Timeless Talk

😈😇⚡️Navigating Murky Currents: Corruption, Faith & the Quest for Authenticity

AJ, SlideShow, Fur1ous & SG Ling Ling Season 4 Episode 9

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Ever find yourself questioning the integrity of the world around you, or why the promise of a better tomorrow often gets tangled in the webs of corruption? Our latest episode is a deep dive into the complexities of deceitful actions in society and their impact on our moral compass. Joined by the fiercely opinionated Co-Host Fur1ous, the insightful Ling Ling, & our ever-incisive other Co-Host SlideShow, we navigate the murky waters of corruption, from the workplace to the sacred halls of the church.

Hold onto your seats as we unpack the authenticity of romantic connections and the challenges single mothers face in raising kids. Return guest Ling Ling brings a personal touch to the dialogue, igniting a fiery debate on her personal economic disparities & the true meaning of her wealth. We dissect the essence of relationships, both within and outside of marriage, & challenge traditional norms against the backdrop of modern society's shifting morality. It's an unfiltered exchange of ideas that invites you to reflect on your own beliefs and experiences.

Rounding out the conversation, we grapple with the intersection of artificial intelligence, spirituality, and the enigmatic identity of public figures. As we discuss the role of logic, emotion, & spirituality in confronting life's adversities, prepare for a robust debate on miracles, faith, and our shared quest for truth. This episode is a milestone for our podcast, celebrating the diverse and unapologetically honest perspectives that make our show a journey of discovery. Join us as we continue to push boundaries & embrace the eclectic mix of themes that define our search for understanding in a complex world.

*Corruption in the World
*The Complexity of Tithing & Faith
*Corruption & Deception in Everyday Life
*Discussing Insecurity & Relationship Dynamics
*Corruption & Economic Disparity Experiences
*Discussion on Wealth & Work Ethic
*Discussion on Corruption & Relationships
*AI & Spiritual Beliefs
*Logic, Emotion & Spirituality
*Debating Miracles & Jesus
*Opposition & Defensiveness
*The Future of the Podcast

*Intro Beat Credit: Memnoc (Picasso)*
*Outro Beat Credit: JJ got Beatz*

Speaker 1:

And welcome back to the conversation. It never ends. This is Timeless Talk. I'm your host, aj, and man, today is going to be a loaded episode. I think. I hope you're all ready for it. I hope you're all ready for it, man, we're going to start off with announcements first. Man, so I had to wait for Slychil to come back, you already know. So, to my left, we got Furious.

Speaker 3:

George Floyd in his ass. This is Black.

Speaker 1:

Yo, you had to go right. Okay, all right, yo, so we got Furious over there on the far left, all right, and right here directly to my left. You know we have, we have the lovely Ling Ling. Do you want to stick with that now that you're?

Speaker 2:

there we have a lovely Ling Ling. We're going to go feminine with it, unless you want something else, I like it.

Speaker 1:

I'm just kidding. That's great, I like it. Did someone catch that the Asian driver? No, I'm just kidding. I got a lovely Ling Ling. I went and said you didn't hear the car accident just now.

Speaker 3:

Don't feel bad, no no, no, don't feel bad, because when she's ready, she's going to snap back. Don't feel bad.

Speaker 1:

And she probably is, but it's okay she knows it's love. She knows it's love. Let me get on, let me hop off this, uh, this broadcaster microphone that I got right now. I could talk this way the whole time, but I don't want to do that. I don't want to say that.

Speaker 3:

I actually got used to it. I actually I don't really know, Did you all really get used to it?

Speaker 1:

I feel like I was talking to a whole.

Speaker 3:

like you know, Honestly, it's because I was going with.

Speaker 1:

It's because you got, bro. Like the little echo in my voice does it sound like? Oh, clean up on. Am I talking to you in a grocery store somewhere in the Midwest, or am I just being a stadium projector? You know what I'm saying, anyway, no, I'm back in the studio with y'all man.

Speaker 3:

That's Loki.

Speaker 1:

House on that Walmart that is how it sounds like. It's like can I get a clean up on? Someone broke. Someone spilled some pickles. Someone spilled some pickles on the floor. They brought the pickles. Someone had to clean it up. Slice. No, okay, I'm done. We're done with the bullshit. Sorry, we drank a little bit of y'all.

Speaker 2:

You didn't see.

Speaker 1:

We feel a little good here today. On time, let's talk. You know what I'm saying. I wasn't really sure how we were going to make this episode go. Appreciate Ling Ling showing up last minute like this out of nowhere, but she's down to come on. If you guys remember, she was on episode five, episode five of season four, and she brought her perspective on you know, her female perspective, I should say on some relationship topics and dating nowadays. We're going to have a part two to that. Still, if you all watched that episode, you know what it ended abruptly, and we didn't really, we didn't really get to finish it. It was a long episode, but I say abruptly because we didn't even get to get to outros. As Slice said, do better women and just it went to part two at that point Do better. So we're not going to pick that up right now though, unless y'all want to make this to part two episode.

Speaker 3:

We might cross over, okay.

Speaker 1:

With that being said, though, we're going to go ahead and get into today's topic. You guys, we're going to talk about corruption in the world. Nowadays, that could be anything from workplace corruption, organized crime, just general corruption within the day to day basis. Do you feel like we, as people, are corrupted in some way? Do we? Do we carry ourselves not as legitimate as we should sometimes? Do you think that culture has something to do with it? It's a personal choice. People, there's, there's this deception always happening lies. Life is filled with it. This you can go all over the place with this topic, so I'm going to go ahead and pass the microphone over to Slice, so first, if he's not too lit, the original co-host, and then we're going to go with with, with our new guys over here on the left, our new, our new roster. Right, our official roster.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not roster like you think.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not like that, not like you think, but you know the same starting five, but it's starting five. You went there with that roster but what are your thoughts on? Corruption man. What do you, what? What aspect of it have you experienced and what do you want to talk? Which part of it do you want to talk about today?

Speaker 3:

Well, like I said when we was discussing before the show, it depends on like it's a broad field to talk about, very broad.

Speaker 1:

Because when you say corruption.

Speaker 3:

You can be talking about the workplace. You can be talking about church. You can talk about religion.

Speaker 1:

So which one do you want to delve into to discuss with us tonight, because there's so many broad ones, you're right.

Speaker 3:

You know what, if I had to choose one, I would probably say the church, because I was.

Speaker 3:

this is actually something that I've been talking about my mom, with my mom with, and it's actually about like referring to, like you know, when people come to like doing offerings, and you know when it comes to giving a church, kind of stuff like that like if the Bible says you have to give a certain amount of money, or, like you know and my mom gave me a certain book to read which is Malachi, but I actually didn't look into it yet but yeah, but but it's like it's, you know, give you a little 10% of a paycheck or whatever the case may be, Like if you're making 5,000, like 10%, 10% 10% is a lot. 10% is not how much is 10%.

Speaker 4:

10% is a lot.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, but just like, okay, okay, okay, let's get into it, let's get into it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, here we go. If you say, if you say, 10% is a lot right, uh-huh, compare that 10% to what God does for you.

Speaker 1:

Now do you say that that is corrupt, giving it all to the church not knowing where it's really going, or is it all for tithing and offering? Because I don't know if we're going to talk about tithing.

Speaker 3:

Let me oppose your question with another question. Right? So when, when you think about 10%, is it 10% you got to give one time, or is it something that you have to give every time? You get paid? Sounds like every time.

Speaker 4:

That's like you know how, like on the church I don't know, like for a Catholic church, they usually have, like they give out this envelope and it says you have to check it. So you're like you do it like monthly, do it like weekly and it's.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

So that's why I say 10% is a lot.

Speaker 3:

Well, it depends because the churches do like. Are you giving tithes, are you giving offering, are you giving a gift to the pastor or like they have? Like different boxes to check. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, so it's like, and then. And then somebody asked me is it like? Cause when you go back to it biblically, it was like there was, there was this one figure in the Bible that, like they, only, they only give that 10% one time, versus the modern church gives that 10% every month, every time you get paid.

Speaker 4:

My thing is do you guys? Actually believe that that goes towards what's it? Okay, it's a whole blessing, he's a whole church.

Speaker 3:

Well, when you say that, when you say that you mean, like, does it actually go towards something that like something towards God, right, fuck, no.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So okay, Does it actually go towards?

Speaker 4:

God Hell. No, it's a question.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I give it a furious meaning, but let me honestly what they say is.

Speaker 3:

What they say is God sees your heart, even if that money is meant for something evil.

Speaker 4:

God sees my heart.

Speaker 3:

So you donated. So you donated. God know you meant good intentions for that.

Speaker 1:

I see what he's saying. No, I mean, he's even doing something different with it. You know what I'm saying? That's his soul. Yeah, that's true. So God has still blessed you for that. Yeah, if he does some shit like he's just carnal with it.

Speaker 3:

Even though he got his Bentley with it. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

That's what he's going to do.

Speaker 4:

That makes sense, yeah, but does it only count when I give that 10% to the church?

Speaker 3:

or or the 10%. What else would it go to?

Speaker 4:

For example, like actual other people actually probably needs it. They gave me, not the church.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's.

Speaker 4:

If the church keeps on getting bigger and bigger, but yeah, people are still sinning.

Speaker 3:

That's also something God challenges us to do. He said to support the homeless.

Speaker 4:

But that's something separate. We're supporting the pastor.

Speaker 5:

People are still homeless, though, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Anyway, people are still homeless.

Speaker 1:

He said people are still homeless, though that hasn't gotten solved yet.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, yeah, no, but in Revelations it speaks about how, if you don't do these things because you know there's people that come up with their excuses like, oh, I didn't feed them because there's that in the third, they might use it for drugs and stuff like that. But he tells them as much as you didn't help out the homeless, you didn't help out me, right? So it's like it's a double-edged sword.

Speaker 5:

It is, it is.

Speaker 3:

That's what I was going to say it is, bro. So it's like you kind of got to use your discernment when you're dealing with things like that. Yeah, you know, because it's just like if, when the homeless people are holding the signs, that says you know what worked for food, I'd be like, okay, that makes this real.

Speaker 5:

Right, but that's, but the thing is okay. So, going off off what you said, but that's why people who are donating, they should be, they should be well educated in, like you know, the scripture, to know what they're doing, and not just do it blindly. Oh, like, oh, like.

Speaker 3:

I'm just doing it Just because it says it Exactly, exactly.

Speaker 5:

There's going to be more, more meaning behind it, but not everyone does that. They just go and follow the crowd.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Because some of those, some of these people, they think like if we're going to give more, then we have better chances to go to heaven.

Speaker 5:

Exactly, and you can't, and you can't buy your way into heaven.

Speaker 1:

No, you can't.

Speaker 5:

But that's, that's why they.

Speaker 1:

there can't be confusion about the tithes, but that that whole country, but you agree though it can't. There can't be, because that's some people might have that confusion straight up. But I tied every Sunday, lord See, but look why did you leave me here, Lord?

Speaker 3:

But that's not that's that doesn't say anything about it. You didn't give 10%, yeah, but the scripture, but look, see, look.

Speaker 4:

Do you do it weekly or monthly? No, I guess that's what. That's what happens.

Speaker 3:

It's not, it's not about being able See cause people say. People say, oh, you're not this, you're not that, because you don't read the Bible. Right, yeah, but it's not just reading the Bible.

Speaker 1:

You got to understand it because the Bible says no, I know, of course, that's what I'm saying. Interpretations, everything.

Speaker 3:

But the Bible says, it plainly, says not by works alone.

Speaker 5:

It's not about just what you do, it's faith and works.

Speaker 1:

It's how you do it, too right.

Speaker 3:

It's one of the things where I don't know, it's just, it's just, it's complicated. It definitely is. Well, it cause, like I could say, I could say I did this for my dad because it makes him happy, and then I just I just did this to my dad cause, like you know, I wanted to. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, it's like it's a willingness, it's, it's basically how genuine, it's genuine, right Cause it's just like I could say I'm sorry for doing this, but am I just saying it?

Speaker 3:

because I'm actually sorry, right, or just because I know that's how I could get back in good relationships with you. So what is it?

Speaker 4:

What we're talking about, the corruption of actually like. For example, how would you guys feel if you know you give your blessings? People give their blessings and at the end of the mass they usually like, or in between the sermon or the math, they always say like oh, thank you for your, thank you for your donations, bob. This is going to go towards the church, but but you don't know what they do with the money.

Speaker 3:

Right, that's what you're getting. You're saying how?

Speaker 1:

do we feel about it If that's not what it looks like?

Speaker 4:

Cause it's more of like, just like I said, Catholic church. They do that they pretty much not ask, like they're pretty much asked for donations so they could better the church, not even to give back to the community, Because they think like giving back to communities, having like a better church. It's for the business. Okay, it's a business though.

Speaker 3:

But but that's the thing though, cause God said. God says that man looks at the outward appearance, but he looks at the inward appearance. I see, I see what you're trying to do with your heart in donating or whatever you're doing. Even though they do, they use something else with the money, or whatever the case means.

Speaker 4:

So, no matter what God sees it as like you're doing good.

Speaker 3:

See, cause, like there's a, there's a Bible, there's a story in the Bible that says, like Anna Nysen I think Safira was his wife they sold their house and you know they want. They basically wanted to reap the benefits of saying, like I sold my house and I gave all the money to the church, but in reality they kept half the money.

Speaker 5:

So it's the. It's basically the, the intent, the intent of the heart On the heart, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what God is looking at.

Speaker 5:

That's why he said man looks at the outward appearance, God looks at the inward appearance, but that's why it's like it's, so it's such a complicated thing to to a navigate, because it's like you don't like. People are just in different stages in their lives where they might not see everything exactly the way that it's. You know what I'm saying, bro? It's supposed to be seen like naturally, bro, we're humans, we, we.

Speaker 3:

we need to see the belief.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. But, but even then that's why he says bless those that believe what I see. But he didn't. But the thing is, bro.

Speaker 5:

Even then, bro, someone could see and believe, someone could like see something, bro, and they could find a way to not believe it. It's, it's, I don't see. I don't think seeing is is believing anymore in this day and age. I don't think it's like that. But that's where faith comes in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you need both, but I see what you're saying too, though it's just definitely so messy. Now I see what you're saying. Things are not what they seem anymore, man, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5:

The thing is is like right, right, like okay, like someone could see, let's say like you know, let's say that Jesus did like come down, yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

So so or whatever Right.

Speaker 5:

But let's say that they're atheists or whatever right, but they're like heart atheists, right. It's like, oh, yeah, jesus, whatever right. Okay, like fix my problems, and shit. He's like no, okay, you're not Jesus, but that's the or. I'm just saying it's a very it's a very poor.

Speaker 5:

It's a poor argument when I'm, when I'm, when I'm giving it right now, but I'm saying like, but I don't see someone just accepting it Like I do think most people would probably be like you know, okay, like this is true, but there's always going to be someone who's not going to. You know, like act against to the to the status quo.

Speaker 1:

No, for sure, Of course. So we kind of got low. I think we kind of like tangent.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just a little bit because.

Speaker 4:

Turned out into, not about corruption anymore, it's more like what do you believe? Do you actually believe in it or?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you kind of got us on. I gotta bring this back, guys. Yeah, that's why I didn't have my. It's not that bad, it's a good conversation, but it's not the conversation we're supposed to be having.

Speaker 3:

Oh, let's talk, Let it, let it go.

Speaker 1:

We gotta stay coordinated. Man come on, so hold up, okay.

Speaker 5:

So okay, so okay. So corruption and religion right.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah what.

Speaker 5:

That that is.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Money laundering to okay okay, what's it called the? What's it called influencing nations with a war and, like you know, like funding stuff pedophilia was a good one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's. That's more with the Catholic Church, though.

Speaker 1:

Yes that's what. That's what it was the.

Speaker 5:

Vatican bro yeah, that's this is the Vatican Church bro and then they also decided which books were gonna be in the Bible which ones we're gonna be in there, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

It gets deep, bro. Yeah, there's, there's. There's books that were removed out of the Bible other than Enoch. I didn't know about this.

Speaker 3:

I heard, supposedly supposed to be for our own. I forget to have all of those in tech the original.

Speaker 1:

Maccabees, you're something like the original Bible, you know, if I could just say this, though real quick it's, it's like I said, the way, the fact that you said it's such a broad topic, it is, I feel like corruption is literally in everything and that's kind of like, if I want to right, because it's funny, I'm not trying to just quote what what ice cube said in his album everything's corrupt.

Speaker 1:

But he's not wrong, because if you think about it, you guys and that's what I kind of want to focus on we're gonna talk, we're gonna dabble a little bit in everything. We're not gonna talk about it all today Just because it's such a big, big topic, right, but I feel like I guess what I want to do if I, if you guys, agree with this I thought I thought about it as slideshow was talking, as as you guys were talking, I Think I want to make it more so about what's the corruption that you guys see on your day-to-days, without saying any names. If you're comfortable enough to talk about it, you could say, without saying, obviously, your employer's name I know our rights, I'm gonna say it. I know our rights. We can say, we can talk about it and you know, if the shoe fucking fits.

Speaker 1:

I said in the last episode right, she says Cinderella, where that shit? If it fits, all right. We're not gonna say any names, we're not even gonna say name of companies if you guys are of y'all, y'all are comfortable enough to speak on it.

Speaker 1:

Give an example, we'll go. We'll go left right. We'll start with furious.

Speaker 3:

All right, I mean a quick brother number.

Speaker 5:

We're giving example on a corruption. Yeah, so it is, but how about?

Speaker 1:

this. Give an example. It doesn't have to be workplace we just said workplace but in your life and your day-to-day, what do you? What have you come into contact with it? What do you see Corruption-wise and what do you, what do you deal with on a day-to-day in your actual life? You know I'm saying the house corruption yes let's just do that.

Speaker 1:

Let's narrow it down to that because it's such a broad topic. Right, let's just start off. We'll make this like a little mini series if y'all want to. While corruption, just in general, this can be part one about our individual Experiences with it, you feel me. So we're gonna start with you furious. What was yours?

Speaker 5:

He'll catch up when he gets back, I'll say you know, just dealing with individuals who aren't, they're not, they don't uh, they don't keep, they don't follow their own, their own words, I'm saying like yeah, like they don't, they don't keep the word.

Speaker 5:

It's like, it's like that's a, that's a small nuance. You know, I'm saying because it's because you know it's, it's so commonplace not a lot of people don't keep the word. You know, it's like, you know saying like, you know, like white lies or whatever, those are very commonplace. It's not a, it's not a thing of, it's not really a thing of consequence like that, but it's like it hints towards, like you know, the overall corruption. I'm saying like it's still yeah, no, it is.

Speaker 5:

I'm saying Eliza, lie, I mean facts. You know, not following through with what you say you're gonna do. That's, it is what it is, you know that's still part of corruption.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 5:

But all this, all these kind of your deceptions right there with it, that's.

Speaker 1:

That's almost like in the same, it's in the same camp, you know. I mean, like you can't have corruption of deception, you got to deceive somebody for it to be part of it being corrupt, right.

Speaker 5:

So you know, whatever it is, and all this stuff, just it just compounds later on. You know I'm saying just with more, like I mean, I mean a lie turns into two, turning the four turns into eight. You know I'm saying like it's one of those things where it's a never ending, you know, like cycle, and of course it just add, it just Compounds, compounds and makes just bigger issues that have to be. It's like a house of cards.

Speaker 1:

You know facts and it grows on it, man, it's so what? What example do you have in your everyday life that you've, that you're willing to share?

Speaker 5:

You're not the drop name, okay just you know like, okay, like you know, like at my last job. Okay, it's just you know, you know bosses just like playing favorites and shit like that Absolutely and they'll have people that they know Aren't fit for the job but because they like them, you know they'll put them in a position to you know, you know run things, whatever you have to determine or everyone else.

Speaker 5:

You know that this person is giving themselves the best schedules there. You know they're Given discipline now to people that you know that haven't really. You know they don't really deserve that kind of treatment. You know, I mean it's just more like you know people being on a, on a power trip, but I can't say, but because of boss likes them, you know it's okay. You know I'm saying it's like there's no, and especially at my last job there was no HR. So you're fuck. You know I mean so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you really are.

Speaker 5:

In that case, it's kind of like yeah so you know, just just corruption, like that and like you really can't, you can't say anything, you know, unless you want to risk your, your job. You know so it's one of those Like that's the, that's the minimal, you know, but you know, on the higher end it's like even like these, you know. You know like wealthy people, you know, like they, money is power. You know, I'm saying so. They're always, usually they're gonna go For the money before they go for like the ethics, like I. I don't put it past them, no for sure.

Speaker 3:

You know, it's cool, bro, what's?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

We all. I don't know if you guys really like just set it out loud so they can know, but we all worked at the same workplace so it's like if we talk some fuck shit they know, but no, but honestly we go, honestly, like my laugh, no.

Speaker 5:

No, like my last job before, the ones that we all worked at, it was like that oh it was like that.

Speaker 3:

So I'm not.

Speaker 5:

I'm not, I'm not, you know, I'm not like. So you already seen chemtrails? I've already, yeah, I've already seen that shit. So it's not.

Speaker 4:

Chemtrails. You don't know what chemtrails are.

Speaker 1:

You don't know what chemtrails are. That's conspiracy, shit bro. That's conspiracy, shit bro. But it's real. It's not conspiracy, it's a real thing. Are you ever look up in the sky and you see a jet flyover and there's always like a stream. Look behind it, the white light that's. That's a chemtrail. I Used to naively think that was just smoke coming. It was just there to be there, or oh, you know what that just must be with the jet leaves behind it when it flies, which was what a normal human as a normal, human being would think, but honestly question that.

Speaker 1:

Why do they do that in our sky? It's something they're dropping a bunch of shit on us the whole theory that there that could be diseases. It's a sickness it could be. You know, it could go kinds of thing about and they're dropping in our atmosphere.

Speaker 3:

No seriously you know, I'm out for this one, no one can.

Speaker 1:

no one can literally explain the thing about it. You know we're talking about. I know you've seen it. You walk outside look up. We've all seen it. It's crazy. We think it's smoke. You know the innocent you think? They're dropping me by. They're dropping some shit that's gonna eventually get down to us. It's gonna drop down our atmosphere on to a guessing.

Speaker 3:

A breather in blood types die Exactly certain things.

Speaker 1:

Some other blood types or diseases that they weren't around before. Now, all of a sudden here.

Speaker 5:

I'll just say it's interesting, right, it's crazy. I don't even think that the pilots know what they're, what they're hauling.

Speaker 3:

I don't think they know either.

Speaker 5:

They just, they just told the day might just be told.

Speaker 1:

Yet You're getting paid to do a job. Don't ask questions. Let's go fly that shit over there and just drop when you're supposed to drop it. Drop what, don't worry about it. Why does that matter? Like, bro, what is that? That's just something man.

Speaker 2:

They're like cuz. You know it's like you gotta be.

Speaker 1:

It's like it ain't fucking clouds. Let's be real, y'all. And if it was exhausted smoke, that shit would disappear a lot faster.

Speaker 3:

But that's what the matrix is. That's what the course your fault. You're told to follow protocol. This is how you think outside the box exactly and I think that.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. And if they're all the wrong ears or I guess the right ears hear this and we get canceled. Y'all know what happened to us. And then people start and we start going missing and all of a sudden Ling Ling is no longer discoverable. Neither is furious.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

They must have walked by a 24-hour fitness. Someone's gonna walk and I'm gonna give you all I'm gonna give you. I'm gonna give you an experience or a scenario. Let's do that. So what's gonna happen is Ling Ling's gonna be on the on our little workout machine right, and bro's gonna walk it with a suit on. He's gonna walk up. No, no, no, go ahead, finish what you're doing. Don't stop for my, don't stop on my account.

Speaker 2:

There's my fucking this guy.

Speaker 1:

To be two of them right one's gonna stand on the other side or look like the fucking men in black came and paid her a visit. Bro, they're gonna walk in once. Gonna stand on one side of the machine.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

Realize or don't, we'll take care of y'all, y'all next now. But if that were to happen to anyone here on the panel, you know real shit.

Speaker 3:

I don't want y'all think it's a joke. This is real shit. We talk about no facts. This is real shit. It's real shit.

Speaker 1:

This is this stuff like we may be joking right now 51, you know every 51.

Speaker 3:

They don't want to know. No, no, no, real stuff, real, I'm being legit. I'm being legit like this stuff, like makes you really getting trouble for like I don't know how I know.

Speaker 1:

I know that these two are a little Implying on this, but I want to ask you something that's just different. Like it that maybe you know about this place, maybe you don't, but have you heard about? You guys have heard about the bohemian grove, right?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah oh yeah, you heard about that place with the owl right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah have you heard of that.

Speaker 5:

No see, I knew she didn't know I'm very like where they like drink babies, blood and shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, bro.

Speaker 2:

There's some weird shit going on over there.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to chrome. That's what she's talking about. I'm trying to chrome.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to chrome Fuck. Is that it's called a journey come?

Speaker 5:

back drink the blood. Oh, that's a chemical.

Speaker 3:

They drink the blood of like young kids like is that the chemical in the baby?

Speaker 5:

Oh shit, what they do.

Speaker 4:

This they scare what they call they scare, she's lost what we need to pull this back again.

Speaker 1:

What's okay? All right.

Speaker 3:

What it is, bro, is they scare and he terrified kids until, like they're terrified. That was in the movie, bro, and they and they treat.

Speaker 1:

It triggers something that probably was a narrative.

Speaker 3:

It triggers something in the movie and it's called a gerinochrome and they drink that a gerinochrome. So the old people could still look new and feel new and like young and shit like that, but but they still look old, like like you see the movie hocus pocus, he's still look old. Oh no, no bro, you think yo bro, you think you think you think you younger.

Speaker 5:

No, but it's real.

Speaker 1:

What think about some of those drink this shit like?

Speaker 3:

Cameron Diaz, like do you think? Like, how do they still, you I mean yet Well, no, cameron.

Speaker 5:

Diaz, you don't see the crow's feet. Oh, you don't see the cross.

Speaker 3:

The last picture, I see she's still young, rose young or good, but there's still well good. Good I'd say, good, I see, or like young Then so Washington. There's a Washington. He looked old bro. No Fat too. No, well, you see, samuel L Jackson oh he is old though.

Speaker 5:

You know he's old, but he doesn't look they drink the gerinochrome. You think the Samuel Jackson drinks a drink, a genicron. You know, samuel Jackson.

Speaker 3:

Look, I'm just saying okay.

Speaker 1:

Oh hold on.

Speaker 3:

For the sake of an example. Okay, I'm just trying to give the example. I get what he's saying I like the gerinochrome, which is like they scare kids. He's saying that drink their blood and some in Hollywood.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so the whole idea is that you drink children's blood to keep you so young, and you, there's a ritual that goes along with it, yeah, and you look supposedly that's what they do. You look young, he said. It reflects on your how you look. A Prime example of this and I'm sorry to put this out there she ever watches this somehow Jennifer Lopez man. I know she's got good people around her that could help her get and stay looking young. Well she don't look her age, just be real.

Speaker 3:

She looks up there, sure, yes bro, you know she got some catching up.

Speaker 1:

Work done. She drinking that whatever the fuck he's talking about.

Speaker 5:

Looks like a good a good looking 50 year old, not even that, not anymore. 90 more, not anymore. She's.

Speaker 3:

Starting to look old. Oh, I guess that should expire.

Speaker 1:

Yo, I don't know how the fuck I'm a, I'm gonna title this episode or edited or any of that shit bro. All right, so so we're all over the place. Call this shit a general chrome brother.

Speaker 3:

I promise you that's. That's the name Adrenaline chrome. They scare babies, they sacrifice, even drink their blood.

Speaker 1:

Suppose me that that's that. I've heard that. I've heard that conspiracy. Yeah, it's a thing, but, this is kind of goes with corruption, although I did say that I just want us to all give us an example.

Speaker 2:

It's time to corruption each other's life. It's time to stop. What can I say? I love you, bro. I'm sorry, but we go.

Speaker 1:

All right. So would that be set furious, were you done with your Explanation of the corruption on a day-to-day that you yes okay.

Speaker 3:

So Go ahead, okay. So since our last episode with this Ling Ling, here, bro, this Chinese motherfucker, oh Shit, here we go. I got some negative feedback. Can we address that real quick, sure?

Speaker 2:

before we continue, do that might as well, since we're going off on tangents.

Speaker 3:

Anyways, can we just address that? Yeah, good, ling Ling. What the fuck did your fucking followers say? What did they say? Yeah, what did they think of your episode? They said some bullshit. I know she said me. She sent me a screenshot of what they said. Yeah yeah, if you give the what I don't want to know what they say they said some, but I was actually hurt by what they said.

Speaker 1:

It fired us or no?

Speaker 3:

no, that's just what I was saying. Oh shit, Hold up. But you know, you know when you start speaking truth that the woman's gonna start cut Females and later males types.

Speaker 1:

That's why, bro, yeah, we need to get your friend what's your friend's name? She didn't tell me what I said government, but the one you wear even breakfast with today for a nickname. Oh, you were a nickname.

Speaker 3:

Oh okay.

Speaker 1:

Hey good news is we got some shit for that. Hold on, we got the. Say your name, her name is.

Speaker 2:

Who was?

Speaker 3:

it was it was no it was. I Like that.

Speaker 4:

So I actually have screenshots of people who actually like watch the thing that's good. That's good they're like giving like feedbacks off, like On my point of view, on his point of view, whatever he was saying, because he was like kind of like a mediator, because somebody was trying to be a hater and trying to win the conversation.

Speaker 3:

Hey, could we, could we actually, could we? Before we continue, could we actually like bring up what they said, because they probably might be watching this? They probably is, so I need to bring up what they.

Speaker 1:

I'm down with that. That's why we could do that, you know, but it's literally like that's a fucking whatever.

Speaker 3:

It's this time in this late bro.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean damn, it touched the nerve. Oh it did. This is coming out. This is coming out cuz I'm like, I'm like why you didn't hit up slide show.

Speaker 3:

Say that's what his dance.

Speaker 1:

He'd clarify that for you real well, they did have, they did have a show pits and you guys know his, his, his Information is right there in the beginning. Excuse me yeah you need another drink.

Speaker 3:

No, you closer than us, get one more one more. You're gonna go to not say no, sir, one more.

Speaker 2:

You're not going nowhere.

Speaker 1:

Yep you ain't going nowhere tonight, sir.

Speaker 4:

Let her read what they said. Sounds like he's an insecure guy.

Speaker 2:

Or he is insecure.

Speaker 4:

I'm with the nice sweet guy.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah no, okay, let's focus on that one.

Speaker 3:

Those brothers, let's focus on that one first no no no, no, I want to dress them one by one. I want to dress them one by one for your shot right now. I see. Oh, you got the shot glasses I'm gonna give you a little ranch on a Trying to get me in trouble. Yeah, trying to get me. Here we go, they trying to have me now. Couldn't he rent?

Speaker 1:

I know he's tripping bro.

Speaker 5:

Thank you. Thank you, by the way. I'm already tripping, so much, no problem. Okay, could you read that last comment again? So?

Speaker 3:

One person said sounds like he is insecure.

Speaker 4:

Okay, okay, I'm with the sweet nice guy.

Speaker 5:

Oh, so how long if?

Speaker 4:

they've been dating this person this person's in danger. I'm this person, this person's engaged actually engage. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Can I say that there's. There's also, before you answer there is. There is such thing as exceptions, right? So there's the general statistic, right? Yeah, excuse the statistic. That can be the outcome.

Speaker 4:

What I think, but she might be the exception but I think what she was talking about is what it's the fact that he said like then are the nice guys are don't, who get cheated on?

Speaker 3:

Are those the ones who you just said though? Oh well, now we have furious.

Speaker 5:

What you think, bro, is there true today? Basically, thank you, but I think it's because, like Usually, they're not the, they're not like that dude bro, it's cuz why, but I personally me personally said they're not that dude I.

Speaker 3:

Think I personally think you have some various like. My mother is a very strong woman. They need a guy that could really get a grip on them. They need a guy that's not gonna fold to everything they say. They need a guy that's going to take control.

Speaker 5:

Yes, you feel what I'm saying correct. I understand that you feel what I'm saying. So, so you saying that, okay. So what you're saying earlier is that is that they need a certain type of guy, right, right?

Speaker 3:

well, that's the thing. By as long as I've been alive, I've never known a guy to be there for the mom.

Speaker 5:

No, I'm asking, but that's that's what you were saying earlier. Right, that they need a certain type of dude to like.

Speaker 4:

Yeah yeah. So like get us out of our.

Speaker 5:

But you feel me okay so I would argue the only thing, is that the only thing? Okay, yes, I believe that too, but it has to also be like their type of dude too. It can't just be any. No not the right guy. That has to be their type to. It can't just be Just be a dude who's just all like oh I'm you know. Of course it comes it comes, you have to be packaged.

Speaker 4:

We're not gonna submit if we don't like you in general.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so it can't just be anyone who is who is hitting like these marks. It has to be that type of dude.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying yeah, let's, let's do something here, okay. I'm gonna take it with you. I'm gonna take it with you right now.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna one brother, please, if you don't mind, if you don't mind with your chocolate right over there, brother, brother, brother, empty-ass fire boy, my boy was over the spider-man flip and we need a second camera, bro, to get that little flip in there. I am so proud to say, and happy matter of fact. You know, I'm gonna go ahead and say this right now in the record I am very happy for furious we're gonna go ahead and put this in here because my boy got his own place today. He's a second studio now. He's our official second studio. Thank you, buddy. These are official second studio. I think he's forwarding, so you know. Props to you, my boy. You know we're happy for you. He's our second studio, so you guys are gonna see different.

Speaker 3:

We got good things in the works.

Speaker 1:

We got good things in the works and you know he's advancing and we're gonna go over there. We're gonna record some shit. We're gonna have a good time over there at the bachelor pad now. Congrats on that. I just wanted to tell y'all about that. What's going on? Hell yeah, thank you bachelor in his case, cuz he's the bachelor. Oh, ladies, single ladies out there, if you like the Furious risk you want some furious risen your life, right there. You know saying no bullshit, dog he's open to you.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying he finishes right when I was saying it to, he was like, yeah, my bad right when you drink that nah but, I was sipping, bro, you gave me the wrong glass. I didn't want to say it while I was congratulating you know what?

Speaker 5:

let me take a glass from you.

Speaker 1:

All right, please do, you can have that one. My glass is actually that one right there.

Speaker 5:

They're holding up for you real quick. You know, I appreciate you. Don't got worried about it bro.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right for sure. So so, aside from that announcement that, right now, right here. It's that one right there, brother. Yes, thank you, the dragon one right there. Let's talk about, this time, the store see, I can't really be upset with him, cuz he's been there since day one.

Speaker 2:

So I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, at least, I gotta, at least, I gotta, at least.

Speaker 1:

I gotta at least hear my number two out, that's what we do.

Speaker 3:

We leave it in.

Speaker 1:

He's not wrong strong finish.

Speaker 2:

Is it a miracle?

Speaker 1:

Is it a miracle? He just says strong finish and you leave it in. That's exactly what you think it means. Oh yes, kids, you know about when are we going right now. What the fuck are y'all doing?

Speaker 5:

Cheers man. Happy new year man.

Speaker 1:

Come on, cheers, cheers, you're Gonna grow your part of the crew baby drink in there Pretty smooth.

Speaker 3:

How you feeling, bro. I'll tell you about that. I'll tell you about taking the Lord's name in vain. You did it earlier bro no, I didn't, I promise you, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't. No, man is up there for a moment.

Speaker 5:

Play it back to record. Play it back, I'm going to edit so I'll see it.

Speaker 1:

I can't do it right now.

Speaker 5:

No man has ever said that Slide, big sound, big sound, big sound. I can put that on my life. I can put that on my life Slide, slide, big sound. If I'm wrong, I'm telling you, bro, I've never done that, I've never done that.

Speaker 1:

He said he's taking it out after the show. I've never done that.

Speaker 3:

I can put that on my life.

Speaker 2:

I've never, done that.

Speaker 5:

No, no, no, no, no, I'm shaking, I'm shaking, I'm shaking. No, hey, I'm shaking this.

Speaker 3:

That's the people that know me.

Speaker 5:

That's the people that have never done that, bro, slide, slide. What I'm saying is this Let me hear you. I'm getting my phone. I'll get you a 4x4, bro.

Speaker 3:

Damn, what did you hear me say? We're Fries.

Speaker 1:

And what did you hear me say? He said it ain't 2am yet. He said we can go, we go.

Speaker 5:

I thought I heard it.

Speaker 3:

We're going to have to end this podcast early to listen back to this. I can't record that Bro relax.

Speaker 1:

You hear me say what.

Speaker 5:

I thought you knew I'd see it. I heard you say oh my God, oh my god.

Speaker 3:

I thought that's not saying that I heard. That's not that. I heard. That's a forbidden rule, right there when I edited.

Speaker 1:

I'll let y'all know with. The outcome is okay, moving on. Let's run it now.

Speaker 5:

So flat earth or what no?

Speaker 1:

Ling Ling is next. I remember I said left to right.

Speaker 5:

I want everybody's.

Speaker 1:

So lost. Ling Ling, don't worry. Thank God Someone here still knows what the fuck is going on.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna ask her. I'm gonna you what the fuck.

Speaker 1:

Let me talk, all right, look. So what I was trying to say was now she's next to give us an example of in your everyday life. I'm really gonna say give us an example of corruption that you deal with On a daily basis in your life, personally, in your life. What are you running? It could be anything. You don't have to use work as it as just an example. It could be work. It could be in your family life. It could be in your interactions in life with individuals you don't know or individuals you do know. You don't got to use names. You tell whichever story you feel comfortable talking. Just one example of corruption in your everyday life.

Speaker 4:

Um, there's not much corruption in my personal life, so I'm like gonna talk about this work, for example, like how it's um the period here in the valley is way cheaper Than la, true, but then you do the same job, you, you struggle the same way you get me Whatever it is that we're paying for uh for wages.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, grocery stores, it's still the same thing. Hey, you gave me, so it's just um. It does not make sense, like you work at this hospital when I tell you guys like I was like, I'm like probably like Now, if I would submit, I'm probably like $15 less than like actual paycheck from la.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So you're saying Damn what? That's a lot girl, you took that what you were paying.

Speaker 3:

That's a lot. Was it because the drive?

Speaker 1:

was waiting on you, or what was the reason?

Speaker 3:

why you said that's. That's saving a lot of money though.

Speaker 5:

Oh no that's a good point 15 bucks you, I think, well, we're not gonna put out there.

Speaker 1:

At a respect for our co-host here. We're not gonna say what she drives, but would you say? That gas wise, you save money. Is that why you decided to save that 15?

Speaker 4:

bucks no, it's more of like. It's not about the gas. It's more of like um, you know way I'm. I'm still kind of saving just because I'm not driving as much. You get me that's 120 miles every damn day.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit.

Speaker 3:

I know I'm not gonna say what I know I'm not gonna say what.

Speaker 1:

I know Don't put her shit out there I don't like that man, come on, bro. Her family's rich.

Speaker 4:

I am, we're not her family, the world.

Speaker 3:

In this fucking economy where everything's going up, her family's comfortable Okay, which is rich? So the well off, which is?

Speaker 5:

rich? No, I've seen rich, bro, you seen it rich bro rich Is she farting in silk.

Speaker 1:

Every night In gold, she's farting in gold.

Speaker 5:

Damn girl.

Speaker 2:

I want some of that.

Speaker 1:

When you hear someone say they fart in silk is because their bedsheets are made of silk.

Speaker 3:

So when I say she farts in her bed, it's an expression if she didn't want to work, she doesn't have to.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna just say it like that Damn.

Speaker 5:

It's not true. That's it.

Speaker 3:

It's okay Like you're not you can't lie to me, okay, so let's give Ling Ling a chance to talk.

Speaker 1:

Clarified. Ling Ling is he. Is he being a little farfetched with?

Speaker 3:

what he's saying here. No, no, I'll be around.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

We're not. We're not super well off, but you're not poor.

Speaker 3:

No, like he said, if I don't have, don't let me start bringing up what you said because, I'm gonna start, let her.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

I don't want to work.

Speaker 1:

I can just not work, Okay damn, that's a cool option, but that's what I said, that does not mean rich, because no bro and this economy road is rich, true, but that means right most of us don't want to go to that shithole. Hey, respect, respect to you for being it. I mean we must really love helping people. I'll leave it at that.

Speaker 5:

That has to be what it is no, she loves what she does?

Speaker 2:

There's no way.

Speaker 5:

But I respect that. That's cool. I like what you like. That that's awesome, but that's cool. I think she just probably just likes to work too. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

She's bored as fuck at the house all the time.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to do some shit and she gets to meet people, sometimes interesting people, and that's kudos.

Speaker 5:

That's kudos, but it doesn't mean that her family is necessarily rich, because, just because they're good with their money, but it always, it always helps to bring it to you. I know I probably don't, but I know they probably manage. You what I'm? I'm gonna stop talking.

Speaker 3:

I don't know.

Speaker 5:

I heard that she fucked that.

Speaker 3:

Hey, no hey, but she brought up a good point, though. She brought up a good point, she's how are we getting here? I don't know. I'm a tired of this, I have no fucking idea.

Speaker 1:

This is bad.

Speaker 3:

It's all right. Hey, I got it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that episode is.

Speaker 3:

Okay it's a free, though, no but she brought up a good point. She said just because her parents are rich doesn't mean she's rich.

Speaker 5:

But then you said you don't know what I know. What's that mean? Okay that's she's rich.

Speaker 4:

That's she's rich. I feel, like the way that, the way that he's saying is because, like I Stop.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, like I said like.

Speaker 4:

I said like I work and I do what I do because I love working, I love helping people. I work because I have a very expensive my lifestyle myself.

Speaker 1:

Okay, your expenses. If it basically funds your lifestyle, your expenses yeah. Yeah that's not all that. I wish I had that.

Speaker 4:

Do not. Are you know, or you know what?

Speaker 3:

you know, I want to get the right tax, you know.

Speaker 1:

I just you know, bro, but it can't be, it can't be it can't be middle class.

Speaker 3:

I need proof.

Speaker 2:

No, hey, listen bro. You said a lot of people need proof. Hey, the majority can, you can you agree?

Speaker 3:

that the majority of people that are working now Are working because they need to work, as opposed because they want to just want the money to work.

Speaker 5:

I'll say, for sure, most for sure, but need the money. Yes, but yeah. But I would say that's because you know it's a, it's a combination economy, bro. Not, it's not just economy, it's people spending habits too. Some people don't know how to say. That's they don't know they don't know what not to buy. They buy bullshit and they fucking spend the money on stupid shit and they wonder why they broke. Bro, it's your fucking fault.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm sorry.

Speaker 4:

I'm having two cars.

Speaker 3:

I was just about to say that's the situation I remember because I wanted the challenge.

Speaker 4:

He got two cars for no reason.

Speaker 5:

You got two you got two car payments one leader and then one toy.

Speaker 3:

I do. No, I'll admit I do, bro, because I heard, I heard, I heard this is the last year they're making the model of the dodge challenge. Right, you bought two of them. No, I didn't buy two of them, okay, I just I just wanted to secure one Like a brand new one. He secured the bag before like they completely went out of style you know, you feel what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to buy it.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to buy one that was already Used, do you feel me? So what's the second car?

Speaker 1:

the second one is my gas saver, bro, that's my, that's the. Was that corolla, that's the car. Huh, he said hey.

Speaker 3:

Honda Sydney 2017 she knows.

Speaker 4:

Yes a little hatchback knows.

Speaker 3:

Okay, 40 miles per gallon.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm over here saying it's not air, let's not air out with Ling Ling drives we just staying flat.

Speaker 2:

I'll say but why did it?

Speaker 1:

show dry.

Speaker 2:

Why don't you?

Speaker 1:

get a hybrid, though he's, I don't give a fuck. I got my gas saver man.

Speaker 3:

I don't have nothing to hide.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't either. I got a hundred Genesis I don't either.

Speaker 4:

Just say it, girl, when you drive. Oh yeah, you're trying to hide that.

Speaker 3:

You know. You know, bro, I don't know what the fuck.

Speaker 1:

Okay, before we continue to be sidetracked, girl, is there anything Ling Ling else you want to add on there I got, I got a. Someone's got to keep this shit. Let me have some drink back into you know, into what we're trying to talk. You're the only one that's sober. I mean, I'm still drinking. I'm the only one. I feel it, bro, I feel it, but I'm not as loud, I'm not as gone as you are, my boy. So I just want to know. I want to know, is there anything else you want to add to that? As far as the everyday corruption that you face, I'm about to get into my shit. I'm about to unpack some shit in a second, so yeah, no, I feel that that's it.

Speaker 4:

Maybe when you say something and now just I'll be it might part something that you might be able to change that you say, oh hey, I go through that too.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's who you're saying. All right, but you don't fuck that, I'm gonna go last, I'm gonna go ahead and pass the words the littest, the, the littest fucking member on time. Let's talk right now. We're gonna pass it over. But you know, before we do that, guys, I think I think it's very necessary, very necessary to, and then just right back into it, because do we need a fucking restart? You know? Just one more yeah, we online, then we good without the wake up.

Speaker 3:

One or that was that was, that was the.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's do one more. It's one more.

Speaker 1:

Okay, brother, he does, he doesn't need one more. He does Ling Ling, so take this out. So here's what we're gonna do, brother. We're gonna give you one more.

Speaker 5:

It is logging off. Hold up, do you have like a? Like a rooster sound?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

I didn't get one.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna put the a, just also put your input. What sounds do you all want? By the way, I gotta put that out, all right, so anyway, that being said, this is the log off sound. So you, just now, you shut down. Okay, we're, we're in. You're in rest mode right now. But now I want to turn your ass back on so we can get back in this conversation, right? So here we go. You lock back in.

Speaker 3:

When I when I'm thinking about corruption, bro, he is done.

Speaker 1:

I don't hear it.

Speaker 3:

It's, it's it's something taboo to talk about. Yeah, because it's like it's tug of war.

Speaker 2:

Hmm women.

Speaker 3:

Women have their side, they can defend. Women have their side, they can defend, if you want. So it's like I don't know it's. I don't know, bro, I don't know it's, it's. It's really taboo. What you think about it, because I don't know. It depends on if you want to go on like which side cheats more. That's one side, you can look at it. Wait, we're talking about corruption, though. Where are you at?

Speaker 1:

So you want to go into corruptions within relationships? We can do that. We're talking about he's like bro, you lost the whole.

Speaker 4:

I feel like I just want to talk about relations.

Speaker 1:

I think he does too. Is that what you want to talk about? He's a little lit, can I just a little bit?

Speaker 3:

No, because when I think about relationship or when I think of corruption, I'm thinking about relationships. Okay, so what? What?

Speaker 1:

like nice thing.

Speaker 3:

No, I know I ain't legit. Legit All right. So Is relationship not the first thing I'm gonna be able to do? No, I don't think of relationship. I think of corruption bro Damn.

Speaker 1:

I think about the shit around it. That's funny. I think about the shit in our society. Bro, I'll corrupt at least.

Speaker 3:

At least that's the I could say honestly. That's every I'll say the only corruption I've experienced.

Speaker 1:

I've been fair point, I've been experiencing so, and worker or anything like that. Oh, okay, all right, that's fine, you don't have to use that example.

Speaker 3:

I didn't say that.

Speaker 1:

I said, oh, that's true. I did say that's a good save. I did say use the corruption in your everyday life.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't have to be work related.

Speaker 1:

It could be anything That'll be work related.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because y'all have me feeling like I was crazy for a second, but that's only that's only One of our drunk guys remembers the fucking.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's the dissing, just a little bit, yeah, oh, you know you know, jesus is working on me, so yeah, it's just working. Of course, everybody's using most of us. Go ahead though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but um, I don't know when you, when it comes to corruption with relationships, it's like. It's like, for example, like okay, first of all before you, we spoke, we spoke, we spoke at the restaurant right, have you got it cheated on? Have I gotten cheated on?

Speaker 1:

Oh personally he wants to know what's going on here.

Speaker 3:

Personally, not that I could not confirm that, not that I could confirm, but me I don't. I don't really I don't really focus on those things.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't focus on those things.

Speaker 3:

Because, like I told, like I, like I've expressed before, I don't believe relationships is an actual thing In my you mean marriage they go, they go. I woke, I woke something up in him right now. Now he's.

Speaker 2:

I got the floor to explain, okay, so for me, bro.

Speaker 3:

For me, relationships have. I don't know at what point it woke up, but I I decided that like relationships aren't an actual thing because Based on the religion and she could, she could agree with me it comes down to what you believe. Yeah, I believe. I believe in the Christian Bible. I believe like if you're not married, anything else you're doing is out of covenant. It's like it's not biblical if you're boyfriend and girlfriend.

Speaker 2:

That's not. The bible doesn't mention anything out of it.

Speaker 3:

Exactly so you're just fucking. Whether I'm with dating her or the fucking somebody else, I'm not breaking no covenant, because that's something that we created out of out of that, Except for the covenant that you made with the person.

Speaker 1:

Basically it's in our relationship, but you but you made which?

Speaker 3:

is the only thing that exists.

Speaker 2:

Marriage is the only thing that exists, other than that we're making babies out of. Yeah, so, okay, so let me ask you that's this is so you come home.

Speaker 1:

This is. This is a little extreme. I'm about to go. I'm about to go really extreme with this.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna say it say how it is. I'm gonna say how it is All right.

Speaker 1:

So let's just say you come home. Thank god. I've never experienced this. I'm okay.

Speaker 2:

I'll kill somebody. I'm gonna throw somebody to fuck out.

Speaker 3:

No, come on, no, come on.

Speaker 1:

Let me just say it what if and this can be anyone in this room, okay, you come home and you see your loved one. It could be anybody, could be a girl too. Get a bang. Yeah, I mean getting her shit, her back.

Speaker 1:

But, in the bed that you sleeping. In Lingley's case it's a girl like well, if you wrote his dick right, this could have been you just some, some wild shit like that. Right, she hit you with some wild shit I had. I had to give context for the female too. We got it. We only got a girl, so we got it. We got to be fair. She, she, she write in his dick like, well, you did this way, they did been you right, some stupid shit like that to you. You got off a 12 hour shift and this is her place, like what the fuck this is my bed. What the fuck is this shit.

Speaker 1:

Right but the point is you're they're just happening in the bed that you sleep in at night.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so how do you react? How do you react?

Speaker 1:

Do you kill him, or do you just leave?

Speaker 2:

You don't want that or where the fuck is like. Oh this.

Speaker 1:

All right. So so that that's what you, that's a detrimental thing. You walk into, right, do you say? What do you say if that person now everywhere I got it back, now I lost it, but I got it back that person looks at you and says we're not married, though, we're not married, though I'm not really breaking a covenant, as he put it, man, that that person hits you with, that he's gonna come back right now. That person comes back explain that one good luck.

Speaker 5:

So it depends on who it is, but good luck, good luck with that working with whoever it's Brother, I would calmly say.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna burn the mattress you.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna burn. Oh, you're dead, but I'm burning the mattress yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm burning but I don't want to spend life in prison, so y'all can get the fuck out. If this was a lawless country, you both would be dead. I agree, you be buried in the backyard. But if there's consequences for that and I want to throw my life away, I can always hit the reset button right so I can burn that mattress. I can get rid of that fucking bed, that bed frame and that mattress. During the dumpster. That night, you know saying God, I didn't lay my head in that bed ever again, god forbid, that was my scenario. That's just getting burnt like this, right? You know I'm saying you get the point, I'll start over again. It's gonna hurt for a while but you'll be back. But what? My whole point of the question?

Speaker 1:

I want to hear your guys's responses to is, is that's just my take on it, right? And then my whole thing is that's a, that's a cop out. How are you gonna have the audacity, look me in my eye and tell me but we're not married, you never bought that rock, so technically it's just fucking. There's no covenant unless we're married. That's where the God. But what do you say to that else? What could you say Okay, so let's just say we're inside. Shows real man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's fucking gone for it. Bitch ass, check your bladder next time. Don't break the seal if you can't handle it. Oh, you're taking a shit. Hey, you taking a shit in there. If you are man, you better use that poop or e-spray. I got in there, I got poop or e-spray and I got some fucking what is that for breeze man? You better put that. Okay, he's out.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no, no, we're saying this is your shit, so you got to be here for it. I'm just saying like, like to reiterate right what I was saying to you came back with this and I come on. I was simply saying that if that was the case, god forbid, not only would the be the headboard, the fucking bed frame, the band mattress, all that shit be getting burnt and it's out in the dumpster and they're gone right. Nope, I would hit the reset button. It would hurt for a while, but I'll be all right. I would get all the bounce back. You know, I'm saying I'd be good, but I'm saying it's some crazy outlandish shit for you to say we're not married. That's the girls getting her back blown out. She's gonna turn you. Look at you in the middle, get her shit blown out and say okay but we're not married.

Speaker 1:

You never. You never tied the knot, you never made it official. There's no covenant before God, so I don't got to be loyal to you but that's what I Mean.

Speaker 3:

Period, bro. I'm not saying I'm not guilty of this, cuz I am. Well, you shouldn't be getting your back blown out. Period if it's not the one you intended be, okay.

Speaker 1:

So let me, let me up the answer she's pregnant with your child.

Speaker 3:

She's getting her back, oh though by somebody else. Okay, so she was never for you. That's so bad. That's so bad If she's praying in my God, he right if she's pregnant.

Speaker 2:

No, he's right, he's right.

Speaker 3:

Oh, how would you? How would you react? Are we gonna accommodate emotions? Are we gonna accommodate truth?

Speaker 5:

Commit a, for it depends on which path that that you're walking it.

Speaker 2:

So let's say, that's okay walking with the Godhead.

Speaker 5:

Right, let's say that you are walking with your, with your Christ consciousness, right, yeah, and you see that you, you be like, okay, shit, we're not married, shit. You know, I'm saying that's, that's on you, right, yeah, and you can, and you can just leave Emotionally, spiritually, everything right if you could.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if you're gonna lose.

Speaker 5:

The only thing you have, this woman, since you already slept with her Probably most likely is is a soul tire. You know saying so yeah, so you can, so you can back out of that. You know emotionally you can, you can. It's gonna take a while, which carries a lot of weight though it does, but over time you can you can.

Speaker 5:

You can overcome that right if you know how to. But let's just say if you're married, yeah, it's different. I see someone who's married with that and or in someone who and they do that there. No, I see them reacting more, more violently also, even if they aren't married. The person just isn't walking in that path.

Speaker 3:

They're gonna react, just that's the thing, bro, but that's thing you shouldn't. You shouldn't be getting married unless you know like what marriage comes with and what like the weight that it comes with.

Speaker 5:

But people don't really know what teaches people this shit, bro. No, I agree.

Speaker 3:

I agree, I agree, but that's. But that's what that's. That's a contract people sign up for without knowing the full cost of it.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but it's. It's to their own detriment, though, but I'm saying it works out. Sometimes it works in in the lucky cases where, where the, where the personalities just happen, it's minimal. You know it's minimal, but it but it happens, it does. But you know, I'm saying, but I think the thing is that it's not taught, it's not taught.

Speaker 3:

It's not, I agree, and that's where. That's where our generation was failed. I Could really choose. That's where our generation was failed, you know women were. And others dad wasn't taught how to be dad.

Speaker 5:

But yeah, but I think you're right, but also it's just gonna get further, bro, because I mean you got people you know, like how you just said, teaching the young ones, so it's just gonna spread. I don't think. I don't think I don't think there's anything. It's gonna get worse.

Speaker 3:

I think we're picking up from where what we think is right we.

Speaker 4:

Don't know about you.

Speaker 3:

Well, you probably said I had your father in your life. But, bro, honestly, every black person I know Not have their pop, their father, involved in their life. Oh, they're trying to go based off what their mother was told them how to be, how to be a strong man from their mother's perspective but.

Speaker 5:

But see, but there's, there's a difference, cuz it's like okay, cuz like don't get me wrong, like me, like my parents were married, right, but it's not like yeah it's, that was it's not like my pops wasn't always there, but at the same time, like my mom wasn't like a, like I'm gonna teach you how to be a man, like it wasn't like that, like I still understood that I still, I still spoke on it. I still no, no, no, no. I still looked at my dad as as that dude, like, okay, like.

Speaker 2:

I want to be like him.

Speaker 5:

When I could. But I'm saying it's not. It's not a perfect thing, but I'm saying is that my mom didn't take that role like, oh, like, I got to teach you how to be a man. Now, like your dad Isn't here, like that. But you know what? I'm gonna put you in an environment where you can learn from men, you know saying so okay, it's not.

Speaker 5:

It's not perfect. I'm saying cuz. I'm saying like I went through to what through what I went through. Yeah, you know, saying like he wasn't there. So it's like she, she still had a supplement, she still had a like supplement that, but she didn't take that role to me to be to teach me how to be a man. Oh, you're blessed, bro, she's blessed but I'm blessed that she understood that she's not a man. That's what I'm blessed.

Speaker 5:

But she was surrounded by guys that can raise you, though no no, no, bro, she just is just a different culture, both for her. She just had a different understanding about what it is. But she's, she's not trying to take on the role of a man, she's already. She already knew in her head. She's okay, like I got to send him here so he can get this experience. Because obviously, if the man in my life Is it, he's not available for this job, just because whatever he has to do, I have to send him here so he can get a male experience. Yeah, you know, I'm saying and it wasn't a perfect experience, but I'm saying is like I still got a basis of okay, like this is what a man's got to do.

Speaker 5:

Mm-hmm off of off of your discernment. No, her discernment.

Speaker 3:

I was hurt I was like. I was like 11 years old, bro, I have no, bro, if you don't mind me saying you came out. You came out.

Speaker 5:

Good, though, yeah but that, but that's big. But, bro, she didn't. She didn't put it on, she didn't put the pressure on herself to be like I'm gonna teach you how to do this. She didn't do that shit. She didn't. She wasn't. She wasn't like. You know what? This is my job.

Speaker 3:

She was like no what she has to pick up for me.

Speaker 5:

No, I get you there is someone that can do this job. Unfortunately, it's not my dad right now. Yeah, but this is what has to be done.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't have to be somebody she's dating.

Speaker 5:

No, hell no. No, no because my mom was a teacher. Yeah, I'm so teacher, so she actually, she's like she knew, like, okay, like. She has to do exactly as a teacher you know. I'm saying she knows her role as a woman too. She's like I'm not gonna, I'm not a man, I can't teach him, him, him how to lift weights. I can't teach him how to play football, to be a man, basically a man has to teach them like that. So I'm gonna send him to a place where a man can can teach him.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I'm saying and that and that's because my dad was just, was just overloaded with fucking work and he just he couldn't be. So not because he didn't want to be there, it's not cuz he didn't want to be there. He had work, he had a fucking pay bills, he had a lot of shit going on. He's okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying just trying to begin me exactly okay.

Speaker 5:

I'm saying like both of them were like working, but she understood like I'm not gonna play two roles and put more Just on myself. I'm not doing that. You're gonna get this from this experience. It's not gonna be perfect, but this is the ideal one, but it's not available for you. I'm gonna tell you to this one. Hopefully it does something for you and it did do. They did do something. Cuz now like I don't, I don't really, I don't need people for Fucking shit, you know, I mean yeah, no.

Speaker 3:

And I might be worked out for you that way, bro, I know that that's not every case, unfortunately.

Speaker 5:

It's not. You know, saying cuz, like sometimes, in like some cases, the mom takes on both roles, put some more stress on herself. She has a different. You know the things things manifest from that. Yeah, I'm saying just the way things, you know, the way, the way that, uh, what's it called? Events follow and events flow. Things manifest, certain experiences happen and, just like you, just everybody story is different, everybody's different luckily I didn't. I had, you know, just a slightly better experience, bro.

Speaker 3:

You know I'm saying yeah, you know what the you know what the crazy thing is, bro, everybody here at this table has a different experience. Nobody experiences the same. Yeah, everybody with their dad. I promise you, bro, everybody is different. We all have different stories. My dad never wanted to be there, yours just couldn't be there, but want to be there. Yeah, it's like in there.

Speaker 1:

It's yeah, my mind was there, my was there my whole life.

Speaker 3:

I was fortunate until he couldn't be there until he couldn't be there. That's just. That's just the way, God you know.

Speaker 5:

Allow it to be, but I forgive my dad too. You know I'm saying I could. I know like I know how.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 5:

No, but like now, I know how hard it is to fucking fucking beat, to fucking be a dad. And want to be there, but you can have all you Comparisoned.

Speaker 1:

You guys understand.

Speaker 5:

I forget, I forget like I've no, I've, no, no, you know that's cool that you can see it that way, I respect that that's good, I appreciate, you can understand.

Speaker 1:

You can understand what, what now what he might have bought possibly been faced with, bro, and there's a real possibility that, in fact, yeah, right cuz it's a different way to put it. Hey man, I applaud you on that, because that's different and don't really says shit like that. Yeah they don't want. They don't want ever looking in that perspective.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, cuz I'm not to say that it wasn't right for him not to be there for you, but the fact that you understood that the hardship you might have faced might have had something to do with that and you couldn't have exactly maybe you couldn't even offer to you.

Speaker 5:

Oh, man bro, I gave him shit for a bow and then she's like, and it's like, it's like to this day.

Speaker 1:

But we don't know and it's like he doesn't.

Speaker 5:

He doesn't hold it against me, bro. You know, I'm saying it's like you were able to.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you guys talk about it. That's cool, man, I respect that. To move past the shit, it's like myself.

Speaker 5:

I miss like damn, like why was that more understanding? But at the same time it's like now I fucking know I'm like bro, like you weren't wrong about this shit, you know I mean it is because now you're expensive.

Speaker 1:

You, you know, you know like, you know, like, as a man, it's a form of it.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, no, no, no like as a member like, but we know bro. Yeah it's a unique experience. No saying like. Women have their experience, which is difficult to you know we have ours too. You know, I'm saying so, it's like it's a, it's a it's definitely separate, it's just different, just for thought.

Speaker 3:

just like you know how God says as as Heaven is from earth, so is his thinking from our thinking just saying like I'm way superior than you guys, like don't don't question me, like I know what I'm doing, basically kind of thing.

Speaker 3:

Like he doesn't even have to think about it, it's just like just follow this, okay. So then, like blabber, that's what, that's what you can make that to AI. You know how you could, like you said with with the, with the description you just gave, like you just they just have to listen, maybe like 10 minutes loading, and then, like they have thing popped up already. So like, since God is so superior than us and his thinking is like way more advanced, you know.

Speaker 1:

And it's to the point that it'll give you options so what I don't have yeah you don't have an input for a title, it'll give me five options for a title like, like. To come up with Well okay, if you don't like this one.

Speaker 3:

I got four other options and there's always on your mind. That's, that's demons, basically like kind of act on like friends, but they're really like once we get close with them. I think.

Speaker 1:

I think maybe, when it comes to this, that's why, like, if it's using a heavy word that I feel passionate about, like that's a good way to describe this, I'll go with it, but if they use a word I don't understand, that's funny. He said demons the only reason why I'm even gonna gonna co-sign that that's all it is. Aliens or something, something we don't fully understand, because it is, it's okay. So it's intelligence that we had a hand in developing, but we also gave it enough power to think for itself.

Speaker 1:

That's what makes it yeah, you say what makes it scary is that, yeah, you're giving this thing almost like you're giving it like, exactly, giving it a soul, essentially to kind of make a decision for itself.

Speaker 4:

The thing is like, you know, you guys see differently, but I see because I'm more into like science and technology. So I think it more of just the science and technology, not like a demon or whatnot, because we're doing was.

Speaker 3:

That's true I who created it? Well, we didn't know. But you have to. You have to think where did all this come from? This, this isn't just man.

Speaker 4:

Oh, let's try this the problem is, our brain functions very differently. Okay people have different levels of IQ for that reason. Okay that's why people, a normal people, could just develop Google, let's say make computers. No, I get make face, make face book, I get that Okay it's not, it's us who developed it, so it means it's like brains us are working Okay, or maybe the way that you could put it is like the demons are using humans. Oh yeah, that's what it is.

Speaker 1:

Kind of like direct where.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so you can't just say like oh, you know, ais or demons know no, look, look right, because the Bible makes it very clear that God, when God made the earth, he put humans in control. So what do humans have to do? They have to give these fallen angels, they have to give the devil, they have to put, they have to forfeit their control and give it to them. So, like you said, they need a host, they need a vessel. Humans have to give their stuff to that and like, basically, like, do their will, if you want to say in the sense the only contradicting thing about that, bro, is that God also said that Satan is a God of this world too.

Speaker 3:

That's true, but we know all together that he's not all powerful. Only God could be all powerful. Because how? Because the creation be powerful than Creator.

Speaker 5:

I'm not saying that he's more powerful, but he's a God of this world.

Speaker 3:

That's what he said, that's what, and I mean that's yeah, that's the contradiction.

Speaker 5:

That's that's the fucked up part, because it's like, yeah, we do have powers of like, of like, manifesting things and, you know, creating things, but it's like we still have. I can't really yeah, I would you know, position, bro.

Speaker 3:

I would second that, bro, because when you look at the ratio from people that are getting saved versus people that are in the world and dying and going to hell and stuff like that, how do we know at their ratio? Oh, because what's the ratio?

Speaker 5:

like like about measured.

Speaker 3:

You'll know them. You'll know them by their fruits. You know them by the fruits.

Speaker 5:

I mean, but are all fruits equal, though? Nah. No you know what I?

Speaker 3:

mean no, you can tell the fruit just like, just like, just like. Jesus said you wouldn't. You can't see a rotten fruit growing from a Good tree and you can't see a good tree producing.

Speaker 4:

Before you say that though no, no, no. Okay.

Speaker 3:

Can I ask you a question?

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna give you an example.

Speaker 3:

Can little Nas X say that he's a Christian?

Speaker 4:

You can say, you can say little Nas cuz. I remember a different little not no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 3:

Can I say the little Nas X that we know today, can we?

Speaker 5:

say that he's a Christian. Can you say that, like like yourself and like I can't? I can, if you want, yeah, but because now I can't, I can't. Is that the truth?

Speaker 3:

I know who knows if it's true, though, because he's in here, you know them by their fruits, for example. If you buy a good fruit, it's gonna be sweet.

Speaker 5:

That's not gonna be wrong. I'm saying currently no, but currently currently be thinking about it, bro, think about Joe, bro. God, god still made him lose his, his whole family. Those are, those are negative fruits.

Speaker 3:

Bro. But what? When I talk about little Nas X, I mean, I mean just the fruits that he's producing so for example, he made a he made a music video where I do it given Satan a lap dance.

Speaker 1:

Oh right.

Speaker 3:

Now how can that be good Productive kingdom of God?

Speaker 5:

it's not not, not, it's a perversion. It's a perversion. It's like if you see a worm in a fruit, are you still gonna eat that, but does that mean that he is irredeemable it?

Speaker 3:

doesn't. It doesn't redemption. Redemption is up to the point where you die in that set right so currently.

Speaker 5:

So he Could. Maybe he could be a Christian.

Speaker 3:

He got it gotta be willingness though, bro, but it's like, it's like I told her before, bro, if I'm your homie, right, right, if I'm your homie and I say I'm gonna slap the shit out of you, for what? But? But no, no, don't, don't worry, after I do it, I'm gonna repent and I'm gonna ask for mercy.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna repent and I'm gonna ask for what I know. I know because I know, because you're a good God.

Speaker 3:

I know, because you're a good God, you're gonna forgive me. Right, something just slapped the shit out, you anyways. And then afterwards I'm asked for mercy. It's not it's not.

Speaker 2:

It's not genuine.

Speaker 1:

That's the real right you.

Speaker 5:

Hold up. Why not, though? Why not, though? Why not? One thing about this, bro. Let's say, it's just a like when you have a kid, right?

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah, okay.

Speaker 5:

There's a certain point, there's certain, there's a certain offenses, bro, yeah, we're not. You don't necessarily have to slap a kid, but you do kind of have to get a little physical just to, just to reinforce a. This is not what you do, you know.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I agree, you know me, I, so it's no there's a there's a fine line between, you know, discipline and cruelty. It's the intent of the heart bro.

Speaker 5:

You can never mistake love for hate.

Speaker 2:

You can never mistake love for people do all the time, bro.

Speaker 3:

No see, look okay if I spank, if I spank a little kid on their body getting deep right now, man. Okay, like, don't do that again. Mm-hmm, that's one thing. Now, if I go get a TV cable cord and beat the shit out, you Well, that's your black and blue.

Speaker 5:

If you got anger in it too, of course it's gonna show towards you being malicious am.

Speaker 3:

I beating you out of love? Cuz? Is this more of a this gonna hurt me more than hurt you? Or am I just because I'm angry?

Speaker 5:

I would say that it's maliciousness because of the form, that that's the thing that you're using, but also you can't correct out of emotions.

Speaker 3:

You're not supposed to correct that, I'm not saying to do that. No, no, I'm saying, I'm just saying yeah, I see the exact line, that's the final. I see the example.

Speaker 5:

Yeah but that's but, but yeah, but that's the, that's the cutoff.

Speaker 3:

No, no. But I think honestly, everything you do, you can't do it out of emotions. I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but I'm just saying leave emotions out of it, because when emotions get involved, but that emotions are where you based off everything.

Speaker 4:

No, no, no, no. Because if you go based off emotions.

Speaker 3:

If you cheat on me, I'm gonna hate you one minute, but the.

Speaker 4:

thing is, but if you say sorry, I'm gonna forgive you the next, okay, come on, come on, but both of those are emotions.

Speaker 5:

Both of those are emotions and you're mixing it.

Speaker 4:

Now You're talking about having the kid getting disciplined.

Speaker 5:

Discipline versus you.

Speaker 4:

Let's focus on what's in there. Let's focus on what's in there.

Speaker 3:

You pick a scenario, let's focus on it.

Speaker 5:

We won't change it Okay, for example, like Ah, keep the same scenario. Which one Discipline? What are you talking about?

Speaker 3:

The beating. We're gonna talk about that. Okay, let's keep that one.

Speaker 4:

So you really cannot, you really cannot like put it as example of oh you cheated on me because of this, because now discipline and kid is very different from having a relationship with your significant other.

Speaker 3:

So let's go after a relationship Very, very very, very like. Give us a scenario, though Give us a certain, just like the same scenario like what he was saying.

Speaker 4:

We could say this just because we're parents, pretty much the great man being a parent.

Speaker 2:

You don't, you would, never, you would never okay.

Speaker 4:

this is the thing you would never agree until you have your own and you're disciplining them.

Speaker 3:

No, I agree, I agree, I personally in that aspect you're more, you're more you're more, you have more experience than me.

Speaker 1:

I agree she does have a lot of experience.

Speaker 2:

But let me can I?

Speaker 3:

can I add something? Go for it. You can either correct your child out of emotions or out of logic. I do both.

Speaker 5:

It's, it's, it's both it's connected.

Speaker 1:

It is both how old is your, how old is your oldest?

Speaker 3:

It has to be both, because how old is your oldest it?

Speaker 5:

has to be both. He's about to be seven.

Speaker 2:

It has to be both. It has to be both. It has to be both because they have to understand the emotional aspect of the offense or whatever they the logical aspect of it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, could you guys say which which is more important?

Speaker 2:

The, both Equally important.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

I would say that logic edges a little bit more, just because emotions are a little bit more irrational at times. But they're both important because we're, because you can't negate emotions.

Speaker 3:

Let me, let me, let me, let me oppose this. I heard somebody share someone else's story, right, okay. So, for example, okay, I think, I think it just depends on what. What the case scenario is, right, Okay, and when I say that, this is what I mean, right, I heard somebody give the testimony of somebody else. How he had this person's testimony, I'm not sure, but it's, it's, it's regarding religion and it's, you know, these foreign countries, christianity isn't really accepted like that, and I think it's something. I think it's really one of the Asian, it was one of the Asian, you know, like, no, no, no, they were Christian, but it was one of the Asian countries. Can I say that we're like, we're like, we're like.

Speaker 5:

Indonesia, Malaysia.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying somewhere, is it Asia, is it they were, was it?

Speaker 3:

It was a Christian. It's just a larger story, but it was a Christian nation.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

So, they were different. Christian, they were different right.

Speaker 3:

Long story short man it was. It was very sensitive. I was getting sensitive listening to it myself. But long story short it was a gentleman. You know he wouldn't renounce his religion in Christianity. So they killed this kids. I think he had like maybe three or four. They killed this kids first right in front of him.

Speaker 1:

right in front of him, that's fucked up.

Speaker 3:

How many kids do you have? Like three or four, oh my gosh. They killed those three right in front of him. He would not. He wouldn't denounce his religion. Okay.

Speaker 1:

They were doing, they were trying to get him to denounce it. Is that what you said? Yeah, I was like, I'm like, I'm just surprised and we'll let you go.

Speaker 3:

And then he so his kids died, he said. He said I'm sorry, but I have to. I have to hold on to what I believe is true.

Speaker 1:

God, he was probably shreds, when he was saying that man shredded Okay.

Speaker 3:

After after he wouldn't denounce it after the kids, they killed his wife.

Speaker 5:

Next, that's fucked up more, and then they asked him.

Speaker 3:

They said he said. He said I'm sorry, I'm bound to what I believe in. It was just recent. I don't know if it was recent, but it's.

Speaker 1:

I mean, at that point you have nothing left. At that point, Fuck, kill me too, bro, To my family.

Speaker 3:

The crazy thing is is once they take everything from you. The only thing you left, they have to say, for me is your life. So they said, after they take his kids, after he took his wife.

Speaker 1:

Put one of my girl.

Speaker 3:

Bro, don't shout at me, okay, like after it kills wife, like do you denounce this faith or what you believe in? He said despite the emotions.

Speaker 5:

No, despite the emotions.

Speaker 3:

I wanted to give up. When you took my kids away from me, hell yeah, I knew he was going after my wife next.

Speaker 5:

Okay, so what so?

Speaker 3:

they took it, they took his wife. Okay, At this point I don't have nothing else for you to take For my life. So what they take? So they said do you denounce your faith? After his wife, he said. He said I'm sorry, but I'm bound to Christ. I'm a slave to Christ. I can't give that. That's the only thing I know. They took his life, they popped him Okay.

Speaker 5:

That's fucked up.

Speaker 2:

They basically for me, bro, it's just a really heavy turn.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, but despite what I feel I have to keep reality at hand.

Speaker 5:

Okay, no, yeah, and that's fucked up. What happened?

Speaker 1:

to him.

Speaker 2:

That's what happened bro, so hold up.

Speaker 5:

So what do we? What's it building to? What do we? What do you build into? I think?

Speaker 3:

it just depends on the conversation, what we're talking about at hand, whether cause, in some scenarios maybe emotion, and you know I'm not going to downplay that because my emotions played a big factor of my dad not being in my life? No, the fuck.

Speaker 5:

So, okay, what's the?

Speaker 1:

point you're going to do Was that like a?

Speaker 5:

discipline. Is that what you're trying to go over? No, no, I'm saying, I'm saying just depending on what we're talking about whether emotion cause.

Speaker 3:

You guys are right, emotions. Sometimes, depending on what we're talking about, emotions does rule over logic.

Speaker 5:

Because that instance, that guy's a martyr. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

He's a martyr. That's right yeah.

Speaker 5:

Of course he stood. He stood steadfast in his faith right, despite emotions.

Speaker 2:

Despite everything happening towards him.

Speaker 5:

But I mean, I don't know exactly what we're trying to get.

Speaker 3:

So what I'm saying? What I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Okay, look, can I just say it real quick. I want to stop. Before you get it, can we continue? I was a little thrown off too. I was like where did it? How did we get here?

Speaker 2:

I just want to know. I'm like I'm reaching the story Like it's a crazy story.

Speaker 4:

It's a crazy story I don't want to discredit the story Because he's lit Like he had a very strong faith.

Speaker 3:

He just over, like this Well, you guys will say I'm lit, but what I'm saying is he had a very strong faith though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that's good. That's a good description of that. I just want to know how we got here.

Speaker 3:

I do agree with you guys. We're not. We're not talking about necessarily the same thing, but I'm just showing a side where it's not all about emotion, but the thing is like no, it's a spiritual thing.

Speaker 4:

Different scenario again.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the one where we're actually Well, okay, I guess, if you guys want to say that, but what I'm saying is like there are some scenarios where, of course, like religion, religion is not, it can be. Religion is based off of standards, so it can. It can't be always emotions.

Speaker 5:

But don't you think it has a?

Speaker 3:

part in there.

Speaker 5:

No, it does.

Speaker 3:

It does always have a part, because I think, I think, when it comes to religion, that's the only aspect where it's spiritual and emotional. That's the only aspect where emotions doesn't dominate. It's all three, though, if that makes sense.

Speaker 5:

I think it's an equal, it's an equal trifecta it's spiritual, it's emotional and it's logical, because no, in fact, Because your logic is weighing the probability. It's weighing all the rules and regulations, everything right, your emotions weighing how you feel, how, what to call it? Convict.

Speaker 3:

What direction?

Speaker 5:

are you going right? Your belief like it feels, it's just like, like your, it's your connection, Not necessarily the direction. Your logic and your spirituality, I would say more, dictates the direction, but your emotion is actually your actual, like connection.

Speaker 5:

The actual choice you make, no, your actual connection. Logic is the choice, spirituality is your. That's, I would say that is the more of, like, the governing of the other two. Okay, you know what I'm saying. So if that's straight, these most likely will be straight. Okay, but if that's fucked up, these two are going to be in vegan shambles too, okay.

Speaker 3:

I could think of that. I could think of that.

Speaker 5:

But at the same time which is kind of confusing they all support each other. You know what I mean. So you need to have logic, you need to have the emotional capability and you need to have the spiritual discernment.

Speaker 3:

Like they all have to be on the same level, yeah, or close to it.

Speaker 5:

You know what I'm saying, so but I think that in that case, with that gentleman and his family, like it was a test of everything, because once his kids went emotional for sure like what the fuck?

Speaker 3:

like what the hell? Emotional wasn't the factor at that point. Emotional wasn't the factor at that point. No, no, no, no.

Speaker 4:

See, there's a in nursing right. There's this called grieving. It's called dabda, literally. I pulled it up.

Speaker 1:

She was ready, so grieving right Emotion.

Speaker 4:

I'm just saying like he went through that emotion, but just like quick. First is denial right.

Speaker 4:

Then anger right, he said that he was going to give up. When he was going to give it up when they took the kids correct, right, or weren't they about to take the kids correct? But no, then there's bargaining. He's like no, I'm still going to stick to what I know Correct. Depression is like when everything was just done. That's how it is. And then acceptance he's like OK, cool, you all took everything from me. I got nothing to lose, like you said. So everything we just that. That's emotions, right there. That's just not logical. That's emotions. That's logical. That's faith and spirituality.

Speaker 4:

I feel like it's both, though, because you said to see now see, now you're twisting it no, no, no, no, because you said earlier it's, you feel like it's more just logical? No, no, no. We're trying to explain to you that it's everything, because if it was based off, emotions, well, ok.

Speaker 3:

so my question is if it was based off emotions, if he didn't want his family to die, his kids, he would have gave up right there. I mean logically, logically, logically, logically, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 5:

But the thing is, if he's really convicted in his faith and he knows, OK, like, this is a test and his belief is like. Ok, the love for his faith, yeah, like this test must be God testing him too, right? So is that logic? It's both. It's logic, emotion, it's spirituality, because the thing is, if he goes off logic, he's going to stop. He's going to be like no, fuck it, don't, don't, don't don't kill anybody.

Speaker 3:

I'm not even saying, it's pure logic.

Speaker 5:

He's like no, logically, no one would want to.

Speaker 3:

You would want to go through that.

Speaker 5:

You want to preserve life. No, I see that, but spiritually he's like this it's a test and I know that. I know that this is just so.

Speaker 3:

what is that?

Speaker 5:

What is that? There's a greater good and there's a greater.

Speaker 4:

That emotion. There is that logic, that's spiritual, it's spirit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it's almost like OK. So I'll give an example All 11, well, I'm going to say all 12, because there's one that died of old age, john.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all 11.

Speaker 1:

You see, I'm going with this. All 11 of Jesus' disciples were tortured and murdered for believing in him and saying that they saw him, and they were ready to die for the faith.

Speaker 5:

Except for Jesus, except for Judas. Oh yeah, well, excuse me, you're right, excuse me.

Speaker 3:

So, excuse me, let me stand corrected 10.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's one of the 12.

Speaker 1:

If you want to get technical, 10 of the 12, were tortured and murdered, you know for their faith and belief in saying that they saw him walking around again, you know what I'm saying. And they died. And the crazy thing is, was it Peter that has to be hung upside down, upside? Down Bro that's a me man. That's a crazy thing, man dog, that's insane. Like he's, like I don't. I'm not worthy to die the same way he did, so hang my cross. That was a willing choice. Oh, agony too I thought and I thought that they had done that to almost like spitting God's face.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, we're going to hang him upside down to diss him. No, no, no, no. Bro said no, you're going to hang me upside down because I'm not worthy.

Speaker 2:

Bro, if you don't have a me, it may be. It may be, it may be, it may be, it may be.

Speaker 1:

It may be, because it's like man, if that's not that's, if that's not undenied faith, like I saw him, bro, I know where I'm going Do your worst and bro probably died in a horrible way. I know it's going to tear me up too, cause it's like all that pressure to his head, bro, blood it was. It was an agonizing death. Bro, probably even worse than.

Speaker 5:

Nails in your feeding hands and I'm sure I'm sure Jesus bro.

Speaker 1:

When he saw Jesus, he was like come here. Wow, man, like I didn't. I didn't even expect you to do that. You know what I'm saying. It's like I could be wrong, I'm just paraphrasing from my understanding. Like that's some deep stuff, man. It hits a bone, it's a certain nerve. Oh man, I want to trigger myself either, but it's like the passion and love that he had for knowing my salvation is solidified. Bro, Do your work.

Speaker 3:

Cause. That's one of those things where you know, when you know, you know.

Speaker 1:

Whew, man man, we went somewhere, somewhere else, but you see, I'm going with that. It's just like to have that kind of faith is very moving, because it's like man, dog, you know where you're going. That must have been something hard, but you know what I'm saying In the midst of that imagine, bro, like what you're saying.

Speaker 5:

After that I would say that you know, you know the his Jesus's apostles got to see him perform these works, so they had a firsthand account of like yo, that's why it was so easy, and that's why it was so easy for them to.

Speaker 5:

that's why he said blessed is those that you know didn't, I wouldn't say I wouldn't say it was so easy for them to necessarily believe, because let's say, like they're like seeing it, they're like hold up, man, do it again. You know what I mean. They're probably like that, that part. So, that's part. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So that's why I doubted Thomas right.

Speaker 2:

You know what I love about God though, bro.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, can we? Can we take this little holster right here for an example? You know, okay, this guy right here, he can see the full picture. As far as this, right there, he can see a full square. Okay, she could. She could only see a triangle, okay, you could only see. Maybe, whatever God meets you where you're at, he doesn't say you need to see the full square before I can meet you there. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5:

So give an example of how he would, how you think and for example, before you all get into it, I guess.

Speaker 1:

I guess the point I was trying to make is that it's very, it's admirable man. Like I guess the best way I could use for the way these people went out Like you know what. I'm saying Like that right there, bro.

Speaker 2:

it is honestly, it's like so.

Speaker 1:

So when someone goes out as a quote, unquote, martyr, it's kind of an like you see that?

Speaker 2:

you're like man, it's kind of some.

Speaker 1:

G shit. Honestly I don't want to say it like that, but like it's some real admirable move, Like that's some ballsy shit that most people wouldn't want to die for.

Speaker 5:

It's like you're not going to scare me. Yeah, you're not going to scare me from what I know, Like what you want to say, like facts, bro, and I think it's way easier, like you said, even though, well, maybe not.

Speaker 1:

I feel like, maybe, from our perspective nowadays, we feel like it's easier, even though you said they might still been in doubt back then. I don't know about you, man, if I would have witnessed those miracles. I mean, like you said, you could either write it off as magic oh, he's doing magic. No, bro, those are miracles, bro, and we're seeing them do these things. I don't know about you, but I would die for them.

Speaker 2:

Come on, bro, like who else do you see walking around here doing that?

Speaker 5:

I get that, but that's why he says bless it to those that you know that believe without seeing none of those miracles physically, seeing them with their eyes, you know but think about it, bro, at those times, bro, the stuff that was going on, like, yeah, it would be, you know, logical for someone to be like, okay, like you know, this guy's the truth, right, but at the same time, they have you know what's it called Possessions going on. They have, they probably have you know, rumors of the anti-Christ going on. You know what I'm saying? There's a lot of things that we don't know. That would be said True you know what I'm saying, that's true.

Speaker 5:

Just because, like imagine, in this day and age, if you, let's say that you know slideshow, right, Just had just like manifested power starts walking on water, right, let's just say, you, you know slideshow.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's, he's, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a there gotta be a source he's getting there from.

Speaker 5:

No, I'm saying you start walking on water, do we start calling you Jesus? No, because there's a source. He's a I'm not. I understand that part. I'm just saying though but like other, people when they start, if they start calling you Jesus, are you going to correct them? Of course, that's what I'm saying, but in every case, maybe not. You never know that I'm saying. That's the battle that people are going through when they're witnessing this, these, these things. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

So I'm saying I'm not saying it's not true. Is there a person that was giving the power to make him walk Right? You know what I'm saying, so I'm not saying it's. I'm not saying it's not true.

Speaker 5:

But I'm saying like there's a debate, because, like I know, like I would like to be, like hey, like yo, this, this guy's a truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know for sure.

Speaker 5:

But at the same time, it's like if I, if I already knew you, I'm just like bro, like what's going on.

Speaker 3:

We, you know the thing, the thing about God is he's always two steps ahead of the game. You know what you just said, right, god would never. For example, sometimes. Sometimes God healed people, sometimes they don't. God will never give somebody the credit that doesn't belong to them. You see what I'm saying. Like, for example, like you said, walking on water, like there's a lot of times Jesus did not perform a miracle because they had the wrong intent in their heart. They wanted to follow Jesus because he was performing miracles, not because the father had sent them. No.

Speaker 5:

I get that, but, but, but. But, the thing is, you're right. But the thing is, though, he did perform a lot of miracles still. He did he still performed a lot of miracles.

Speaker 3:

But they were trying to follow him for the wrong. They were trying to follow him because he was performing miracles, but not because of who he was.

Speaker 5:

No, yeah, but that's on them. That's that's on them, right, which is why.

Speaker 3:

You know, like Jesus had to put it out. You just straight my sit, bro, Keep your hands on the table. Yeah, man, Don't touch the cute. Well, I can't. I can't, Don't touch the Tesseract. That's my ADHD.

Speaker 2:

Don't touch the Tesseract bro I can't, I can't. I can't touch the Tesseract. Don't touch it dawg.

Speaker 3:

There's a.

Speaker 1:

Rubik's cube over there A Space Stone, Garubik's cube bro.

Speaker 3:

Not my ADHD, I can't help that.

Speaker 1:

But you're not relaxing right now.

Speaker 3:

You're breaking the relaxing. If you want me to relax, I got to embrace my ADHD. Do it then.

Speaker 1:

Then embrace the Rubik's, but no, what I'm saying, bro there was.

Speaker 3:

Jesus was the one that you know God had promised, but they just weren't following. They were following because of what they could visually see, not because of who he was.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, they didn't know him. They didn't. They didn't study anything like they're, they're just looking for the works and the results. Yeah. You know, like my son's blind healing, please, you know. And once they say, oh, thank you, but they don't really appreciate what happened.

Speaker 3:

All right, what you could do for me.

Speaker 5:

Right, of course, what you could do for me. That's how people are, man. That's how people are.

Speaker 1:

But yeah no thanks.

Speaker 5:

So it's like and. But that's why I say, even if we saw him today, not everyone would be like oh, exactly, exactly, wouldn't it Exactly? It wouldn't accept them, because it'll be like okay, what else can you do?

Speaker 3:

Or enough, wouldn't just be enough.

Speaker 5:

If you're so great, make me rich you know, fix my, fix my brother's leg, or fix my dog. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

Fix something. Enough isn't enough. That's what the problem is Enough isn't enough.

Speaker 5:

That's the problem, bro. Like you meant, we're just. We're just too far down bro. Well, it comes to that shit.

Speaker 3:

The spirit of the Babbage mentality had acted up in her. So then, that was the spirit of the.

Speaker 2:

Babbage mentality.

Speaker 3:

Acted up and laughed. So then I was like Terry, just right there, get her.

Speaker 1:

Okay so what's that? About Miss Ling Ling up board. This episode is so far, fucking gone from being made freestyle to this point.

Speaker 3:

What are you talking about? See, cuz I wanna make that statement.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna call this shit freestyle bro.

Speaker 3:

And then you gotta embrace this shit when it happens, on time to start. I felt some opposition. I felt some heavy opposition. I felt some heavy opposition. So then I had to spot you.

Speaker 4:

You always have something against me.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So what's that about? You know what? I'm gonna sit down.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, okay, okay, let's get into it. Let's get into it real quick.

Speaker 1:

Alright. So Ling Ling, you gotta have to ask you, cuz I gotta be the mediator. At least try to be anyway at this point.

Speaker 3:

Come on, bro, mediator.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know what he's talking about. I'm trying to figure it out too, girl. So look, you know him, I gotta know him. But whatever he's aiming at and firing at, you gotta at least know what he's talking about, right.

Speaker 4:

What are you talking about?

Speaker 1:

Is this the alcohol talking to Slycho?

Speaker 3:

No, no, this is Slycho.

Speaker 1:

Damn, it's a curfew. So like for example he's saying like your mentality might have popped in like at a bad moment, right, that's what I understood from it. No, he doesn't even mean that the whole sarcastic laugh. Okay, what do you mean then?

Speaker 3:

She's right say what you mean.

Speaker 1:

For example, he's basically asking you to say it with your chest.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'll say it. I'll say it with my super bag Bro beating his shit.

Speaker 1:

No okay so, for example, let's go back to the restaurant. Let's go back to the restaurant.

Speaker 3:

This morning when you me and I'll say lips cuz I wanted to suppose for him.

Speaker 1:

Okay, lips, cuz we ain't gonna drop her. A government Lips gonna be on the show. You can use a different name when you get here, but we're gonna call you lips for now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I was no, so I put an M you know, in this world we use the uh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah you know, he knows, go ahead and say it now.

Speaker 5:

I heard lips I was like, okay, I remember I just had a head. Yeah, that's her whole name, you don't?

Speaker 1:

know what she is, but I will eventually, when she comes on the show no, you'll know, you'll know eventually.

Speaker 3:

But see, the thing is is like, for example, let's go back to emotions, right, let's go back to emotions.

Speaker 1:

Reaction though no, listen, listen, listen.

Speaker 3:

See cuz? That's the thing.

Speaker 1:

Nobody want to go off the logic, no more. No shit, listen, you're listening right, I'm here too, I know you're listening. What you mean, asshole. I'm right here too. We're right here. Me and Leling are present, right.

Speaker 3:

Back at the restaurant. Back at the restaurant, we's having a good time, he's talking about.

Speaker 1:

I almost said the name. I was at the restaurant this morning breakfast brunch.

Speaker 3:

No, no, not today.

Speaker 1:

Maybe two days ago, but it was still a brunch yeah. We were talking, we were having a good conversation.

Speaker 3:

You know what we was talking about. At one point I don't know if you remember, but you'll remember. At one point she stopped cuz I said something. I don't know if I said something that triggered her or because the logic probably hit her a little differently. But she said she stepped out of logic and said oh well, who hurt you? That's something. That's not something that's productive to conversation.

Speaker 1:

I'm reflecting.

Speaker 3:

Now I want to hurt you because I got hurt.

Speaker 1:

He feels like it was deflection. What do you think? Would you agree with that? What do you think, leling, was it deflection?

Speaker 3:

So okay, so we're hitting each other with straight facts.

Speaker 1:

He's talking about your friend too. We're back and forth about something that happened, and then she just dropped the who hurt you, who hurt you.

Speaker 5:

So you're talking about a relationship.

Speaker 1:

But for the fact, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, just so you know, give you more context, leling did that to him last episode. Oh, you did, she, did she did. But look at this motherfucker, he's just sitting your ass down.

Speaker 3:

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm going to do on my side now. I'm just saying I love you too. I'm sorry, I love you too. I'm just letting you know you did say that I got to save the context.

Speaker 5:

But thank you, brother, thank you. She was responding with who hurt you, because you were talking about what no?

Speaker 3:

no, so we were hitting each other with straight facts, right?

Speaker 1:

About relationship.

Speaker 3:

Now you might have been cornered and then, like you, needed to escape right.

Speaker 5:

So then you told me who hurt you. You feel what I'm saying, felt the pressure and she felt almost to use reflection right.

Speaker 1:

So why is that like a?

Speaker 3:

bad bitch like Mentality, because you can't straight come out and say, okay, you got me.

Speaker 1:

Do you feel that maybe it's a defense mechanism? I want to say that's a defense mechanism?

Speaker 3:

Is it a defense mechanism? You don't want to lose. You don't want to say admit that you're wrong in the conversation.

Speaker 5:

That's just not taking accountability.

Speaker 3:

Because, bro? Because when you cornered me in a couple conversations that we had just now, I was like okay, I got you, I understand where you come from, like you can accept it.

Speaker 5:

But a woman can't do that, a bad bitch mentality can't do that. Prideful women can't Bad bitch mentality.

Speaker 4:

No, I guess, like every time I met like, oh, who hurt you? It's because, like you're talking in like Projecting.

Speaker 3:

I could say, when she says about it you were talking about this earlier with me, bro.

Speaker 4:

It's not like, oh my like. I'm not in your corner or anything. It's more of like.

Speaker 3:

But that's what I like about you, because when you say it's not like, it's not, it's not coming from like.

Speaker 4:

I need to defend myself. That's why you're doing it Call me, I mean Because you're defending her. That's so, best friend. You're defending her.

Speaker 1:

He's saying basically, you're trying to talk on her behalf, but that's all we got to get her on here, bro, what get on her Ling Ling's?

Speaker 2:

reason makes sense, her reason makes sense, but we got to get you know, if she comes on show, come on.

Speaker 3:

If she comes on show, come on. Well, we'll have them both here. Yeah, yeah, it's one of those things, but I just need you to defend her, because that's that's where my example goes.

Speaker 1:

So then we're going to have to hold on that until she gets here, so she can speak for herself, but I At least at least I guess we can we can.

Speaker 2:

No, listen, listen, bro that makes sense.

Speaker 3:

I agree with me with this. We can hold on until she get here, but until then I won. Oh man, that's.

Speaker 4:

Same shit again. He's the same thing, the same shit again.

Speaker 1:

Should we just end this up right here?

Speaker 3:

Women do better, do better Do better.

Speaker 1:

He said women do better, so we can do it Cut.

Speaker 3:

Oh shit, we hit our two hour mark. We could definitely do that.

Speaker 1:

Women do better. That's it, you.

Speaker 4:

Specific guys needs to do better, specifically you.

Speaker 3:

Can you call me out on some of my thoughts? Can you call me out? You want?

Speaker 4:

me to Honestly she will Yoda voice. She has to be Yoda voice.

Speaker 3:

Careful with your ass for next.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Be careful. Listen, listen listen, she may not lay into you, no, you.

Speaker 3:

See Me honestly. You can, because I'm open to correction If I'm wrong. Even if you call me on some show like Damn, she really called me on that. Maybe I might feel some type way in the beginning, but at the end of the day God had told me she was right. I used her. You're wrong.

Speaker 4:

But the thing is like, even if I'm not even coming at you as a correction, I'm coming at you as a guidance. No, you still would not accept it.

Speaker 3:

No Correction. Correction. That's the problem.

Speaker 4:

I've been through it for a little while now, but it was. There was a conversation when I got home from work. I have two days. I'm open to correction.

Speaker 3:

Okay, the thing is like I corrected you and then you didn't do, you didn't follow through, and then I guided you and still did not do. No See, look, see, look, if you can correct me. Yeah, I'm not going to say that You're wrong, but at the end of the day, if I choose what I want to do when I want to do it, that's. I still heard what correction was, but you're contradicting yourself now, or that could be me operating in what I believe is right.

Speaker 4:

But that's the thing. That's why I'm holding you accountable for it.

Speaker 3:

And I appreciate you for that.

Speaker 4:

But you're saying like, am I doing it, am I not? No, no, as a friend, I expect you to do it as a friend, no, but what I'm saying now is like when I was doing it, she was not doing no actions.

Speaker 3:

But was I? But was I giving you kickback for not doing it? Or was I giving you kickback because you were doing it? I wasn't hating it because we're if all the more. I was loving you because you wanted the best for me. That's why you corrected me.

Speaker 1:

My boy, we're going to pop the bottom back.

Speaker 3:

Are you guys, are you guys listening? No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

I'm listening, I'm listening.

Speaker 3:

It makes sense you got the floor.

Speaker 1:

You got the floor. Yeah, we're giving you the floor right now. You got?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

You want to win, so go ahead Because no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that was a joke.

Speaker 3:

That was a joke, but honestly. That was a joke, but honestly because you want to win.

Speaker 1:

You did for her.

Speaker 2:

But honestly man it's.

Speaker 3:

it's not even about like it's not. It's not about an internet, bro. At the end of the day, it's just like do you want God to be pleased in you? Do you want to make it in judgment day? No, of course I don't know what you believe.

Speaker 4:

Our conversations always like that. It's like it always and the funny thing is like whatever type of conversation me and Sasha would have, it always like. It always ends up to like we're trying to make it, Just want to make it yes that's, that's the bottom line.

Speaker 3:

I'll take it with you, bro. Sorry, I just got.

Speaker 1:

I'm a little late.

Speaker 4:

I'm sorry, like you, good, no more for him, because he's a no, I think.

Speaker 1:

I'm taking another one. He's going on and thinking I'm thank you furious Now, but you know it's, it's man, she's got a point, though you mean I last part, you both got points. That's the hard part. You guys are both. It's a.

Speaker 4:

Oh man, it's not supposed to. We're not supposed to. It's not about it's not winning?

Speaker 3:

Yes, not when it's not, I make it, I make it, oh you change it. It's not about winning.

Speaker 1:

Thank you what, and I'm sorry I have to.

Speaker 3:

I have to call her on this one, I hope you guys. I have to call sign Ling Ling. You guys, you guys, you guys just got to understand when I'm playing from one ambient. Well, let's take a shot real quick.

Speaker 1:

It's not about winning, let's take a shot there. All of us, ling Ling, jump in there with your wine.

Speaker 2:

I already, I already, mr oh you already talked to us Right, that's right. Here he pops one. That's cool.

Speaker 1:

All right, furious, I guess, let's do this. Oh yeah, it's nice. Oh, you do the job.

Speaker 4:

It's nasty.

Speaker 1:

No, oh she's like, the wine is not sweet Like you said. You said it was.

Speaker 4:

It was sweet earlier.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was okay.

Speaker 4:

No, so the flavor.

Speaker 1:

That's probably why.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it's not about winning man. It's not about winning, it's about what's right Actually it is about when you record that. What you mean, I know.

Speaker 5:

No, it's about I have a win Recording. We're good Listen.

Speaker 3:

I got you. You talk about salvation, bro. Right, you know what I just thought I wanted to sound. The first, I feel it's about winning souls. That's not bad, I mean like it's not about winning, but it's salvation though. It's not about salvation, but that's what they mean by when they say it's about winning souls, bro.

Speaker 5:

People owe that to themselves. Ok, if you, if you want to get like salvation, you have to do that. It's like it's not up to you you put up to him, it's not up to her, up to me, it's like that's up to that individual to get themselves to that, to that position.

Speaker 3:

That's why he's called the father of the faith because no matter what he went through, he trusted God.

Speaker 2:

Yeah that's father of the faith. Right there, you're right.

Speaker 3:

I can't prove Abraham was real. I can't give you evidence of birth certificate.

Speaker 5:

I can't give you that, of course not, but I mean. That's why I asked you which, which one? I mean I'm not, and I just want you to know.

Speaker 3:

Oh, give daddy some love. All right, damn.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Say hi, I don't, I don't know if I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I'm still be no, no, no, no, don't be wrong, it's actually brother, I'm not trying to say that that's.

Speaker 1:

that's what we're here no we never try to deter that, ever. You know that. But I'm saying like, like you know, this is just even after editing, you know. I'm saying like this is probably going to be, this is some, this is this is going to be good.

Speaker 1:

It's good, though no, no, it's one of those things where it's just going to be, like you know, memorable for sure Is anything. I'm going to go ahead and transition it, though, you guys, to our final thoughts for the episode. You know saying so, is there anything anybody wants to? You know I'm going to start with left to right. Well, after that's cool, choose like furious. And you want to leave? Leave on the table, say. Say your response to slideshow.

Speaker 2:

What say?

Speaker 1:

your response to slideshow and then what your final thoughts are in the episode. Brother, we see them next week.

Speaker 5:

I mean, I thought it was a good episode. I think, definitely went off different.

Speaker 1:

Policy miss makes it good. Yeah, but yeah it was definitely there.

Speaker 5:

It was definitely dope man. I think it was too fluid. You know Damn last word, I don't know. I'm kind of had a loss for words right now. I'm just taking it off because we can't just finish.

Speaker 3:

I feel it. I know we can't, but we can't keep for another three hours.

Speaker 1:

Either you know, say we could do that. I'll be in the dog house.

Speaker 4:

We should have like a while we're doing this. We should have like a live going on.

Speaker 3:

That would be nice, she's right.

Speaker 1:

She's right If we're going to do an episode like this, which I agree with. We can. Thank you, baby, A lot of fun. She's so sweet. We could do a live episode where we have a chat chiming in, and you know that would be nice.

Speaker 3:

We. We have reached for our look at that. That'd be nice. You know we could definitely do Questions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we could have them, Of course, and that's what she's, that's what she was getting at, Right. I mean, I'm sure you're going at that. If we have a live chat, we can have them interact with us live and then they can just say you know what they want to discuss. We'll have an episode like that. Most doubt, Most definitely we'll have something like that. But going forward, you know I love that. Yeah, we'll transition to that. We'll definitely make that a reality, bro. But you know I respect that furious. You say you're kind of taking it all in. It's a lot to put you on the spot with. I get that, brother. Sorry, it's just. You know this episode was a lot to digest. It went 10 different directions.

Speaker 3:

So I think, bro, but honestly, honestly, that's, that's the best time to ask questions.

Speaker 1:

No, I agree, I agree, no, no, but it's true.

Speaker 3:

You catch you pulling their best character when you catch them off guard, because when you're off guard that's when you'll answer like the most truth for the who, your hero, it is no, no and it gets there.

Speaker 1:

No, I guess they're right. And it gets to the point where it's too broad. You pop the shit up. That's a tight in the microphone. My boy, he's going to hide it like. He just tried to hide the side of the. The tightener came up and he was trying to hide it Like put this back in the microphone Until after camera.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, I'm coming.

Speaker 1:

Hey bro, what the fuck is this time? He should just pop off. I don't want to do with this, bro. What are you coming from? I'll be with it back. Anyway, with that being said, ling Ling, what are your final thoughts till we come back next week?

Speaker 4:

Resume another episode Part three. Even if it's like a lot, I feel like it's like a good conversation.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I'm like in general because like we, all have, like we all have different ideas of situations and different beliefs and different, like you know, different point of view. Pretty much. So this episode is like, literally pretty much like our different point of view. Yeah, for sure so yeah, yeah, ok, cool, I like that.

Speaker 1:

That's good and she's right. Guys, sometimes in the future, especially now, we're going to freestyle like this. It happens, you know, and it's a good thing. This is time to talk, right? We don't really subject to just one topic. It's the conversation never ends, it's the ever, never ends. Exactly, it's the conversation that's ever, ever evolving and never ends. So, you know, I love that. That's cool and that's how we're going to stick it Slideshow you and then me, and we're out bro.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say that's. You know, the only thing is like one thing that we all have in common we're all looking for truth, yeah, yeah, facts. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, so I would just say let's just, let's just work together and do with it. You know depending on the matter, what nobody says, like we're all on the same boat. You feel what I'm saying? Well, we're all looking for truth.

Speaker 1:

We're all looking for sure, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

What the next thing is. So it's like you know, just just let's just get along, and you know. I like that be open to talking to each other.

Speaker 1:

No, no, for sure, and I hope, I hope. I know no means.

Speaker 3:

And that's why this is called a safe place, because it's not.

Speaker 2:

Of course we could talk to each other.

Speaker 3:

But we don't have to worry about the next person judging us, and that's that's why this is a safe place. Yeah, of course, safe place, brother.

Speaker 1:

I yeah, and that's I want to want to tell. One of the time, in what you're saying, I never, ever, ever wanted to feel like you can't speak on something. You know this is not a platform, absolutely, because you know that from the start I always told you you never be muted on the show, bro. That's, that's, that's a hundred. That's a safe place. I'll mute him I might hit the mute button a few times, especially when I Especially when I teach her how to use this, she might just hit.

Speaker 3:

I'll take a personal. See, she hit right there.

Speaker 1:

She can easily hit that button right there and I just taught her how to use it. I'll just say that she might hit it a couple of times. But you know, but that means that, brother, yeah, it's definitely, you know, a show of free expression, but I'm happy with the show.

Speaker 3:

I'm happy with the episode we had today.

Speaker 1:

Me too man, it was very organic.

Speaker 3:

It's the longest we might have had, but it was.

Speaker 4:

Yeah it's the most Meaningful we had, yeah, and it's very your emotions.

Speaker 3:

Honestly. Now you have me too. Y'all have me about a dirt couple of times, but it's because Maybe. I'm open to my emotions.

Speaker 1:

Hey, that's okay, that's okay. No, no, no for sure, thanks, thanks, no, it's okay.

Speaker 3:

Cause we're like I said, we're all trying to find truth. No for sure.

Speaker 1:

So so. So, with that being said, guys, I'm going to go ahead and chime in here Now. I'm going to say thank you, guys, for loaning us your ears, your eyes and your emotions. You listen to us, vibing with us, watching us. That's right. It's been timeless talk. We appreciate y'all. You know saying every, every, you know where to find us. Thank you, guys. Shout out to all the listeners and the viewers out there for YouTube, for all, all, wherever we're streamed on, I want to say, man, the networks are so spread out, man, but you know, for all you Apple podcasts users, your Spotify users, you these are users, all these people that go ahead and use any, any listening platform, everywhere is we're across the board. We appreciate you, guys, ears. We appreciate your time.

Speaker 1:

That's right, All right guys. We'll see you guys next week have a nice day, bye.

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