Interview with Tatiana on Music Passion
*#Leave It in - Timeless Talk
*Musical Analysis & Feedback
*Musical Inspirations & Future Projects
*Timeless Talk Podcast & Clothing Line
*Military Experience & School Electives
*Music Exploration & Critique
*Music Promotion & Podcast Plans

*Intro Beat Credit: Memnoc (Picasso)*
*Outro Song Credit: Tatiana (@ByNatalieeee)*

Speaker 1:

You don't want to fuck with us. You don't want to fuck with us. You don't want to fuck with us. You don't want to fuck with us. And welcome back to the conversation that never ends. This is Timeless Talk. I'm your host, aj, and yeah, we're back for another finale episode of Timeless Talk. Yeah, we're in the living room with an audience, apparently, huh Nah, nah. As you guys can see, you know we have no furious today, but we do have a lovely guest with us. We're going to get to her introduction in a second, but over here, you know, before the intro, I should probably just make it known that we obviously tried something different today. Clearly, we're not at a table. We're not at the traditional timeless talk table with the backdrop, as you guys are used to. Instead, we gotta. This is probably gonna be the set for season, for season five, right, yeah?

Speaker 3:

for at least one of the sets for most of the episodes, yeah yeah yeah if you if you guys see me groping this chair. Uh, promise you, it's nothing personal, it's just oh fuck it's comfortable.

Speaker 2:

So there it is. I said it.

Speaker 1:

You didn't say it, you didn't wait, you didn't wait for intros or nothing.

Speaker 3:

You gotta, I'm already doing it, so okay, well this.

Speaker 1:

Over there to my far right, usually on my direct right we have slideshow, did you? Did you want to include her in that, or did you want to? Just, she's not going to do that stupid shit, even though she's like what.

Speaker 4:

I'm just looking back and forth.

Speaker 1:

She's lost right now she doesn't know what the fuck we're talking about. Alright, so let's get into our guest now here, alright, guys. So over here, directly to my right, we have the lovely Tatiana. Yeah, thanks for being here with us today, girl, appreciate you, thanks. Yeah. So, uh, having me? No, of course, absolutely we're happy to have you here. You know it's time to stock this new set. You get to experience the new set for everybody else. So, hell yeah, you know we're happy you're here to experience that. And it's the season, it's the season four finale too.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, you got big to wear girl. This is something that you got to fill them out bro. You got to have them. Like we believe, we chose the right person for the job. You know what I mean, you don't know this about her, but this is a music-based episode. We've done a few of those this season already. You're an artist, right? You sing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I sing, I sing and song write you're an artist, right, you sing, or, yeah, I sing, I sing and song right, that's right. So she writes her own songs. No, ghost writer over here on this couch? Nope, you don't play that game, right, that's good. I like that. You write your own stuff. That's dope, and I feel like I'm not trying to put shade at those that get help, but I feel like when you don't write your own stuff, it's just different. You know what I mean, I don't know. It's not the same no, I get you.

Speaker 4:

You know what I mean, like I'm not saying it takes from them.

Speaker 1:

I just feel like it's more. You can connect more when a person's actually writing from their soul. You know what I mean, instead of having someone just kind of paint a picture for you exactly.

Speaker 4:

It's one of their stories, so they're like connecting it exactly and that's what I appreciate. So you know hey kudos to you.

Speaker 1:

We get flowers out on this show. You know I'm saying we have no hope back. Yeah, yeah, it's time to start all right, before we get into more, more detail. But we're gonna this first part of the episode we're just gonna have like a small little brief. You know, get to know you a little bit, right so the audience, the viewers, and the audience and the listeners. Can, you know, get to know you a little?

Speaker 2:

better as the artist.

Speaker 1:

All right. So, tatiana, I'm gonna start with the questions. So this what about you? So let's start with that first. What? What makes you passionate about music?

Speaker 4:

what makes me passionate about music yes the passion really just comes from, like the feeling of doing it. So like, okay, I'll say, when I actually got into that studio I was like the happiest I've ever been, wow, yeah you just kind of felt at home yeah, and it was like easy. It didn't. It was not a job, it was just truly something I enjoyed doing that part it makes me happy, that's good that's.

Speaker 1:

That's rare, because nowadays people don't feel that way. They go to work. They dread it like fuck this place, this is not my, so you obviously want that to be. That pays your bills one day, right that's the goal, oh yeah of course, okay, do you? Do you ever have like writing blocks? You always write writer's block. Do you want to be? What do you look for for inspiration? When that happens, what's your process?

Speaker 4:

So that actually did happen to me like not too long ago.

Speaker 4:

I would say, like three weeks ago I did have like writer's block Because I was trying to like really just sit there Because I write my stuff like old school, so like I have my journal so on a paper, I'm like writing down stuff, um. But yeah, I just couldn't for the life of me just figure anything out. I would listen to this one track that I got and nothing would come into my brain. So, oh wow I I was driving home one day, I was listening to lucky day, like a bunch of just random songs from him, and all of a sudden I was just hit with inspiration and I ended up writing a full-on song. So that's in the works right now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh yeah, and that just came organically. I like that you just say you were just in the car and then it just came to you like this is it?

Speaker 4:

I know what I'm gonna write yeah, I was just, I was in the car driving, I was just like singing out, like melodies oh, wow that's all I was doing and then she just came to you, naturally it just came to me.

Speaker 1:

Is it ever like do you feel like you had in that moment you need to pull over and like write this shit down before you forget? Or?

Speaker 4:

is it like? What I do is I carry two phones. One phone is not in service, so I just use it for voice memos. So whenever that happens, I just record myself. Oh, wow, yeah, smart, I record myself, I like it.

Speaker 1:

It's just vocally, get it down for you so you can relate to it. You kind of know the cadence you want to go with, how the sound is Because you usually forget later on.

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm saying, I do.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. To do that too, because now you're just you're making sure that you, you cover that bass, and you don't forget what you were trying to same rhythm.

Speaker 3:

I like that exactly.

Speaker 1:

That's smart, yeah that second phone is not. It's not. It's not a burner phone, it's it's a notes phone. Okay, she had to make sure that was clear.

Speaker 4:

I like how you squeeze that in there last time I told somebody that they were like oh, that's your burner I was like I was thinking it too. It ain't because that shit is not in service. I only use it for voice memos and that's it, like I ain't gonna play around.

Speaker 3:

I just heard I got two phones and I was like that just started playing in my head that was on replay.

Speaker 2:

Is that right now?

Speaker 1:

he's like I got two so I like how you just be letting it. That was funny, but no, it was cool though. Like you made it clear like hey, you know, this is what I use it for, so don't be thinking shit, assuming shit. That's what it is, that's cool. I like your process though. I respect it. That's dope, um. So my. My next question, too, is I have all these written down in my head already. I actually wrote them down in my notes, but I want to sit here and be like this the whole time when you get there. Eventually, when you write an album, do you want it to be like beginning to an end, or do you want each song to have its own identity?

Speaker 4:

I feel like once I get to that point, it's just whatever I'm feeling at that time. So I don't want to just be like, okay, I just want a story from beginning to end, but then I'm feeling like, oh no, I feel like each song actually sounds like beautifully individually yeah, that's something that could be beautiful too.

Speaker 1:

You can have a whole collection of sound that just has its own.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you know, it's whatever, whatever it is at the moment, okay, so whatever it flows with you, right?

Speaker 1:

okay, so let's try that. That moves me into my next question of the single you just dropped right. Is it out now? It's out there where can I find it?

Speaker 4:

you can find it anywhere youtube, apple music, spotify, just anywhere you can stream yourself okay, are you willing to play for it us here? Yeah, for the first time. Yeah, at least she had an option. Let's sync you up this guy.

Speaker 1:

She didn't have an option, bro, I wasn't going to afford it. You're playing your fucking song today, right, that's right.

Speaker 4:

Like imagine I talk to her like that.

Speaker 1:

She's like, okay, play my stuff. She's like play my shit. Damn, you know what I'm saying. So we're trying to promote your shit. Yeah, of course. So I'm gonna have you uh, link up real quick your bluetooth, if you don't mind.

Speaker 4:

Okay, cool, so we're now paired to tati's phone, or did I say that right, tatiana?

Speaker 1:

yeah, tatiana, it says tati, though, for sure. Oh yeah, you know, that's yeah and that's. I'm using an accent, y'all. I'm not saying thotty. Okay, there's a difference.

Speaker 4:

We're not saying that the amount of times I've heard that blue face off yeah, every time I tell somebody oh, I'm tatiana that's all they ever tell me about I'm just like all right cool they had to get ratchet with you why?

Speaker 1:

maybe it's my personality maybe it is, but you don't come out. Ratchet most definitely. I like your energy I like your energy, but I'm not gonna say you're, I'm gonna call you all that though no, I don't please.

Speaker 3:

Damn, that's like what why you say um no, I said, I said wow this guy can't with you bro damn, I'm just here for sound effects.

Speaker 1:

Shut the hell up, man you ain't here for more than that man. You funny bro. But anyway, I didn't call you Tatiana. But Tatiana, we're gonna hear your song. Now that you're linked up to the Blue Coup, we'll just let you play it through. We'll vibe with it, we'll listen to it and me and Slideshow Will give you our thoughts. Is that cool?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, alright, let's do it All. Right, let's go, woo Woo.

Speaker 1:

Woo Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo Woo Woo Woo Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo Woo Woo. Right when you're right beside me.

Speaker 2:

I guess it's time Tell another lie. I sleep behind all the shit you tell me. Is she on your mind when you're right? When you're right beside me? Bitches on your side. They was touching gold. Told me you was fucking, but you were that other hoe fuck what you did.

Speaker 1:

I guess I'll fuck your friend. Ay Yay Yo, that's spiteful, low key.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like what you did, I guess I'll fuck your friend I was like damn, I didn't get to that last part. Until just now, I didn't get to that Until just now. Hey, would you actually Do that though?

Speaker 4:

No, the fuck she's like. She said no.

Speaker 2:

Girl, live your truth, what you mean Live your truth.

Speaker 4:

What did we say at the beginning? We both.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, that's right. Yeah, we did. We did say that. What did we?

Speaker 2:

say he already forgot.

Speaker 3:

He did.

Speaker 4:

Did you forget?

Speaker 1:

what? No, y'all talking about leave it in, or what no, what y'all talking about lying?

Speaker 4:

we both lying, bro, I didn't forget.

Speaker 3:

No, I didn't you know, I didn't forget.

Speaker 1:

Come on, bro I just wanted her to say it to you because you know you weren't paying attention. We're gonna hashtag, leave it in, obviously, but no, you know what I'm saying. Like she's lying, bro. She did that for that. That's for, that's for the song. I get it, okay. Yeah, I'm glad you don't carry yourself like that, because that would devalue you, so don't do that, that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

You're a flower, stay that way. You know what I'm saying. Come on, we've had some questionable. I don't want to say flowers on the show before it's too soon. It's too soon, bro, right on the open case you gotta, you gotta yeah, no judgment to how any girl cherishes their flower, but you know that's an open case. That is an open case, absolutely. We're not gonna say no names, but anyway, moving on you guys check out the video, by the way.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there's a music video. Please, please, yeah, well, you know what? Go ahead.

Speaker 4:

I recorded a b-roll for it and the mighty oh yeah. Ryan slideshow.

Speaker 3:

So let's say it again unless you don't care, I don't care look up his name, guys.

Speaker 1:

He put his whole government out there Ryan Pitts is it Alonzo Andrew Farinas? Fuck out of here your middle name is Alonzo. No, alonzo, fuck out of here your middle name is Alonzo, no Alonzo.

Speaker 4:

Wait, what's your full name?

Speaker 3:

You just chose the most stereotypical black nigga name in the.

Speaker 2:

AV. No, no, no, I could have said Tyrone.

Speaker 1:

I could have went worse with it. I could have said Ryan Tyrone Pitts Yo, I could have went worse with it. I could have said Ryan Tyrone Pitts, yo, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

This is time to talk that was crazy.

Speaker 2:

I'm done Fatality.

Speaker 1:

Finish him. Okay, I'm done. Fatality. You know what I'm just kidding, bro. Hey, we're on a beef, bro. This ain't Kendrick and J Cole, bro come on, we can start doing diss tracks bro. I'm just fucking with you, man, I'm gonna get JJ real quick go get his ass. I don't care, I'll diss his bitch ass too. I'm just kidding, I'm okay. Nah, I'm just fucking with you, bro.

Speaker 3:

I love y'all you know, I got love for y'all man this nigga really said Tyrone we put each other's.

Speaker 1:

We can't. We gotta leave it in bro hashtag. Leave it in. I'm sorry, bro, where did you get Alonzo from? I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I thought it was I really.

Speaker 1:

I said that shit confidently yeah, what is it bro? I'm sorry. No, I can't say it cause. Now it's embarrassing no, I want you to say it. No, say it, bro. What's yours, mine's, john, bro, I'm proud of mine, damn. Yeah, my dad's first name brother is my middle name, mine is Emmanuel. That's dope. What you mean that means, isn't that God's name bro?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's.

Speaker 1:

Jesus' name right? Isn't that in the Bible, isn't it?

Speaker 3:

It don't suit a brother though.

Speaker 1:

Ryan Emmanuel.

Speaker 2:

That sounds better because I be having people right. We'll name him again.

Speaker 1:

Alright, fuck it. She's right, tatiana. Just you know what, bro? It's Ryan Alonzo Pitts. Right, fuck you if it is yeah, ryan. Alonzo Pitts in the house. Let's go, baby. I'll give you the horns too, bro. I responded to it.

Speaker 2:

You did where the horns at nigga trying to where the hordes at nigga trying to where the hordes at this.

Speaker 1:

That cool Tequinte we got Ryan Alonzo Pitts in the house right now you trying to do that.

Speaker 3:

Your name is Toby, kind of thing. Nigga, oh shit okay, we're done.

Speaker 1:

We're sorry, man, let's get back to this topic. Y'all pray for this, nigga. It's timeless talk. Wait. Why, bro? Huh'all pray for this? Nigga, it's timeless talk. Wait, why, bro? Oh, oh, he said pray for me. Why y'all pray for this?

Speaker 3:

nigga. Why huh you need? Because you need help why?

Speaker 1:

because I called you alonzo yeah, why stereotypical all? Right, my bad, he's ryan emmanuel pits I'll be having.

Speaker 3:

I mean that's not, that's really no better, because I have people walking around, no that that feel like that flows better, though, than Alonzo Pitts.

Speaker 1:

Look at Alonzo. I still don't know where you got that from hey, bro, he's hard bro. Denzel Washington bro training day.

Speaker 3:

I don't know why that his name is Alonzo. What you mean? Does it sound too?

Speaker 1:

hood, it sounds ratchet, alonzo. Alonzo, what you mean? I'm sorry, bro, does it sound too hood like it's too? It's too like it sound it sound ratchet alonzo it kind of does uh sound like a man that only lived to be 18. All right, let's get back to tatiana's track. Bro lives to 18. So that's the song, right? Our initial reaction. I'm sure you heard it first because he was in the b-roll, right?

Speaker 1:

yeah so, um, what I got from the song. It's like a woman that was scorned, maybe, or hurt, right. It's like did she find out she got cheated on and she's just like bitter now. So she's like I'm gonna go fuck this dude's homie now instead, just like get back it's like you know how a lot of guys nowadays have their sneaky links what do you mean?

Speaker 4:

the sneak like like the side okay, the side piece yeah yeah, so that's like a bitch. I know what you're doing, like I'm not stupid, so fuck you can?

Speaker 1:

can females just tell? Do you guys just know like the energy is off and you can just sense it? Oh, fuck, yeah, okay yeah because obviously you know you're mad. You know if he's being loyal to you or man did that. Did that derive from a personal experience of yours, if you're willing to share that or was? That actually okay, that's good. You just, you just see it happening around you yeah, and you wrote, basically wrote a story you wrote a story about it.

Speaker 1:

That's cool. I like that. Well, I'm happy to hear it didn't happen to you personally. That's great. Good to know, um, but I like that you're shedding light on a real thing that happens though hell yeah what. So what's your stance on it, though? Do you feel like that's the right revenge, like I'll just fuck your friend then and be square? Do you agree with that idea, or you're saying that that's or that's toxic too, and you're like hey this is toxic too, you know it's the intrusive thoughts you want to let out okay, that's fair.

Speaker 1:

So also, it might not even really be an action. It's kind of just like now I want to fuck your friend because what you did to me is making me spiteful, but I might not actually do it okay that's fair you're just kind of putting the light on. That's cool. I liked it all right, what about you slideshow? What were your, what were your thoughts on the track when you first heard it? Yeah, actually, yeah, I did. Damn bro, he had to wait for a second I had to remember.

Speaker 1:

I had to remember the steps, that how everything played out Actually when I heard the song, I actually didn't expect her to know how to sing as good as she did. Oh damn. No, I didn't say you couldn't sing which?

Speaker 3:

the vocals sounded good, by the way, thank you. No, it did sound good and you knew that. I told you that the night I listened to it. But I I love like sentimental, if you'd say it in that you know form. I love sentimental rhythm. So when I heard that, I was kind of like yeah, it's kind of gives kind of sad vibes. I like that. I like the sad vibes kind of, yeah, and you know, yeah, the whole revenge thing and you know because with the storyline she was trying to tell, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I was like, oh, that that kind of um, the little sentimental, soft rhythm, plus, like you know, you feel her pain from what she's saying in the music. It kind of like it. Somehow it doesn't put out negative energy. It's still like, okay, you know, we're okay, even though you know I'm hurting. I'm still okay. You know I'm gonna get, I'm gonna do this back to you, but I really liked it.

Speaker 1:

I liked it yeah, it was short but sweet. Does it make sense, like I'm gonna?

Speaker 3:

to you.

Speaker 1:

I wish it was a little bit longer.

Speaker 3:

personally, how many times have you wished it was a little bit longer? How many times have you? I was the first person to tell her that. I was like fuck, it's over already. No, I was like yeah.

Speaker 1:

So many people have told me that that honestly there's over already. I didn't want to critique it that way, but I want to be honest with you.

Speaker 2:

No, it was all good, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, girl, she's only heard that like a million times.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Well then you know what?

Speaker 1:

then, girl, you just take this as the confirmation that it is. You know what I'm?

Speaker 4:

saying Well, the reason it was so short is because, honestly, when I got into the studio just me and my friends I like that.

Speaker 2:

It's organic though yeah, and so in eight hours.

Speaker 4:

That's what we were able to come up with.

Speaker 1:

Wow, and I was like okay that's pretty good, though from scratch, yeah, nothing right I was like that's the intro to me.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's now. You guys can hear who I am. It may not like show like my vocal capabilities, but it shows you who I am and it's leaving them want more exactly, which is good too. So that's good. Good for good on you, girl bro. You know how many times capabilities, but it shows you who I am.

Speaker 1:

And it's leaving them wanting more.

Speaker 4:

Exactly, which is good too.

Speaker 1:

So that's good.

Speaker 3:

Good on you, girl Bro, you know how many times, maybe two or three, but I was just standing beside her and like literally what you just said, like I've heard just people, just I'm like I already know what they're about to songs, so you had to kind of expect it.

Speaker 1:

I just wish it was a little longer. Yeah, I told her that that's really my only gripe with it. My only negative thing really would be that.

Speaker 4:

It's short, don't worry, it's going to be longer.

Speaker 1:

No, that's good, that's cool, so now you can release it as the extended is coming, but this is almost like a. I have to ask this too, because I have only seen the clips that were posted online. Is the only appearance he make the back of his head? It really is, oh my God. Well, if you think no, yes.

Speaker 4:

I love it. Did your side profile come out in the one where I was getting off the sofa.

Speaker 3:

I don't think so.

Speaker 4:

Because you were like your hands, kind of like just went out.

Speaker 3:

But they like.

Speaker 2:

It was quick.

Speaker 3:

It was quick. No, it was quick, but I had to do it.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, I love you, bro Nah it was quick.

Speaker 3:

Hey, your fade was on point though.

Speaker 1:

Thank God my boy got a haircut before he did that shot. He was in my point, I was in there. I was in there, fade it up, my boy.

Speaker 2:

Hey that I was in there. I was playing.

Speaker 3:

Fade it up my boy.

Speaker 2:

I was playing.

Speaker 1:

That means, you stay fresh. You see, my boy knows he knows already.

Speaker 3:

Hey, what can I say?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we never roast each other this much. I don't know what it is. I think you bring that energy girl First. We're talking about you, know, song disses no, that's y'all.

Speaker 4:

And then she's like nervous or like scared. I just kind of let myself out did you good, I'm glad, yeah, see.

Speaker 1:

So you brought the energy with you. Now we're over here, that. And then we talked about diss tracks. And then now we're in your set, your music, so low-key, it kind of ties in well because you're like man, and then especially the last part where you're like I'm gonna fuck, I'm gonna fuck your friend, then it's like it's low-key, a diss track in itself that wasn't't going to be part of the song. Oh, you just added it in there.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, for fun. That's hilarious, I just went in there I was like all right, and then I had to do like a fake little laugh.

Speaker 1:

And I was like this doesn't sound genuine. Well, it didn't sound terrible either, but honestly I feel like it's good though for the overall track.

Speaker 4:

Yeah it tied in, it did it tied in well, it was a good track.

Speaker 1:

I liked it, though it was good, like I said.

Speaker 4:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, like I said, we get roses out here. Okay, that's how we do things. You know what I'm saying? Wonderful track yes, keep it up. It was great. We liked it.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, I don't have anything ill will I was trying to turn it down.

Speaker 1:

I'm over here moving the wrong fucking dial. I'm like y'all, you're gonna stop clapping at some point. We just it's like, all right, no, but um, no for sure I liked it. I liked how it sounded, everything was great. Your vocals were clear. I like to look forward to what you're gonna make in the future. Are you working on a project currently, or is it just kind of like?

Speaker 4:

I am on two oh, two projects.

Speaker 1:

Two, is it one that would be like an EP and then the album, or what was your timeline with that, or your idea of it?

Speaker 4:

So EPs or albums are going to take a minute.

Speaker 1:

Because EPs are shorter.

Speaker 4:

No, they're shorter.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, but I'm kind of just testing the waters.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

I'm seeing what works for me vocal-wise.

Speaker 1:

But you already have an idea for two projects though.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, okay, oh, hell yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you got some stuff in the works, all right. Good, we're looking forward to that. That's cool. So do you have any questions you want to ask? I have more questions for her, but do you have anything you want to ask her?

Speaker 3:

just so you could try to roast me, bro. What, at least you?

Speaker 1:

let me know.

Speaker 3:

You said my head was handsome bro.

Speaker 1:

Is that the?

Speaker 3:

only scene you have Bro.

Speaker 1:

I was like, hey, how is that trying to roast you? That was a genuine question bro. Oh my gosh, bro, that's crazy, bro, son, I have to ask this now. Since he's in the B-roll. Is he the dude that cheated on you? Your character that you're playing, Damn. So she's going to fuck your friend bro.

Speaker 3:

You know I never looked at it like that.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

That's a good ass point, though, right, I mean, come on bro.

Speaker 3:

Y'all see the shit I got to deal with, right.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, bro, All right. I'm done, I just never thought look, look, I had to know we was playing, though, right? I mean, clearly she's like fuck this dude, only he gets the back of his head, that's it. You don't get to see what it looks like.

Speaker 4:

No, if you notice he's like always on his phone. I did notice. Yeah, dang, yeah see.

Speaker 1:

So this is exactly why I should never invite you on a real double date, bro. I need to stop. My boy walks off set.

Speaker 2:

He's like I'm just gonna take his headset off and walk away like fuck this shit not me.

Speaker 3:

I hold my. I hold my peace. That's right. Hold your peace, my boy. I'm proud of you right now, dog, that's right. Y'all keep throwing y'all stones Go ahead, oh man, hey, hey You're going to look back. I think I got a handsome head.

Speaker 1:

You're going to look back. Hey, you do my boy. All right, you, bro, it don't mean nothing coming from you and you didn't answer my question.

Speaker 3:

I said do you have any more questions for our guest here? No, I just I had to address you about that real quick first. But, um, yeah, so uh, who are some? I know you guys have like a a very close um friends group, so, uh, who are some of the people that played a major factor in like, um you know, inspiring you on doing a musical journey?

Speaker 4:

nappy hi I will always 100, say, nappy hi, it was, I believe a year ago he had performed at some bar and that like spark, just seeing him like so passionate, just like like sparked, just seeing him like so passionate, just like sparked my interest again in like doing music, because growing up, I mean, I've always loved singing always yeah, um. But after seeing him I was like okay, I'm grown, I make my own money, I have resources, so I'm just gonna fucking do this good for you, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you just went for you, like, fuck it, I have the resources I have. Why not, you know? I mean, no one's holding me back, no one's telling me I can fucking do this. Good for you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah. So you just went for it Like fuck it, I have the resources I have. Why not? You know what I mean. No one's holding me back, no one's telling me I can't do this Exactly. That's good on you. No, for real. That's good on you, rob, steve, for that, because most people don't.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's one thing I told Nappy. I said I'm like I'm going to put this out just for me. I don't really care for what other people think, because you know it's not everybody's cup of tea at the end of the day.

Speaker 1:

That's how it has to be at first, anyway.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, before it catches, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

You have to do it for yourself. That's the most important thing honestly.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying. I haven't but uh, bam knock mentioned like he's kind of like a musical genius, so did jj so, but I've never heard his stuff dude it's listen, it's fucking amazing.

Speaker 4:

I got some I got.

Speaker 1:

Actually I have everything he's done on on vinyl, on vinyl bro oh yeah, I bought it too yeah, I support. He knows that. I know you're watching this and you get your ass on this damn show already. We've talked about it. We talked about it here and there. He knows you know he's a good supporter though, though he likes the show too.

Speaker 3:

So does he just produce or does he like he raps? He raps occasionally.

Speaker 4:

He raps, but not often. Mostly known for his production, though Not often.

Speaker 1:

He's mostly known for his sound. She's right.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

But like when he does blue note stuff, the name of the song but prior projects that he's done with him together, together as a group they're called. They call themselves blue notes and whenever they get together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah memnock does most most of the rapping when they do that the duo but he does hop on the track once in a while too, like if you heard him rap before. He does rap once in a while. Have you heard of any of his past stuff? I don't know if he's showing you, but yeah, he has. He doesn't do it frequently though, she's right, but what he's mostly known for, especially on his own projects, he usually just does beats. Okay, he's doing production most of the time which I kind of figured.

Speaker 1:

For some reason he just gave off that vibe, yeah it's clean, though, man, if you go see him live too. Like she said, like I, I agree with him. He does passions there, bro, so he's still my brother's the same way, but his passion does it, he still does it, yeah, he still.

Speaker 2:

My brother's the same way, but his passion, he still does it. He still does it, yeah, he still performs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know if he's done anything lately.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not lately.

Speaker 1:

Not lately, but he when he does. Bro, you should just come check out One of his sets.

Speaker 3:

I'd be down. Yeah, I'd be down, yeah we'll go Low End Theory.

Speaker 1:

I know he loved that place Before it closed. That was lit. Oh, they shut on the stage, like that, because that was like. That was like. It was like basically it was like a club, right, but instead of performers they would just have producers go up there and just showcase beats. That place was lit, bro. Yeah. So shout out to Low End Theory. Yeah, man, that's too bad. It doesn't exist anymore. But the people that people that know about it know I'm shouting them out because that was a lit place was cool, though man's like a little spy was indoors, they had an outdoor patio and shit too, so you could actually hear the music playing everywhere, and there was like a main stage where the producer would go up there and behind them they have a projection of whatever they wanted to play in the background visually, but they were just up there doing their thing, man from the beats, and it's pretty hard, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So to see him performing plays like that would have been lit, but they unfortunately are no longer around. I don't know what happened, but you know one of his next live sets. You check him out, but you know that's cool, he's one of your inspirations. That's dope, you know. Shout out to navi again. He's gonna come on the pot. You'll be able to talk to him formally. He's supposed to come on here pretty soon, I think when his next project drops. Okay, he's supposed to come on here and talk about it. Yeah, and come sign my last, the last vinyl I bought. Um, what was that one called? Not, not, not villains, it was one after villains, the most recent one he just dropped. What is it called? Forgive me, bro, I know you're going to watch this shit. He's going to be like motherfucker. You don't even know I really bought this shit. I forgot, damn, we're both hammered out.

Speaker 1:

He's going to look at both of y'all like that. Yo, he's going to look at us like I have the picture of like yeah, he's wearing a ski mask, he's in his car yes, he's in his car and he has like a bunch of dudes with white faces behind him. What the fuck? I'm sorry, bro, you know what's when we're talking about? Damn it, I don't even know this, can't think of the name right now okay, no, we can't do them like that.

Speaker 4:

We can't look that shit up or broke.

Speaker 1:

It's, no, it's in that crate, never mind that's doing too much, but I literally have it in that crate right over there, bro, it's in that crate, um I got you she's got me. She's looking up right now. Anyway, I did buy a physical copy of it. I did support bro, just so you know, um.

Speaker 1:

But yeah that's what it fucking was. I didn't even have to look at it because I just remembered, just probably yeah, see, menace. So menace was the name of it. So shout out to you for menace, bro. It was good, it was great work I got.

Speaker 3:

I got it on vinyl.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's most recent one, oh, okay, villains is what he did before that I have that one too yeah, that was pretty dope he had a red vinyl for it everything he did a good job. He's very inspiration, or just one of your biggest ones um, I would say, my only yeah cool that you know you have that relationship with him. That's cool. That was the inspiration, so that's good on you. Anything else you want to ask her, bro, before we move on?

Speaker 3:

um, yeah, so I know you're, you know freshly starting out. You know music has always been a passion for you. Um, what was it like just hiring like a personal, like voice trainer? What was that like?

Speaker 4:

A vocal coach.

Speaker 3:

Vocal coach.

Speaker 4:

So it was honestly challenging, just because when you look it up online, you don't really see faces. It's just names.

Speaker 3:

And feedback or no feedback on what like you know, like kind of like rape. My professor, you got the like just a professor's name oh, no, no, none of that, you don't see any of that um.

Speaker 4:

But luckily, you know, I kept doing my research and I found this like studio place um out in studio city and I just went in inquired some information. Then I found some. I found some random ass lady. I love her though. She really did help me out.

Speaker 1:

That's cool.

Speaker 4:

She helped me out a lot because I didn't know technical stuff at all.

Speaker 1:

You just think you get up there and do the damn thing, right? I would just go up there.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, like that was me. And then now that I know a little bit more about like the technical, I'm like okay they break it down for you.

Speaker 1:

I can do it right, tell you what a falsetto is. They explain all these things to you, right?

Speaker 4:

and how to hit the the um keys, how to switch up and all that so voice control, like literally just voice control voice control yeah okay.

Speaker 1:

So it's really like just a process to that too, like you gotta just know how to certain way to to do it correctly, or know the word, the verbiage for it, right yeah to understand it better. That's cool. She breaks it down for you, because I didn't know that shit either. I was like what the fuck is it? Someone told me a falsetto. I was like what the fuck is that?

Speaker 1:

oh, it's been a higher pitched the difference between a run and a riff see, I didn't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know that shit either. Yeah, that was, but they teach you that too, huh, they did.

Speaker 4:

I was kind of like confused at first. It just clicked. Now I can't explain it to you, but I know what it is.

Speaker 1:

Because you sing Guess why, so if I did the act, then you'd be like it would make sense.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

But it's hard to make it make sense if you don't actually do the act. That makes sense, good point way to put it. Well, I usually don't ask this, but if you don't have any more, I was gonna ask you if you had any questions for us ooh uh oh what inspired y'all to start this? Oh, that's a good one. Okay, you wanna answer?

Speaker 3:

or should I? Oh well, he's already been doing this.

Speaker 1:

They just take me along, yeah, and I was like, oh, that'd be cool so I'll answer your question and I'll let him explain to you how he got involved okay, so me, what inspired me ever since I was younger?

Speaker 1:

my dad, because I used to talk a lot as a kid too. But the thing is like I'm very I try to be very receptive when I'm speaking to people, like right so when I engage in a conversation, I think of myself as a conversationalist, right so I like to hear the other person though, too, to kind of help drive the power of the conversation forward. I don't want to always be the one talking, but I feel like if you ask the right questions, that's how you do that. You know what I mean. So how did? I? Was like, how do I do this and make it like make sense? How can? Is there a way I can do this and make money Like I don't know a shit, if anybody even listens to it? You'll be one, two people as long as I get two people listening to me.

Speaker 4:

Hey, that's a win.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's how I saw it. I was like, fuck, as long as I get two listeners, hey I'm, that's great. But I was just doing it for the passion at first, like I, just I was passionate about putting my opinion out there and having my voice be heard. Being able to have conversations with interesting people doing that stuff on camera is interesting because I like to watch it. I'm like, well, if this shit already exists people were interviewing each other and you're watching interesting people have conversations with other interesting people. I was that'd be a great platform to do that. Right, then I'm also working on a clothing line, so I kind of came up with this idea to help promote that. You know what I mean. So I was like, what better way to do it than a podcast? And I honestly proof of this uh, I started doing the podcast back in 2017 when I first did it, 2016, when podcasts they've always, they've still existed back then. They're just not as popular as they are now. They're more popular now than they've ever been. Right, like, everybody has a fucking podcast. Paul george the basketball player has a podcast. Actors do podcasts. You know what I'm talking about. Everybody has them now. You see them all over, all over tiktok, right, people have them all the time and I will say I have time stamps of my original episodes that I ever did, before there was ever a thing, and I have proof that I used the name timeless talk, the same logo.

Speaker 1:

I just hadn't. I had dog shit. Uh, I'm not gonna lie to you, I had dog shit equipment. Girl, it was me and my cousin who lives in idaho in ohio now you know arm shark, that was my original co-host before slideshow and all we had was it was just a table. We had one. I still have the microphone too. Actually, I saw that we had one little yeti microphone in the middle of the table. No camera recording us, it was just that. No, no sound machine, no sound effects, it was just our voices. No intro track. I did, we used garage band to record it. It was, yeah, one of my harsher recorded 10 episodes of Timeless Talk, but it was the first 10 we ever recorded and you got to start somewhere, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And that was the passion behind it and that's how we got it started. So I had it from then. We did those 10 episodes back in 2017. And then we stopped for a long time Because he ended up moving, couldn't have him as a co-host anymore. We kind of just fell off. I didn't know how to promote it. Well yeah, so barely anybody knew about it. It was more like boot camp years or growing pains than anything else.

Speaker 2:

So we went like five views, ten views maybe, so that's more than more than someone, somebody somewhere listened to it and they had no visuals to go with it.

Speaker 1:

so at least it's a little more entertaining because you can watch us now, but before it was just strictly audio Just all voice yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that was originally where we stopped off on a hiatus for like four or five years, six years, whatever, and then fast forward to 2022 with these guys and it was him for the reboot. I call it the reboot. We basically rebooted this podcast. Timeless Talk was like dormant for six years and then we just brought it back to live, gave a cpr and then I I chose the other guy. That was was weird, because our third co-host was so eccentric about starting this shit he was cute.

Speaker 3:

It was actually y'all too. It was all. He was actually y'all too. That was that was talking about. Uh, you know, starting it back up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So he brought it back to my attention because he's like you got a podcast. I forgot how it came up in conversation, but I was like I had one back in the day. You want to listen to it, bro. It's pretty bad. But you know he's like, oh, we should bring that shit back. I was like that's not a bad idea. I was pretty decent at it. You know, ma'am knock would tell me I was good at it. He's always said I've, I've had an act for interviews and you know, talking and entertaining this way. So I was. People keep telling me this. I'm not supposed to just bring it back. Like, and I have my boy super, you know ecstatic about doing it. So we brought him on and then he Q invited you. That's how I met you. Yeah, I met him through no we actually knew each other.

Speaker 2:

We knew each other, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

We knew of each other. Yeah, I didn't know him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's like a brother to me.

Speaker 3:

now See the resemblance we're both black.

Speaker 1:

People got dark skin.

Speaker 3:

I don't know which one of you guys it was that pitched to me the idea though what do you mean? Which one of you guys I think it was Q that said, you know you guys were going to bring up the podcast, and then, if I wanted to be a part of it, I think he asked me, and then I was like yeah, because that sounds cool.

Speaker 1:

And I'm glad we did that, because I was never. I was never against the third person, but I always said the third, the third microphone should be for, like a guest, always and only you know. But then I was like, oh, let me give it a try. And I actually ended up liking the dynamic of having three opinions instead of just two. Yeah, you know what I mean, because it's not bad just having two, but three is it's kind of not a good rounded number, you know, but for some reason that third spot we just keep rotating, we kept changing people, like now our new third.

Speaker 1:

You didn't get to meet him today. He couldn't make it because, unfortunately, he had to watch his son. But, um, he would have been here, otherwise he would have met our third co-host, which is furious.

Speaker 3:

But then this this room would have been a lot, a little blacker.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because he was because he was. He was black too. He's black too. It was black too too. He is black too, is black too. But he's going to watch this like bro. What the fuck were y'all on in that episode?

Speaker 3:

I don't know bro.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you Tatiana brought it in, bro, tatiana, not Tatiana. All right, anyway, yeah, yeah, so that's.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'll sing the song. That's all right.

Speaker 1:

That'd be the imagine that was her intro when she came in. We just played have her walk, bro, come and do the come to the little knee move you did earlier behind camera she's like what the fuck? I'm a dancer there you go exactly. Hey, man, it's you, but it's like you know so that. And then, um, you know, so this isn't such a long story to tell. Um, the clothing line has always been a dream of mine, so timeless empire is the name of the brand that I'm working on.

Speaker 4:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

And that's why I came up with the name Timeless Talk. So Timeless Talk comes from Timeless Empire. I was like how can I make a podcast that ties in with the clothing line? And it clicked. So I had Timeless Empire first and then Timeless Talk. I was like it just makes sense and I didn't want the podcast to be about one thing. So that's why our podcast, every episode, is different. You literally watch us in any order, you know. Yeah, it really don't matter, yeah, yeah. But I'll let you give you his point. He's been my most loyal co-host. He's been here since the restart, I guess you could say because my original co-host. We had him come on as a guest because you know he moved away so he unfortunately can't do it with us. Otherwise he would have been back for sure and he probably would have been number three for sure If he was still here. Armstrong would still be very much a part of this. But anyway, I'll let you now take over and give her your perspective on it.

Speaker 3:

It's not, it's not too different than what he said. You know they pitched me the idea. You know AJ had an old podcast that they're trying to revive. You know we want you to be a part of it. So I was like, okay, that'd be cool, tried it out. I was really nervous for the first episode.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if the first episode was 90 or the Targaryen, oh no 90 was the second episode.

Speaker 3:

That was the number two, yeah so the first one was the Walmartian, or Targaryen, that we were talking about earlier, that was the first one, I was low-key nervous, but I was low-key nervous. But then you know, you sit down in front of the camera and realize it don't bite.

Speaker 1:

So you know it just becomes natural All right, you're actually our most comfortable guest in front of the camera.

Speaker 3:

Really, at least at first, that was at least never nervous to start off.

Speaker 1:

I mean they all warm up to it. You can see it at first, when the episode first starts. If you look at our guests, usually they're just like Stiff as hell.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're just super stiff.

Speaker 1:

But then, as the episode goes on, yeah, they start to get comfortable, yeah you just came in violent.

Speaker 4:

I've been comfortable with the camera.

Speaker 1:

She just came in violent. I knew he was going to say that, come on, bro.

Speaker 4:

I am not a violent person.

Speaker 1:

I have no clue what he's talking about.

Speaker 4:

She came in. I don't either.

Speaker 3:

Boom, boom, boom, See I know?

Speaker 1:

Look at her face, bro. She's even lost. Right now she's like where?

Speaker 2:

did she come in unloading bro?

Speaker 1:

He's accusing you of this girl. He's saying you came in here like I was like damn bro, really like that. Dropped the shells on the ground too. Like she just said, she's reloading Hurry hide, bro, she's here, I'm dropping real quick.

Speaker 2:

You're all right.

Speaker 1:

You just all you hear is, and then it's the.

Speaker 2:

It's the.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the loading the clip. You load the clip. The fact that I know how to do it, the fact that you know how to do it, and then all you hear is he just oh shit, she's ready, bro. I'm like oh fuck, yeah, man. So the fact that you know how to reload a clip girl, that's everything.

Speaker 4:

No, yeah, I was taught at a very young age.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so you were taught how to use a weapon.

Speaker 4:

So you showed up, okay, well, I was in a military program, so oh, were you actually in a branch or you just? I was in the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps oh wow, okay Well, thank you for your.

Speaker 1:

Did you actually do service or time, service time, or were you?

Speaker 4:

just gone. I didn't join the military, I didn't want to.

Speaker 1:

She's like I was in ROTC damn it.

Speaker 4:

No, I was not ROTC.

Speaker 2:

Hey hey, hey.

Speaker 4:

There's a difference.

Speaker 2:

Okay you're right. I'm sorry. I don't want to be disrespectful, Please please don't.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm sorry, I don't want to disrespect you. My bad You're right, you're right.

Speaker 3:

Show some respect for our ROTC veterans.

Speaker 4:

Oh no, Are you an ROTC veteran?

Speaker 2:

Don't tell me you are bro. That's right, I'm out bro. I'm out Air.

Speaker 1:

Force Mic drop, man bro, I didn't know that ROTC.

Speaker 3:

Air Force.

Speaker 1:

What he said Air Force Yours truly. He said, let me get it straight Air.

Speaker 4:

Force. So you were Air Force, I was Navy.

Speaker 1:

He said Air oh shit. Air Force is better. But Well, hey, thank you anyway. Both of you, even you arrogant-ass motherfucker over there, decided to talk about his, his aviation hey, you brought it up, were you really were you really in in the branch, though, or were you like in a class at school?

Speaker 2:

bro, just a class at school bro oh no, mine was an outside program, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I had to go Mondays and Saturdays.

Speaker 3:

She said and I did boot camp. Congratulations, wait hold on. You plagued yourself, we still got we still got booted up every Tuesday or Wednesday.

Speaker 4:

Damn, that don't mean shit.

Speaker 3:

It does mean something. We was over there suited.

Speaker 1:

If y'all saw my drills oh hell, how were your drills Enlighten this man?

Speaker 4:

Oh they were insane. They would actually treat us like we were in the military.

Speaker 1:

Wow, yeah, so they would. They're pretty accurate. They did the same to us too, oh man.

Speaker 4:

Because our sergeants I believe you, bro.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 4:

No, our sergeants were actual, like military men.

Speaker 1:

Actually involved in it.

Speaker 4:

And ours was too.

Speaker 1:

He's like wait a minute.

Speaker 4:

No, no, but they got to soften it up for y'all at school.

Speaker 3:

No, that's not true.

Speaker 4:

We were yelled at in our face. We were literally at in our face. We were literally like we had to run around with sandbags on our back.

Speaker 3:

Damn. Well, we didn't do the sandbags, but we had to run the mile in less than six minutes.

Speaker 1:

No, fuck that Damn. He said that's just light work. That ain't the same shit.

Speaker 4:

It's light work, man, I.

Speaker 3:

That sandbag is afraid of me.

Speaker 1:

He said the sandbag is afraid of me. He said the sandbag is afraid of me no, no, no, we have, we have people.

Speaker 3:

I mean I ain't gonna tear you down, but like it it was a little it's already hard for people that was in rtc damn right I need to take off. Y'all give us a bed of roses too. That's all right, bro, you know what you're right man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, give us. I won't hit you with this, bro, don't worry. Give me the roses, bro. I got you bro. I'm sorry, there you go, my boy, someone can't clap roses for you, thank you good job, good job.

Speaker 4:

We're proud of you for my contribution to was that like an elective in?

Speaker 1:

high school yeah, I, I think so yeah I was an elective. Hell yeah, I was an elective.

Speaker 2:

Nice, that's interesting, damn okay.

Speaker 1:

Theater, theater, theater, yeah okay, that's cool, that was your. I remember I had that, I had theater and I also had fucking home economics he's over there eating mini cake bro I learned how to. I learned how to make a little mini bag. I mean, I used to partake in the marriage of wanna back in the day.

Speaker 3:

I ain't gonna lie, not no more just pass me old, aj you never smoked. Well, back then did you smoke?

Speaker 1:

come on, you know you talked a little bit, don't lie. Look at her, you feel it. She feel a cat, bro, you know she did. Anyway, she's like. I'm not going to say yes, I cannot confirm nor deny that statement.

Speaker 4:

I stay quiet.

Speaker 1:

Uh-huh, we'll take that. That's fine. You have the right to reserve silence.

Speaker 4:

What's MS called bro.

Speaker 3:

In court when you.

Speaker 4:

Plead the fifth.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no, no, no there's. There's another one where it's like you're guilty, but you're not gonna admit it I forgot what it's called.

Speaker 2:

No contest. Yeah, yeah, no contest. She's like. He's like how many fucking courtrooms have you been in?

Speaker 1:

he's like how many fucking courtrooms are you like.

Speaker 4:

You know the lingo and shit your ass been in every courtroom how many?

Speaker 3:

yeah, I didn't say I did it, but I didn't say I did.

Speaker 1:

He's like how many courtrooms you've been in.

Speaker 3:

So you know, I know, bro, no contest, not because I heard somebody do that. That's how you do it and I'm like what's that? I'm like what's that.

Speaker 1:

Well, they usually explain that to you in the court. The courtroom will tell you if you're not guilty.

Speaker 3:

You're the guilty, not guilty, or no contest. No contest it's saying I see, with the information that you have, how you can see it like that, but I'm not going to say nothing.

Speaker 1:

Basically, that's what it is You're saying, like, all right, I'm not going to admit saying I'm guilty, but I'll just take the consequences.

Speaker 3:

You got me and usually you know what's crazy about that?

Speaker 1:

Usually the judges they're okay with it, they'll just reduce the fine. They'll actually give you the fine still, but they'll reduce it still. But they'll reduce it usually significantly to a point where it's like 60 bucks. Like, since you chose no contest and what we're willing to to reduce, that's severely reduced. I'm like hell, thank you, severely reduced it to zero. Why don't you just fucking cancel it? Why don't you just acquit it, bro, like because you know when they say, when they dismiss a case, that's it. I don't know if you've ever been to traffic court, but when you're in traffic court, don't ever do that girl, good, good for you, good for you you don't no speeding tickets or nothing

Speaker 1:

no none really not one, not one in your whole entire life. Wow, but I did I did have a cop.

Speaker 4:

Look at me once and shake his head like I would have got your ass.

Speaker 1:

Damn. That's cool that you let you go it's because she's a girl bro, I know you gotta pass because you're a woman.

Speaker 2:

She's like well, that's all right that's all right.

Speaker 1:

Us, had that been one of us Turn those lights on so quick?

Speaker 3:

Go ahead and twirl your hair and bite your lip, like she probably could, and see what I get you with the cop.

Speaker 4:

That's all you can do?

Speaker 1:

No, I have a resting bitch face and I've been told that when I'm driving, so then why would he let you go him a dirty? Look? He probably like I'm gonna give this girl a ticket now fuck her. She give me a dirty ass. Look, I'm gonna pull her ass over now you're speeding. Honestly, if I was that cop, I would've walked the team like girl, how you gonna speed? And look at me the way you looked at me. What the fuck I was gonna let your ass go too until you did that shit like the fuck but officer.

Speaker 3:

That's all the difference.

Speaker 1:

That's true, though yeah, it's another female cop, another hater. She might just do it oh, yeah, probably no not even, not even sex or gender.

Speaker 3:

I'm talking about if it's highway patrol or if it's a sheriff oh yeah, no, that does make a difference.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that does hella make a difference, sheriff and la pd gonna let you go they don't really care.

Speaker 1:

It's highway patrol that does it. The guys you see in the suvs?

Speaker 2:

oh, my fucking ohers will pull your ass over. They will not.

Speaker 1:

Right, sheriffs, they don't give a shit enough. They'll get behind you. They won't even run your plate. Chp got it. They'll just drive off. They don't care. Even if they did look you, they probably wouldn't even pull you.

Speaker 2:

Whatever, Well because if you're on the, do that, no, you're right. Oh, they have to call them. Oh, fuck that. No, because they can't get it to you oh, they can't.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know that. No, they can't Really. Yeah, yo, I just learned something new today. I didn't know that that's wild.

Speaker 4:

They have to call Highway.

Speaker 1:

Patrol, damn. I'm going to call you and be like girl. You lied to me.

Speaker 3:

I got a fat ass ticket.

Speaker 1:

I'm like you know what, tatiana? You're going to pay my ticket now. You paid his shit. You lied to me. This motherfucking sheriff gave me a ticket with a smile on his face, like you thought I couldn't write you one. You thought, motherfucker, that's crazy though. But from my knowledge they have to take care of the highway, or is that on regular street?

Speaker 4:

the sheriff can give you one in the regular street on the sheriff on the street, yeah yeah, they can give you a ticket okay, so just on the freeway they can't freeway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no okay, that makes sense. Now I'm gonna say so they can write tickets. Those motherfuckers can't write tickets. You just gotta, they can't write just not on the freeway, interesting. Well, that's hella off topic, but anyway, I know where the fuck did we get here? Anyway, let's just pull this shit back. Um, so more about your music. I have a few more questions for you, as I'm sure he might have as well, but did you have anything else you wanted to ask us first? Did I already ask how y'all met.

Speaker 2:

How did you guys meet? Through work oh, oh, yes, you did say, that's why we kind of threw it in there.

Speaker 1:

We threw them with the origin of the podcast yeah, okay anyway, that's, that was so. You have any other questions for us other than how we met in the podcast? If not, we can just move on no questions, okay, yeah all right.

Speaker 1:

So, um, as far as me, though, I have, I have a couple more for you. Do you have anything else? You want to ask her before I do that, or are you good to go? You go back and forth. Go back, for I'll go first, then you go. Okay, I'll pass it back to you in a second. So, with your music, right, do you want to do experimental things as well? Like as I'm watching him saying obviously you talk about you know what inspired you, right? Who inspired you, how you got into it. You got out of your comfort zone, which I'm proud of you for good. For good on you for doing that.

Speaker 1:

This is your first ever recorded track yeah wow, okay, have you been featured on anybody else's stuff or? No I haven't no, okay. So do you want to be experimental, like do you want to stick with a certain genre, like r&b, or do you, you don't mind, are you open to trying new things too?

Speaker 4:

right now I'm kind of staying comfortable, but I do want to like venture out into different genres, just because I know I'm not like vocally limited okay like I. I have a range, but that's something that I'm learning.

Speaker 1:

I'm learning like With time and reps.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You figure it out as you go.

Speaker 3:

That's good um are you willing to freestyle something for us?

Speaker 4:

damn girl you spit oh no, I can't, I can't.

Speaker 2:

The boy I don't rap.

Speaker 3:

She writes me she's freestylers and sing sing something, then acapella, something, acapella.

Speaker 4:

I want you to sing man huh oh, let me tell you this we're not, we're not, we're not here for me right. Can I say it, though Can I say it? Say what, say what you told me, dang.

Speaker 3:

I mean you could. So this boy, over here he said he can sing, you can sing.

Speaker 1:

This is news to me.

Speaker 3:

It's not news to me.

Speaker 4:

I didn't know, you he said he can sing. So, now, I want to hear it too.

Speaker 3:

So if I do it, you do it. No, we're not here for me, we're here for you.

Speaker 1:

You know what man? You can't use that scapegoat though.

Speaker 3:

I actually could. All right, fuck that, I actually could.

Speaker 1:

No, you're going to sing something I actually could. If you want to hear this girl go acapella, only in one condition gotta go first I didn't even say that part, but all right go ahead, hold on.

Speaker 3:

First of all, I didn't claim to sing, so I mean you sing too. All right everybody, I don't fucking sing. What the hell the difference?

Speaker 1:

between you and me is I know I didn't claim that shit, but you just did so I didn't claim it hey, you, as much as you know I listen to church music, you should know I I do a little. Okay, I've seen I've heard him sing along before on the radio or on his, but that's the thing I don't know but, see the difference between us two.

Speaker 3:

You actually know how to sing. You didn't had a couple people.

Speaker 1:

Now he backtracks I can't sing. I don't know. I claim to be a professional. I don't know how to sing. I claim to be a professional singer so I don't know, I didn't say all that, but I mean you dabble in it, right? So that means you must have had some type of experience in it no experience, but I've.

Speaker 3:

The only thing I've tried to do is um, like I was trying to share with you is um, I would listen to, like maybe let's say like I start off with five songs, I'd learn the lyrics to those five songs and then like, not really sing, but I would say more of like imitate.

Speaker 3:

So if they hit a note, I try to imitate that note. Or if they just, however they sing the song, I try to imitate that. So it's not much, it's not really singing, but it's like I could sing that song. Yeah, pretty much, I get you. It's not much, it's not really singing, but it's like I could sing that song.

Speaker 3:

Yeah pretty much, I get you but I need the, I need the. The thing with me is like I don't have the, I don't have any control, like I could only sing that song if I'm listening to that song, if that makes sense so you sing along, I just sing along like, for example, if I, if I were to pop an earphone in, I could sing as confident as like if I didn't have it in and I wasn't listening to the song, if that makes sense, because I can't keep up with the rhythm it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding, it makes sense. I'm trolling.

Speaker 4:

I was being honest.

Speaker 3:

I was agreeing with you. Well, the singer. The singer understood what I was saying.

Speaker 4:

The singer not the non-s, the singer, singer was being nice no, no, but I do get what you're saying about saying about the whole. You can't follow the melody, yeah naturally no, Really no.

Speaker 1:

Like singing along with it.

Speaker 3:

No, I got it. I have to hear it. I can't sing it. If I'm not hearing it, I can't sing it.

Speaker 4:

So he's saying he can do acapella.

Speaker 1:

Acapella, can you do it, though I was spelling it in my head.

Speaker 3:

Acapella, can you do it? Though I was spelling it in my head, she's like I can't do acapella, that is. That is how it's spelled, though.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so so so can you do acapella then?

Speaker 3:

can you do it yeah? Yeah do it. Well, if she, if she did her song, she, she had to know how to do it. That's true, you did okay, I'm gonna do that

Speaker 1:

one no dude, just do a freestyle.

Speaker 4:

Because lately I've been seeing Lucky Days. Do that, then Love you Too Much.

Speaker 1:

Is it Too Much?

Speaker 4:

you've been doing it no it's called Love you Too Much.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, do it then. Do it All right, hold on. Are you cool with putting it on the spot like that? Hey?

Speaker 4:

watch it. Watch it be all bad right now.

Speaker 2:

I mean, hey, this is prerecorded, mulligan. Um, all right, it's a shame for you, it's a shame for me, it's a blame on you. I could say the same for me. After the wrong is there a right? I cannot look into your eyes. This is the truth that I can't fight. I love you too much. There you go, that's good.

Speaker 3:

That little round was a little off no no Tripping, that's crazy, you really do be a harshest critic she is bro.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I want to keep the second and that one, bro, and that one both Hell yeah.

Speaker 4:

Me trying it multiple times.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. That sounded good, me trying it multiple times. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

That's not like good or the a you sound like your cousin, right, and that's I'm gonna go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I told you it peaks just a little bit, but no, trust me, you didn't sound like her at all until, like there's certain, certain aspects.

Speaker 3:

I told you didn't, I tell you yeah it comes in randomly it happened earlier too.

Speaker 1:

I didn't say it though, Really yeah, while you were talking, Just a little bit Not. But when you sing, though that's totally. That's all you girl, that's your sound. You know what I mean? Yeah, that sounded good, but you have your little. How do you explain it?

Speaker 4:

I don't want to say tendencies but like it's probably guys, it's just, it's in the yeah it's in the voice or just the way you guys talk.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 4:

I guess we well we hung out so much for like a whole year that I feel like I did. She kind of did rub off on me, but that might be it too. Yeah, yeah, but I feel like, just the way I talk, I got more from, like, my family that lives out in the bay area okay, so maybe she got it from you then no, no, I was thinking, I was thinking it could be one of those things that cousins do amongst themselves but then they also start doing it with like friends as well.

Speaker 4:

Once like I'm like around someone for such a long time, like, and once they rub off on me, it's just gonna be everywhere. Yeah, that's just gonna. It's part of me now yeah, that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

It's not a bad thing, no, no, but hey, by the way, though you are tripping, though that sounded good, that's last time, right, and the only reason why the other ones were bad takes, the first one and the third one is because you stopped singing.

Speaker 4:

That's why it made it bad see, okay, when I record at home, because I have like my own little like at home setup, I do that same shit.

Speaker 1:

Really well, that makes sense, because you're trying to and you listen to yourself like fine, do it better, I'll do it better, I'll do it better yeah and then you'd be surprised. Actually, you wouldn't be surprised, you know, because now you do this, you do the whole. You're involved in music. How many people take so many takes over and over again? You're not the only one who does it. Trust me, rappers do that shit. I'm gonna go harder, bro. Fuck that, I mean let's record it.

Speaker 1:

Let's record it again. They do it a lot. I highly doubt they do one. Take some of them do. Some of them claim they do, but I don't believe that shit bro. No, hell, no you, because that's on the wax forever. You know what I mean. So if you don't sound a certain way, you're gonna want to redo it, naturally, because you're like that didn't sound, that didn't come out right, that didn't come out how I wanted it to. So you know, but it sounded good, I liked it.

Speaker 4:

Good job on you but still, I noticed I do shit, thank you, thank you that's good, I do shit that never actually shows up vocals really yeah, I can't, because there's this one song by I don't know if you guys know she just like more pop, falzia you guys I've heard the name before. Yeah, it sounds familiar oh dude, her fucking runs she's dope.

Speaker 1:

I love seeing the long hair stuff hey, that's where your inspirations come from, then. Right, so you have. I'm sure you said, obviously, nappy was what was your biggest one, right? But you're saying you have. Do you have any other? Is there any other female vocalists that you look up to that you're like man. I don't want to be like her, but she inspires me to do what I'm doing now oh okay, kiana lede kiana lede, kiana lede okay, cool.

Speaker 1:

I think I've heard her before. Sounds familiar. Maybe not Listen to her. She sounds familiar. I'll check her out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, she's done a lot of collaborations too.

Speaker 1:

All right, that's probably where I might have seen that name or heard it before, for sure.

Speaker 3:

No, I haven't heard the name.

Speaker 1:

No, fool you never.

Speaker 3:

It's turn to ask a question. Um so, how long are you coming on now?

Speaker 4:

of like taking those singing classes. Are you still doing them? I stopped, I stopped and I'm not gonna lie, it's because of financial stuff hey, that gets in the way vocal lessons like they're pricey yeah, pricey, but shit man.

Speaker 1:

The equipment to record this shit is not easy.

Speaker 3:

But it's an investment.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, it's not cheap, so not easy.

Speaker 3:

It's not cheap. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's not cheap, Especially if we were doing it in Studio City. I could just imagine the prices.

Speaker 4:

But I think because they were taking so many students, the pricing honestly wasn't that bad compared to other places that I had seen which is why I stuck with with it fair.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I'm so grateful.

Speaker 4:

Like the vocal coach, she recorded each session so I can listen back to it and I can do my vocal. That's dope.

Speaker 1:

So now you, you know, now you can kind of see it right. Okay, this is how I did this. I did the warm-up, so I did this so now I go back and do it again on my own if I need to smart how long did you do it for?

Speaker 4:

I did it for like four or five months, okay.

Speaker 1:

That's not bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's cool. So you still got a good amount out of it, so you can still use. Even though you stopped for a little bit, you can still use that, apply it to whenever you make a new track or, eventually, live performances. Right, you would like to go on tour eventually, right? Eventually with a project.

Speaker 1:

That'd be cool, that's in the future, right when I get you know. I'm saying I see that we speak, we manifest things right, we put it out there. So I I had another, unless you have another question ready for arrives, and that's I want to ask you oh well, the second part of that was like just just how, um, what was each session?

Speaker 3:

what was it like? Like just the price, I guess the pricing yeah well or was it monthly?

Speaker 4:

it was per session. Per session, that's usually how they do it studio yeah so I would pay, like I think, just under 300 that sounds about right, or?

Speaker 1:

yeah, bro, that's up dog for three, one sessions, that's what Damn bro. I mean, it's only $100 an hour.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

They can charge it, bro. I'm telling you, they can charge it, but as long as you feel like you're getting equipped with things that you can actually use in your career, that you know it's lucrative. I'm sure you figured that out after a first lesson or two, like, okay, this is actually worth it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Otherwise, yeah, otherwise yeah, or else I would have been like bye, like that's a lot, damn how much for an hour, saying the tattoo shit I ain't paying that much for nah. So as long as you're getting you know, you're getting the value out of it. That's what matters, that's the most important part. That's cool you know what I mean?

Speaker 3:

yeah, that's dope, that's cool. At least it was no contracts or like you have to stay in there until that part. No, yeah, exactly that could have been the case too, so yeah that's good real bad.

Speaker 1:

So my next question for you was uh, so memnock, off the record, has told me like he looks forward to eventually having you convincing you to get on a project with him, whether it's his project that we're currently working on or something in the future. Can you, can you let us know about anything that's going on with that, or is that still gonna just be a secret? Because he didn't. He asked. He never necessarily told me he's going to watch this. Like, why are you asking her that question? Do you have an idea what it is yet? Or you guys are just talking? It's kind of just too early to even say yet.

Speaker 4:

It's way too early, it's just like yeah. Cause I know he did call me yesterday. Um, we had a conversation about some stuff. But yeah, he said he's, he wants to work. So I'm like I'm all in for it. Fuck, yeah, he's so good.

Speaker 1:

so hey, that's that's gonna be. Yeah, good help for you too. Right, help boost your, get some vocals on somebody else's.

Speaker 1:

That could only do nothing but help you promote your you know, yeah, projecting the right direction, yeah all right, cool, I mean, I don't have anything else other than that. Those are the questions I really have for you as far as what you're doing musically. I look forward to what you got coming soon. Before we wrap up the episode, I'm going to ask you to put your little plugs in there and let the world know what you got going on in your life, where they can follow you to follow your music. Where to find you, at what platforms are you on that kind of thing, you know?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I am currently located anywhere and everywhere. I'm just kidding. You can follow me on Instagram. It's B-Y Natalie, with four E's at the end. That is my first name.

Speaker 1:

There you go, dang the government I'm just kidding.

Speaker 4:

Government name the government name yo Not Alonzo, not Alonzo, damn.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, put that shot in there, throw it in there real quick.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, that's me on IG, same thing on X, formerly Twitter. And then let's see where else TikTok, same exact name.

Speaker 1:

And then let's see where else TikTok same exact name and you can listen to my music on Apple Music, spotify and just any streaming services Well, basically, where they can listen to us at they can listen to you Cool.

Speaker 4:

Makes it easy Do you have a YouTube or anything like that YouTube. I still need to verify my artist account, because that one was the trickiest one when it came down to verifying. Ok, so that one, I'm in the works, ok well, it's in the process, though.

Speaker 1:

That's good. All right, we look forward to it. What about you, bro? Do you have any? You have any final tidbits? I'm glad that you put that in there. That was your final tidbit, right? Yeah, ok, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm done. I'm done, no more, that's it.

Speaker 1:

I'm done Well, we appreciate that. Thank you very much for that. Thanks again for being on Timeless Talk. It means a lot to us. Thank you for coming out. You know what I mean. All right, bro, what about you, mr Slideshow? Until the first bonus episode of the off-season, what do you want to leave our listeners and viewers with, sir?

Speaker 3:

I would say you know, you got two living examples right here, People chasing their dreams. You got one doing clothing brand, another one upcoming singer. Just let that be motivation for you guys to do what you want to do in life and not to give up on it.

Speaker 1:

Appreciate that, bro. Hey man, that was love man, you know, Love man, you know. And what I want to say about that too is that with the merch in the clothing line, this was an up and down year. He knows why. You know, I recently lost my dad, this past.

Speaker 4:

May right.

Speaker 1:

So it's been a rough one. He's been close to the family for it and it kind of threw us off. So we were supposed to get things in line and have merch ready for not only to the not only timeless empire. But timeless talk was supposed to have its own set of merch too, and that just kind of threw everything off.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean Finances wise and financially, you know yeah yeah, I don't want to say bigger things to pay for, but you got you got other obligations that acquire your attention and money at the time and so, unfortunately, you know, you got to put money into that. So that's a little bit of a setback, but it's just a setback for a great comeback, that's right. So season five, we're just going to come back with new energy and hopefully more consistency. Right, have stuff for them to see and be able to purchase, have some links for you guys for the clothing line. So I do appreciate that shout out.

Speaker 1:

But season five I look to come back charged up, not just like how J Cole said it. He's powered up, ready to swat some flies. I'm we're going to come back powered up as well and just ready to. You know, take, take this podcast world by storm and hopefully, you know, get this merch ready and right and clothing and everything. You know what I'm saying. So that's my really tidbit for you guys is thank you guys for your you know watching us and listening to us because, like I don't know, tatiana doesn't know this but we have more of a listener audience than a viewership. So the viewership is starting to catch up, but most of our streams come through spotify. Most people fuck with us through audio, which I'm not mad at. Hey, that's still. I think they're just on the go, on the go, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

yeah, they should take us for the goal, the hot, the hot, uh, what you call it challenge they had me do last time, almost killed me. So so Facts Sorry.

Speaker 1:

What he's rubbing.

Speaker 2:

Again. He's like the hot challenge the hot challenge that we did last time.

Speaker 1:

I was ready to violate this term off, Bro. You were violating it already, bro. You're like, she's like, my leg is next Fuck.

Speaker 4:

Like hold on.

Speaker 1:

She's over here hugging the fucking. I slowly move it over. I know I I sleep. I slowly see it's going closer. It goes into the armrest Like Bro, you Are you gonna touch my leg next? And what's going on?

Speaker 3:

I'm a victim Of my circumstance.

Speaker 1:

It's okay, bro, we love you, dog, it's all good.

Speaker 2:

Thank you but.

Speaker 1:

These bros, just this couch makes you Want to do that shit, low key.

Speaker 3:

I don't feel the urge for that, no but, it's soft though right, you like it, but she's like I just don't feel the urge to. I think no, my boy likes the zigzags.

Speaker 1:

You like a little zigzag?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I genuinely think it's just my adhd it might be that because I mean, I was, I was doing this when I sat in the furniture store and tried it out. You know, I was just like this is nice. I didn't come home and just let's watch this movie, baby.

Speaker 3:

I'm slowly moving over to her leg like look, okay, should I try that with my what you're suggesting you make it look weird Like I'm not going in circles.

Speaker 2:

I'm going up and down bro.

Speaker 1:

That's even worse, he said, I'm not going in circles. Ain't no circular motion over here?

Speaker 3:

Right, you have to put the emphasis, like bouncing with it. You're like bro, I'm just, you see this for watching the movie this girl next to him.

Speaker 1:

he's like let's watch this movie, baby, Come on.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, yeah, I'm running in the chair, not even her. He's watching the chair Like this chair feels great. How about this?

Speaker 1:

Anyway, all right, man Okay.

Speaker 2:

Perfect Thank you I appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit, that's funny, man. Okay, so yeah, with the audio listeners Spotify guys, the Apple Music, apple Podcast this has been Timeless Talk. We'll see you guys in the first offseason episode in a month or so. See you guys then. Stay tuned.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, live performance. Behind all the shit, you tell me, Is she on your mind when you're right, okay live performance.

Speaker 4:

Bitches on your side it was such a go Told me you was working, but you with that other hoe.

Speaker 1:

That's your part. He's your backup dancer.

Speaker 4:

He's like the fact that I just hopped on.

Speaker 1:

Nah, that's cool. I'm glad you did yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's my voice guys, that's all right, we'll require a.

Speaker 4:

That's a performance.

Speaker 1:

No, we got one, dan. We owe her some money now, bro, we owe her some money. We owe her a check now.

Speaker 3:

We owe her a bag.

Speaker 1:

I got some quarters in my car all right, we'll see y'all later. Man all right, I'll see y'all later. Have a good, we'll see y'all then. Take care and timeless talk later.

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