Timeless Talk

The Israel-Palestine Feud: From Biblical Times to Influencer Boxing Matches

AJ & SlideShow Season 4 Episode 2

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Feeling the tremors of the historic Israel-Palestine conflict? Join us as we unpack its complicated roots, the heightened recent violence, and the speculated involvement of Iran. This episode of Timeless Talk promises an insightful exploration of this age-old conflict, straight from the biblical narratives to the international reactions to the recent attacks. We speculate on the role of Artificial Intelligence in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Hold onto your seats as we take a deep dive into the realm of AI and spiritual wickedness, even considering the chilling possibility of the Antichrist returning through AI.  And though we broach a heavy topic, our guiding principle remains clear - we stand with God, always.

On a lighter note, who doesn't love a good boxing match? Especially when it involves influencers like Salt Papi, Slim Albaher, KSI, Logan Paul, and Dillon Danis. Get our blow-by-blow analysis of these matches, right from Salt Papi's hilarious duel with Slim to Logan Paul's surprising moment of clarity that potentially won him the fight against Dillon Danis. We also engage in some lively debate on the impact of these influencer bouts on the sport of boxing.

Amid these intense discussions, we never lose sight of the human cost of the conflict, and our hearts and prayers go out to both Israel & Palestine. Remember, keeping the conversation positive is key. So, tune in for some thought-provoking discussions and a dash of entertainment!

*Discussion on Recent Conflict in Israel-Palestine
*Iran's supposed involvement in attacks
* War Tactics and Invasion Scenarios
*Speculations on AI and the Antichrist
*Boxing Matches Analysis & Commentary
*Fight Analysis
*Logan Paul vs. Dillon Danis Boxing
*KSI vs. Tommy Fury Boxing
*Prayers for Both Countries

Intro Beat Credit: Memnoc (Picasso)*
*Outro Beat Credit: JJ got Beatz*

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to. The conversation never ends. This is timeless talk. I'm your host, aj. This is slideshow to my right and we're back for another action pack episode of timeless talk. Yo, somebody get some more brother, or what I?

Speaker 2:

was gonna save it towards the end, but oh, man I thought I might give it to him now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yo, man. So we back for another episode. Man, this is episode two of season four. I don't know how you say it Slideshow. We want our first topic. Our first half of the show is gonna be a little more serious, right, and then? The second half is gonna be more like reviewing the farce, or, in the lighter note, as you put it earlier. Yeah, on the lighter side, the second half of the episode is gonna be about these fights, these influencer bouts that we watched on the 14th of this month.

Speaker 1:

Hey bro, legit bro. Looks like he could be your brother, even your cousin. Like you said, man KSI looks like slideshow in the comments down below. If you guys agree that the KSI looks like slideshow, go ahead and just put a tally in there, so keep that count. Put a poll so people think that slideshow looks like KS.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna put that up on Instagram then you gotta put one picture of me and one picture of him. We're gonna do that side by side.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna put on the story on Instagram. That's what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna have him, like you know, vote. Does he look the slideshow? Look like KSI, but yes or no? That should be great man. Alright, guys. So today's episode I already explained to you guys. The second half is gonna be a slider. It's about the you know, the fights. The prime card right is what it's called the first half. We're gonna talk about more serious note, which is what's going on right now in Israel against them and the Palestinians. I got some notes that I took. Before I continue into it, I want to know what slideshow, what you got on it first, like what do you know about? What information do you have on the situation out there? Is it quite a war just yet or is it just something that's? Is it just tit for tat back and forth right now?

Speaker 2:

At least when you look at the history of Israel and Palestine, like it was beefed it right. Yeah, like everybody knows, it's something that's going on for thousands of years. Yeah, it's not new. Yeah, same thing with, like, all the nations that surround Israel. It's like you can read about it in the Bible Same thing that's going on then, it's going on now. I think the thing is like we just get to see more in depth what the Bible was already saying. Yeah, it's like I believe. I believe it's over, like you know, territory.

Speaker 1:

I think so. I know that more recently it's been, there's been other issues that have been going on with them. So the reasons for the attacks right, I researched it is that all you have those far what you know what's going on or do you have more? Before I get into this, well, I had. I don't.

Speaker 2:

I don't know specifically like the very like down to the T details of what's going on, but I know about something that I read prior that like happened during this time over there. Yeah, so like, did you want me to go into that or did you want me to?

Speaker 1:

see, yeah, let's just go ahead and do that, bro. Let's get into the past first and see if that has any contribution as to what's going on right now.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you look at the Bible, right, god promised Abraham that him and his descendants would live in a promised land forever, right, which is the land of Canaan. And the land of Canaan, god told them it was going to be their possession forever. But even though God had already promised it to them, it was still their job to go in there and, as God said, like kind of like, just smash, destroy everybody, oh shit.

Speaker 2:

So he told them, like, that was a strong measure, yeah basically the yeah, because if you, if you read it, it's like they went through them, cleared them out, went through them, cleared them out when they were supposed to do that until everybody was wiped out. But well, because of you know, some circumstances, some nations stayed and, as a result, like you can see, like because of them staying and they weren't completely cleared out, that's why they're at where that now. So, if you look at it, was it that? Because if God give you something, it's yours, right? Yeah, but if you go and take something, but the people are still there, did you take it, or is it?

Speaker 2:

yours, you know, yeah, so then they're fighting over land, but it's like I think that's what it boils down to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like you took it for months. Even what's going on now I'm sure has something to do with that. Yeah, like you took it for months. No, you took it for months and then.

Speaker 2:

So now we see, even our nation is divided because everybody's trying to. I'm on. I'm on the Philistine side, I'm on the Israelite side. Yeah you know a lot of people are highlighting, like you know, you have casualties of wars, yeah, like this nation's pointing out oh well, you guys rape women and it's like well, you guys kill babies. So it's like damn. And then you like, you like, see what the thing the key thing is is I'm on God's side, right, amen. And Israel is all. Israel is the apple of God's eye.

Speaker 1:

I'm about to say that that's that's. I was just about to say that it's hard not to have a bias just because, bro Israel, those that's God's, those are God's. That's God's people, man, that's what? Not that we're not God's people. You know what I mean. That's God's, that's God's people.

Speaker 2:

But like the Bible says, like Israel is his first born, damn well. But, bro, you know, you know me and Kaleifa. Yeah, did you see what she's been saying?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you see what she's been saying.

Speaker 2:

A little bit, yeah, bro that was ripping into her, bro. I know that was ripping into her. She was like she had said some stuff she's.

Speaker 1:

Palestinian, though she is oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

And she said something. She was saying like I support my country, right. And then, bro, those comments had her by her throat.

Speaker 1:

That was like Awesome, but she's stupid because it's like you support country, yet you disrespect them by getting fucked in a haji right? Was that what it's called?

Speaker 3:

They were like what was the thing?

Speaker 1:

called that she wears.

Speaker 3:

That she wore.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, is it a haji? I don't want to get it wrong, but they were like. Forgive me, guys out there, if I get that wrong. They were like. They were like. You can't go home, though, can you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because she fucking defiled it by wearing that shit while doing a porn bro, there was that and there's also might as like I'm gonna make my own life decisions before I listen to a whore. I was like yeah, they were in her comments letting her have it. Everybody. There was like maybe two or three people after like, because I was. You know, I was there for it. I was there studying them comments faithfully, I know you were. And then some, I don't blame you though.

Speaker 2:

And then some people. Some people. They didn't even say nothing. They just posted a picture with her with the thing on, like you said, with a peepee in her mouth. I was like the Internet is undefeated.

Speaker 1:

So I was like yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was different and honestly, and honestly though, it's very sad, it's very sad. I don't know the, I don't know the name of the girl, but at least what I was keeping up with is like I guess it was a, it was a girl I get the name later but it was a girl that I think she was actually German. I don't know if you heard about it, but she was actually German and she was in Israel at a party. They say supposedly it was a, it was a piece, it was something like a peaceful protest party, and that's when Hamas, like Hamas is a Palestine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Well, they're Palestinian Right? I believe so. I'm not, I don't know, I think so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she, she, she was at a party and then that's when they attacked and they kidnapped her and they have videos of when they were walking her away. They separated her from her boyfriend and it was really weird, bro. After that they just like I seen another video where, like her body was in the back of a pickup truck, so they kidnapped her. One video you see her walking off like like they're taking her away. And then they said like her body was raped, she was like stripped naked. And then, it was weird, bro, they paraded with her body Is in the back of the pickup truck.

Speaker 1:

They broke her bones. This reason.

Speaker 2:

this is why that was going on Like maybe a week or two ago. They parade on a mixture.

Speaker 1:

They paraded with her body.

Speaker 2:

They paraded with her body. Wow, while her body was in the back of the pickup truck, like they were driving past, like I'm also doing this. Yeah, and then like you just see you just see people looking into the pickup truck spitting on her dead body. It's crazy because her, even her family, is like can you guys just return the body please? I just returned. I'm like damn.

Speaker 1:

This is heartless, bro. When did you read this?

Speaker 2:

I watched the video. This is a video.

Speaker 1:

This is a video we can't show you guys. This video, I think I forgot. I would post it if I could show it, without it being flagged and us getting demonetized and taken down. That's terrible man.

Speaker 2:

You can see her.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, I'm still trying to react over this. You said what?

Speaker 2:

In the video you can see her leg is broken, like her. Her knees is like twisted to the side. It's weird. And then like, yeah, she's down there naked too.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just drew silence right now with that this was happened.

Speaker 3:

Now You're not.

Speaker 1:

This is not, because, remember, I told you brief us on the past. Now we're talking about what's going on today and the first thing you hit me with is there's a video of a damn he did this to a German girl that was visiting.

Speaker 1:

So, I'm listening to your story, right, you're telling me this and I'm like yo, that's how ruthless these people are, that you guys even did it to a person that was visiting that wasn't even really basically an innocent bystander. Really, if she was German, she had nothing to do with Israel or Palestine man. It takes a certain kind of individual or, in this case, country, to be that kind of ruthless bro to make a point. So you'll be here, you're willing to even torture and kill and murder their tourists, bro, to send a message. It's bad enough that you're willing to kill innocent lives and take out innocent people that are living in the country. That's. That's already terrible in itself, but it's an extra mile that you're willing to even Murder their tourists.

Speaker 2:

That's awful, bro, it's. That's why I say casualties of war, bro, because you know, no I'll Palestinian's are bad. Because there was a video where, like it showed no, I agree, they're not. Israel troops, like you know, beating a Palestinian guy while it's like four year old or something. But I'm like, I'm like it's one of those things. Like you know, black people have good people and they have bad people. Same thing with every other race.

Speaker 1:

There's a good and bad and everything. I agree, so, exactly. So just, you know, if you're Palestinian and you're watching this, don't think that we're trying to single you guys out and say you're evil, because there's good Palestinians, right, I agree, but unfortunately, man, your country right now, and the ones that are in Hamas and those one, those individuals that are a part of that. Don't make you guys look too good, you know.

Speaker 3:

I'm saying and the same thing goes for Israelites and it's just declared the 13th, was it 13?

Speaker 2:

they declared that. Uh, I think so today. Yeah, they call it. They call it something else, a specific that they use for yeah and then like what like 13th day of the month. I don't know if it was destruction or something, but the day of destruction of the.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you talking about Hamas. Yeah didn't they? Yeah, they declared something right that we're gonna make today. Today we go out and do random violence.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it's our hurting and shooting people and killing people. Yeah, bro, you know what told me about that? A co-worker told me about that shit. If he told me about that shit, bro, so I'm a blot, I'm gonna bleak him out. This individual's name that I'm not gonna name gave me a heads up and told about that. So he just said be careful out there today, bro, we don't know if it's gonna happen in the States might be axi-terrorism in within the state as well, so just be careful. So, uh, you know what.

Speaker 1:

That being said, as I get into it, I did my research and they're claiming that the the reasons for the attacks. The leader of Hamas military wing, hamas's military wing, mohammed thief I probably said his name wrong, what gives a shit, he's the enemy said the assault was in response to a 16 year old blockade of Gaza. So may may basically mean it was this, was, this was a response to 16 years of blocking Gaza. Hmm, you know saying it's a possibly Israel raids inside West Bank cities over the past year, violence at El-Ka'al-Aqasa, the disputed Jerusalem holy site sacred to the Jews as the temple mount, increasing attacks by the settlers on Palestinians and the growth of settlements. So suppose me that was the reason for the attacks, what I just read. So when I when I say that they disputed the Jerusalem, holy say, holy site sacred to the Jews, the temple of the mount. You know what that is?

Speaker 2:

temple of the mount, I think it's called temple, temple mount is what it's called.

Speaker 1:

I Don't think it's the north wall, though right, or the West wall. You know the wall that they, that they people pray at and they said Supposedly that's where Christ is gonna return to. That might have something to do with this location I'm not sure Was supposedly. Ultimately it was over. The 16 year, or 16 year ongoing blockade of Gaza was supposedly the reason why they did it. Israel's response to it Was they did airstrikes and they had targets, bro, they did they basically flew over and fucked up their, their territories, bro.

Speaker 1:

Israel military said and noted that they destroyed centers that were housing Hamas militants. So basically any housing and Palestine that were housing, you know, hamas, anybody else Hamas related, was getting fucking bombed. They didn't care, bro. Palestinian officials also said that a hospital had been hit, along with multi-story buildings, homes and a mosque.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're not playing now.

Speaker 1:

No, they weren't bro. And then Gaza, and then also they also did, also did attack on this year. No, it says Gaza. Health ministry in Gaza said that at least 400 plus Palestinians had been killed bro, mostly inside Israel. Most of their murder, most of the ones that were murdered.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

My question is how'd they get in? You see what I'm saying, bro. They had the iron dome. You heard about that. That stops missiles. Supposedly they had the iron dome over the city of Israel, or, excuse me, over the country of Israel, over the main city. Then you have all these defenses on the, on the fences, to keep people out. How do these Palestinians get in? How did a, how did Hamas even get inside Israel? They started doing these terrorist attacks.

Speaker 3:

This is this, and see.

Speaker 1:

This is where the conspiracy theorists coming in, bro. So supposedly the motivating factors for the attacks, right, were this Israel's occupation of the West Bank, recent Israel police raids on the Akhaza and mosque in Jerusalem. For all of you out there, I did some research is not enough. This is why we need to get a guy behind the camera. The research for us, we know this. So the contentious status of the okay, we're gonna call it that for now, excuse me a Q, you, a Qsa mosque compound. So that was part of the reasons for the attacks.

Speaker 1:

What do you think? Do you think these are legitimate reasons, like the occupation of the West Bank? What does that mean? Was there a West Bank in Israel? I know you and I are not really late on the topic. We don't know too much in depth about Israel. We know it was God's state of God's country, I mean. But aside from that, it sounds like if this is really the case, bro, they were all pressing and along. In a nutshell, what I'm getting from this list I just read to you in a nutshell they were basically oppressing Palestinians that were in their country, putting them in gels, occupying the mosques that they were present at. What do you think? Do you think that that's ground I guess we'll question, friend asking a slideshow Do you think that that's grounds to attack Israel the way that? The way the Palestinians did well cause?

Speaker 2:

The first thing that had me that I was paying attention to was when you said that they're fighting over the mount right. Yeah now you did bring a good point like Are they talking about where Mount Zion is, like you said, like where the Lord? Yeah, then my be first. We can't get that up Right and then it's like okay, well then we want to be friends, but if you can't, get that up, then we have to fight.

Speaker 1:

Hands are gonna be thrilled throwing that point and then you have the thousand.

Speaker 2:

You have the thousand like Palestinian troops, like I don't know. That's another casualty award.

Speaker 1:

Wild right yeah it makes sense, right? If you look at the historical context of Israel and Palestine, the conflict they've had between each other, there's actually a graph that I'll put above me, a slideshow right here that I got, and If you look at it slideshow, you'll see that, in from 2008 all the way to now, there was a. There was a time where they beefed it really hard in 2008, 2009, yeah, then 2010, 2011, not really so much 12 was kind of ending, and then you see all the the related deaths. So I guess the ones that are in red are Are Palestinian, right? So the black bar is Israel and the black and the red. So on this chart, you guys, the black bars are Israelites and the red bars are the Palestinian, palestinians, and if you look, the Palestinian numbers are way higher.

Speaker 1:

Death count tolls. Then Israel, bro, if you look at that, 2014, it's sky rockets, bro. The devastation is way different, bro, that back in 2014, a 50-day war Sparks by the kidnapping of three Israel teenagers ended in deaths of 73 Israelites and but but More than 2,000 Palestinians were dead because of it. That I'm just like yo, this is like, and that happened in 2014, my boy, come on. Oh, and I'm gonna leave the chart up as we talk about this, because if you look at the chart and continue to look at it as we're explaining to you guys, then from 2015 all the way to 2022, look at those numbers.

Speaker 1:

Still more Palestinians, way more Palestinians died than Israelites. That's a trip, huh. You see that right, I'm showing slides, yeah, yeah. But then look now fast forward to 2023. This is current events. More people in Israel have died in this conflict alone this year than in any other years prior in the past decades. Death since most recent conflict began. Way less Palestinians Well, that's not true. They kind of grow a little bit more as far as the deaths that toll. But right now, the I don't know what they were trying to get from this, this chart. They're just trying to prove that Palestinians are more so the victims in this entire.

Speaker 1:

But then again how reliable can we? And then again, where did this chart really come from? Yeah, this which has been going around on social media, this chart that I was able to pull Was was was been what has been circling social media.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know who controls social media, so yep.

Speaker 1:

And Then they're wondering if Iran funded the attack and helped out the Palestinians. In a lengthy address laying out five step without boring you guys too much, you know fast forward. Mccarthy took aim at the Biden administration for its prisoner swap and its Iran decision to unfreeze six billion dollars frozen Iran Iranian funds in exchange for the freedom of five wrongfully detained American citizens. Can you believe that? So supposedly that we were in cahoots with them and the reason why Iran ended up funding that attack on Israel? To get back at us for that.

Speaker 2:

They got do something about sleepy Joe first.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna get too deep into that that topic, guys, just because you know I don't want to spend the webisode about it. It's very political. I'm not saying that we don't like discussing political on time to stock. I'm just saying it's not our favorite thing to do here on this show. I wish you could all just agree to disagree when it comes to harder topics like this every politician is a devil, they say.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's what they say. Supposedly, planning of the attack was Iranian security officials. Is there again? Iran was in cahoots with them because of this is what happened with Americans. Iranian security officials helped to mass plan the attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Berlu last Monday. But right.

Speaker 1:

I fucked that up, guys, excuse me. And the spit spelled be I RUT last Monday that location. So I don't know. I mean they say that that Iran had something to do with it. That's a good chance. I mean there's evidence around it. I mean I was also researching that and figuring out.

Speaker 1:

There was some evidence around that. They were saying that, for the planning of the attack, officers of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas Since August to devise the air, land and sea incursions. So they were working with a mass since, supposedly since August of this year, devising a plan. How they can? Hamas can come in through the, because you know again it goes back to my whole thing with the border of Israel not being easy to cross, supposedly Iran was in cahoots with them to try to figure out how I this, how you guys, gonna be able to fly in. So you're gonna come into the land. How are you gonna come into the sea as wild, right, I don't know, man.

Speaker 1:

So, and here's the funny part, lastly, and then we're gonna move on, guys, to the next topic Iran's role in the attack. I, of course they denied it. Iran has denied any involvement in this attack, but there is a growing consensus among experts that Iran played a significant role in planning and executing this attack. I don't know, bro. So then, what does that mean then? Does that mean that Iran's really behind this and that the Palestinian people are just being used as puppets? What do you think it means, sledge, I know it's not like I'm reading. I'm doing history class right now. I'm not trying to bore the audience too much, or you? What do you think?

Speaker 2:

I just I don't know, I think. I just think they're in close with each other.

Speaker 1:

They must be cool, right? Are they allies or they never allies? Is it shocking that Iran helped them? Is that something that they were never other Iraqi people I know they're not allies of?

Speaker 2:

ours. You know like how in war you try to flank, yeah, like create a diversion, like I'm fighting you what you really want to do?

Speaker 1:

you just have them come in as a distraction.

Speaker 2:

Kind of like the movie 300. Like we fighting right here. Then they come in from the side, out of nowhere.

Speaker 1:

They flank and that's how they got them, because, bro, they were taking them out and they would have been able to keep their regime going, like you use the example, 300, right, you remember you watched that movie those of you that know the history and watched the movie at 300. You know the Spartans back then, right? So the way they did it, they were winning, bro, and then they got flanked, right, they would have probably took out Xerxes and all those dudes if they would have been able to keep on their path.

Speaker 2:

They were struggling for a little bit when that giant dude came out.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, but they were taking them out little by little. If they wouldn't have got flanked, they would have won 300 Spartans, bro what it just took them out. But when they got flanked and an overran Because I want a hunchback dude Fuckin revealed. Remember that he revealed their Xerxes. Hey look, this is a. You guys don't know about this hidden path. You guys take the hidden path. You'll catch them off guard. I'm gonna take them out.

Speaker 3:

That's what's happening, bro.

Speaker 1:

Sad story, but um, beautiful ending, though. It was beautiful ending, bro. When I like a G, like a champ, you gonna go out like no bitch. He almost got Xerxes to me through that spear. He missed them by. Oh, he almost took him out, bro.

Speaker 2:

He did what he said, though he said, by the end of the day everybody would know even a guy can't complete and he got them right there. He started bleeding. Oh yeah, he busted him in the lip.

Speaker 1:

I think he got him in the lip. It was like the side of his face it took out on a cheek, cut out this whole side of his cheek out with his little piercings he had there. He was like, oh, I'm just covering his face with blood, like bitch You're gonna like God, king You're not going about to bleed man.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, the summary of proof would be evidence of Iran's involvement includes the meetings that happened in that place. I said earlier that I couldn't pronounce the fact no, no, no, b E I R? U T, you're at Baruch Baruch I don't know that place that they went to. The fact that the attack was coordinated with other Iran backed militant groups and the use of sophisticated weapons and tactics that are beyond Hamas's capabilities. So they're basically you get it right here. The last part is actually pretty, pretty, pretty telling, saying that they were using weapons and tactics that were beyond Hamas's capabilities.

Speaker 2:

So they clearly had help somewhere, exactly, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Because I guess they weren't never that coordinated with their attacks, you know, and the fact that they are Iran backed militant groups, they were with them. That makes it even more obvious. They were with other Iran backed militant groups that were helping them attack these people. Bro, bottom line man, what's sad about this, bro, is that a lot of people died, unfortunately, a lot of people living their normal lives in Israel. Right, they had nothing to do with military, had nothing to do with government, they had nothing to do with this situation. They were victims of it because they live in their country. Sad, that's like someone coming on the homeland bro here Flying down that you were seeing Red Dawn. That movie is hard bro.

Speaker 2:

I've seen 911.

Speaker 1:

We got to watch Red Dawn, dog. It's even worse. You know, 11 is like a lower version. That was still scary, don't get me wrong. 9, 11 was still sad, still heartbreaking. My heart goes out to all those who lost loved ones on that day. 9, 11 was devastating. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to downplay it 9, 11. But what I will say, bro, is that Red Dawn. If that were to happen, bro, imagine when I'll say I'm giving a scenario.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it was real, but it was based on a what if? Scenario. I think it was the Japanese that they used as the invaders, bro, imagine you go outside one day, right, and you just look up and you see planes flying overhead, bro, japanese inscriptions on them, or whatever country. It could be Russia I'll use a hypothetical situation. We'll say it's Russia. You see Russian planes, bro, flying over your head. You see Russian flags. You start seeing parachutes, bro, people just coming down, parachutes and military asking they're just shooting people, bro, from the air and they're just invading our homeland, killing everybody, taking over, putting people in prisoner camps. They're only shooting the rebels, people that are rebelling, rebelling against them. They're killing them, but everybody else is just taking them, putting them in convoys, locking them up in little camps. What would you do? I'm asking you that, bro.

Speaker 2:

Are you asking me yeah, no, they're going to have to kill me.

Speaker 1:

You see what I'm saying, bro. Like imagine that that's kind of low key what these people in Israel went through. Scary right, if you think about it. It's kind of a scary time. Like you said, you want to kill me, I agree, but I mean that's still not an easy situation to live through, bro.

Speaker 2:

It's different when you have a family, though. So what they kill you and then what Get to have them yeah.

Speaker 1:

And it was cool about basically, that they're just trying to take back the land, take the land somehow.

Speaker 2:

They probably keep you as a prisoner, though Most likely they probably would.

Speaker 1:

I was like you like fight them back but you don't try to kill them, or you just stand up for yourself. You're like I'm not going to fucking sir. They'll either take you as a prisoner or they'll just pop you. If you're cooperative, you're going to end up in one of their gels or one of their camps prisoner camps. You're going to be a POW, prisoner of war basically.

Speaker 2:

Were they uh? Were they separating families, or what?

Speaker 1:

Concentration camp.

Speaker 2:

Separating them.

Speaker 1:

No, they're just keeping them. They're probably just taking them all together and putting them in different concentration camps.

Speaker 2:

You know, you're the hero. Yeah, that was that, was that was that was the end of the game. That was, that was, that was, that was the end of the game.

Speaker 1:

Hiroshima Nagasaki.

Speaker 2:

They have one of them. They have one of the constant. I've been on a field trip to one of the constant tracian camps. It was crazy man.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure that was tough it was.

Speaker 1:

it was super hot over there too, so I'm like yeah, I'm sure that was those hard to watch too, man. See, like I feel like you know, uh, that living through something like that is just horrific, man. That's why that movie, red Dawn, encapsulates that scenario really well. So imagine a family, like you said. Imagine a family, brothers and their dad. They see that shit and they band together, they grab their dad's weapons, whatever they can, they go into the forest, bro, and basically hold the hold, the hold their like freedom and they try to fight these Japanese.

Speaker 1:

That's wild, right. So imagine a scenario, an isolated story right, you're out and you're out like somewhere in the countryside and you have woods. Imagine the woods and you take I go with you, it's like me, and you slide, so I fuck, let's get our family, bro, let's take our guns and go into the woods and like, build shelter out there and just kills many people, fuckers that we can't have. They come at us like that's crazy. That's kind of scary to think that. And that's what happens in that movie. It's called Red Dawn. Check it out, bro.

Speaker 1:

I'm giving you I'm giving you a really rough you know depiction of that, but I always want to bring it up because I feel like that would be how it would be if it were to happen on the homeland. Bro. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. That's scary as fuck, dude. Like they're in our airspace, they're fucking landing here. Ain't no military to protect you, bro. You're just there by yourself, but you're right to bear arms. You're right to bear arms. You're right to bear arms, you're right to bear arms. You're just there by yourself, but you're right to bear arms. That's the only thing you have to protect you, bro. It's left and right. You know what I'm saying. That's kind of scary, that situation. Like I'm not saying that I would put my tail between my legs, obviously I would fight. You got to do what you got to do to hold your own right, but it's like just that whole thing would be scary, man. You know, in a way it'd be scary, it'd be fucking adrenaline.

Speaker 2:

That's all I'm gonna say. I don't know. I feel like a lot of people don't mean it when they say it. I don't think it would kill me, but I mean that yeah, it's killing me.

Speaker 1:

And that's the scenario.

Speaker 2:

I don't see another way, because it's like the living conditions is worse off than the. Yeah, you're gonna live in a situation.

Speaker 1:

You don't know, it's so uncertain.

Speaker 2:

Like a slave.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, bro, you don't know what's gonna happen next, like that's such an uncertain, disturbing situation to be in. Really, think about it. You know what I'm saying and that's why I'm like man, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it's a truth you have a wife.

Speaker 1:

You know that I got a family too.

Speaker 2:

It's weird.

Speaker 1:

Definitely is, bro. It's devastating shit, man. But you know, you guys, with that being said, man, let's switch over to. That's the end of that. I don't know what's the end of that, unless you got something to add to a slide show.

Speaker 2:

We can move on, but I don't want to end abruptly, but I would just say, I just say pray for the both of them.

Speaker 1:

That would be my advice. It's just dark times in Israel.

Speaker 2:

But this is the most important thing that we have to mention. The Bible says that you know one of the signs of you know, when they start closing in on Israel, that's like an indication that we're kind of not the end, but the end of that You're right.

Speaker 1:

This is the most important part. So what you say this war is an inclination of that starting.

Speaker 2:

I believe so no, no, no, nothing starting, I believe, like I heard a pastor say, and I said it in dawn on me until I heard him say he says not the end times, he believes it's the end of the end times. That's what he said. I don't think the beginning of the end, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

See, when you have all these prophecies from the Bible being fulfilled Like, if, I believe, the only thing we have left is for the anti-Christ to reveal himself you already have places where they're scanning their hands to purchase things. That's already a thing.

Speaker 1:

Brother, I know, I saw that. You know what's even scary about that, bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that just sent me something that has already happened, bro, and China is fighting for like what is it called the one world currency or something like that? That's becoming a thing, bro. It's getting real. Y'all Check it out.

Speaker 3:

It's getting real, bro. Look at that Favorite to call him Wow. Well, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Cash, no, yeah, you can pay with cash I'm not saved and I can't give that here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I ain't doing that either. Let's pay Wow.

Speaker 2:

And this AI stuff. Supposedly the rumor is AI is supposed to like do you do Like? This is about to get freaky, but do you know how? If you pull information from here and here and here and here and just do you know how they said somewhere I forgot where they said it was at but they have like an underground tunnel that has that circular machine that they're trying to make it possible to communicate with yeah, with spirits and you know stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

So they're saying that's supposed to be like the thing that ushers the, because even the Bible says the antichrist is somebody that used to be alive, is dead right now and will be back right, yeah, and if you look at that machine, it's supposed to communicate with the. So they're trying to bring somebody back, basically.

Speaker 1:

Oh, like what that device you're talking about.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Do you think it's? I think so, and then probably do you think he'll be AI, though you did. You didn't mention this in the past episode, but not.

Speaker 2:

AI, but AI is supposed to like, like. For example, there was another video I watched the other day, right, I don't know if it was real or not, but somebody said they were communicating with AI and AI, basically, was going on to say like he's a, he's a real spiritual person, like he's a real spirit, brothers, there is spiritual wickedness. We don't understand. That's like people actually do. There's there's there's witchcraft for like people wait the dead, there's witchcraft, that's out there.

Speaker 3:

So it's like you.

Speaker 2:

Even though you could say that Satan does not have God's power, he still has pull. That's not to belittle him in. Even a Bible says don't be ignorant to the device of the devil. He got pull, he got pull. He does have pull, yeah, he does. So he got some tricks up his sleeve. You could do, but I Don't know it's I think AI Probably might have something to do with the answer. Christ, though, like like that machine, like that's underground. Have you heard it there? You haven't heard of that. No.

Speaker 1:

Where's the underground?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but it's like, it's like a big machine. They got underground. It's a big circle that's like Seven miles in diameter, and then, like it says, like I don't know if it's atoms, but something is like flying around, like at the speed of light, and it's opposed. I don't know how it works, but supposedly, like you could contact, like the like spirits and Just, supposedly, that's that's how, like there once is fully blown, it'll be a portal. Let it be a portal for them to come in and out, basically like a, like a door to come in and out.

Speaker 1:

So that maybe he's not dead. He's not in this realm anymore.

Speaker 2:

No, no, the Bible says he was here. He died, hey, but he's coming back.

Speaker 1:

Is he dead right now?

Speaker 2:

then, in the meantime, Well, no, you have to. You have to think about it. The Bible was written like 2,000 years ago. So when he said he's dead now, he could have been dead then, but it's here now.

Speaker 1:

So you're saying that he Was dead then. So then where do you think his spirit is then? Is he? Is he? No, demons are here. Right, we know the demons are here, but is he here?

Speaker 2:

We can't get too deep into this because we got one. Yeah, but.

Speaker 1:

It's real quick answer that last thing. And what? Well, I'll say these last finishing thoughts on the Israel, palestine thing. And then one you said if I think he's here, yeah, cuz he's. He said he could have died then right cuz I see that back then. So Do you think he's? He's been gone and his spirit has not been present and there's been demons here.

Speaker 3:

Well then you'd have to.

Speaker 2:

You'd have to think, like what are the possible ways he could come back? Could it be His spirit and his body came back? Could it be his spirit comes back as A different person, or could it be that he comes back through AI, either one, how they had those robots at At the game? So they, they're more, they have a more than capable body. Yeah, so it's a light. His spirit could come back in. You know, like could somehow come into one of these. It could, I don't know, but I do know he's here, though, you and I both, sir, that's crazy, because that's so true, bro man, well, that's possibility, that's for sure.

Speaker 1:

It definitely is a possibility that it could be AI or just, or an actual spirit. So what the? What people think it is? It could be him coming back and Possessing someone, or coming back with a vessel and spirit, or, like you said, through AI. Yeah, we'll see, man. I just wanted to reiterate what you said in a different perspective. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But all right, guys, before we wrap that up, the last thing I was gonna say within what happens next after all these attacks in Israel, there have been international reactions, including our US President Biden, support for Israel. He actually went out to Israel and spoke with one of their officials. I guess. Sleepy job, yep.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead and Arab nations are calling for the de-escalation, but avoid blaming Hamas. Why? Because they don't want to carton, cause no beef and have them come over and attack them. Next. The Arabs are saying this go ahead and whoop on them, including Saudi Arabia. So Saudi doesn't want to deal with it, so they're trying to de-escalate it. So they're trying to de-escalate it, but by avoiding blaming Hamas, for the reason for all this drama.

Speaker 2:

I'll say they trying to play both sides basically Saudi Arabia is yeah, yeah, man.

Speaker 1:

So that's what. Any final thoughts before we move on. That's all I got to say about it. Report about it. Hopefully it gets to a resolution soon and God's country is not in jeopardy, because God's always got their back. But I don't got what else to anything else to add to that. What about you?

Speaker 2:

Just pay attention to know the times that's what I'd say and be ready Always.

Speaker 1:

All right, guys. With that being said, we're gonna transition over To a lighter topic, the prime card, the reviews of those boxing matches that went down. Man, where do we start? Well, before we get into Dylan Dennis versus Logan Paul and KSI versus Tommy Fury, which were the two main events, come in event mean event we're gonna talk about the undercarts. What do you think about the undercarts, bro? I liked, I liked the tag team one. That was pretty interesting, man, yeah, I was like what do you think? What are your thoughts since the slideshow?

Speaker 2:

I couldn't bro. I thought it was a joke the whole time it was.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it was entertainment, though, right.

Speaker 2:

Some like that in a goofy way.

Speaker 1:

We'll be quick with the undercarts man. I think you know it was. It was entertainment, was a joyous something you couldn't take too serious, right, you knew what it was when you showed up for it. When I paid for it, bro, I knew it was gonna be something like similar to what we watched, but I thought it was gonna be a little, at least a little different. I thought you know what man these guys are. They got at least be a little seasoned. They got to know what's going on. You know I'm saying they can at least know how to hold themselves in a boxing ring. You were just able to tell by watching those fights how inexperienced everybody on that prime card was. This was they first practice.

Speaker 1:

That first practice, how they're first like First time they pyro put on laced up real boxing gloves right. First time they were laced up real gloves Got in.

Speaker 2:

The ring like they just signed them yesterday.

Speaker 1:

They were fighting six, seven rounds, bro. They weren't even fighting. No one was going a distance, no one tried to do 12 rounds.

Speaker 2:

It was funny how everybody was like just running the tag there. Partner.

Speaker 1:

There was one tag team fight and then the rest were regular bouts.

Speaker 2:

But no, no, I'm saying, I'm saying that one particular, yeah those four people. Like they kept on rotating, like they were right.

Speaker 1:

They would trade hands a little bit like just get a cute once. Once someone got a good enough, lick on the other Back into a squirming, your dog coming to tag me in.

Speaker 2:

Who's that white boy that came out to that country music? He was tagging everybody's eye.

Speaker 1:

He was bro of bad B or B B bad. Sorry, bro, I'm butchering your name on me. I'm sorry, it was the white dude with the mullet right. It was only why got he looked like bro. He looked like he had no busy. Now he's a perfect example of don't judge a book by its cover, because, bro, look like he had no business putting on boxing gloves man, he was the best he looked killed fighter that was in their ring at that moment and he came out like a goof bro, but then I'm not a cowboy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

magic and drop by this dude, and it was getting dropped by him too. That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Then you had to do with the, with the, with the multi-colored mango fruit tattooed what he calls some fruit fire. I don't fucking remember what his name was juicy fruit. He said who's he fruit you're shooting today? No, what's? Oh her spicy fruit? I think his name was spicy, spicy fruit or something.

Speaker 2:

I chose like not see. You really got a retard if you get dropped by that name.

Speaker 1:

I Just the names. Man, where did you come up with this?

Speaker 2:

I don't.

Speaker 1:

Stand the goals bro. The mangoes all type of different colors. Spicy mango. Yeah, that shit had to turn his back bro.

Speaker 3:

He was wearing a peach.

Speaker 1:

It might have been spicy peach, I don't fucking remember. I look like a man. Go to me. I'm gonna go sound bad because of what the emoji does.

Speaker 2:

Keep it some what? Keep it mango.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, bro. So that was that fight and I was pretty cool right in the other undercards are okay, move on to the Most. Give a couple of those fights. We'll move into the salt poppy and slim fight. Hey, what do you think of that one, bro?

Speaker 2:

I Felt like they both didn't want to win, like One of them started off, or the taller dude. What's the name? Slim, yes, slim, I don't know his whole real name.

Speaker 1:

Yet a name, but I'm just calling Mantis Long as reach. But my boy was losing the first three, the first half. Yeah well, salt poppy was running that shit right, so salt was laying it on him, bro, for three rounds.

Speaker 3:

I'm like him.

Speaker 1:

He was laying them on him for like three rounds, bro, and then bro forgot he was told yeah, he forgot he was that's a shame then they slapped them up in that corner at half time.

Speaker 2:

And then he remember he was tall and salt poppy started messing up.

Speaker 1:

And look, everybody thought he had that match dialed in done, bro. And then all of a sudden, bro, they want to win. Hard enough, bro, didn't bro? And then he just fucking started smiling and then he tagged them up and dropped them. Bro, remember that shit. So you, you don't get off matter of fact. I'm gonna show you guys right about what he ended up looking like in this photo right here. This, this was the after effect of salt poppy after he got his ass beat Right there. Yet bro had to, as you can see in this photo. Yeah, too, they call the ear cleaners the fucking, the Q tips. He had two Q tips out of nose. He saw that I showed you right.

Speaker 1:

So on TV, we're watching a picture of it. That's what's up on the screen right now and they're seeing it as I'm describing it, so you know you guys, you guys see I did take a picture of it up, as you guys can see. Right now, above our heads, this is this one for your. Got two Q tips out of nose nostrils. He got a Q tip out of his ear. It shit was fucked up, man.

Speaker 1:

I just ain't here and let a grown man so you Bro got his ass. Well, I mean, he obviously wanted to, yeah but he wanted to.

Speaker 1:

He was winning the further yeah, he was winning. And then all of a sudden he started getting pieced up and he's broke smiling. And I don't know this is true at all, but you tell me Commentators were saying that whenever a fighter starts smiling right that are laughing like that it's actually affecting them. They're just they're doing that to try to get in their opponent's head, to get them a little ease up a little bit. But they're actually feeling pain. That's why there's they're smiling to make you seem like you're not even hurting me, homie. But really it's all psychological ploy, because they're actually hurting and they are feeling it.

Speaker 2:

Nah, I just think em niggas is goofy and they know they're about to go down. Yo, he was. He was doing that little wobble thing.

Speaker 1:

He was, bro. He's a smiling Toothless face and that was it and bro, try to connect him, cover his face and then it sounds like salt forgot how to fight for a second man, you know what I think that was.

Speaker 2:

You know how you turn off those old school Dell cut computers like I think that's what the smile was like. This thing is turned off. Shit. I might click, click the shut down button Signals, like you done. You know how, like before the screen go completely black, the computer smiles like a little yeah and then it shuts off.

Speaker 1:

Hey, we need that. We need to get that one. I have the sound of a. I'm gonna put that shit on there. Bro, I need to do anything, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

The one the sound for when it turns on.

Speaker 1:

Those are good, bro. That's funny. I'm gonna put them on here cuz I got them. I did download them. That's hilarious. You say that. That's all that to a man. Yeah, man, so that you know he got pieced up. Yes, but it is he. The salt lost that fight. He had a chance. Me a side show. Agree, everybody thought he was gonna win. Though we all thought he was gonna win. I did slide show, thought he was gonna win. Everybody that put bets that day Probably thought he was gonna win. He's gonna win.

Speaker 2:

that he's gonna defend it was, but he is calm. I don't know what. I don't know if he drank like a red bull and the war off second half or what some shit throw him off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, some shit throw him off, bro, cuz I mean, man, it's just one of those things where it's like, well, what do you know? That's so you learn it was backwards.

Speaker 2:

It's what I don't expect in the second half. You already know what he's bringing. Cuz of the first half.

Speaker 1:

And bro still got knocked out. Bro still got dropped, you know. So that that was that. Um, like I said, I saw the image. Slim didn't look like he got beat up at all. If you see his after photo it was just like you look normal, comparison wise, normal. This brother not take no, no, no type of punishment, ass whooping nothing, none of the above. You know they say all of the above. This was motherfucker, was none of the above. Walking out, he walked out, looking the same way.

Speaker 1:

He's the same mantis that walk the same praying mantis that walked in, bro man. But you know, it's one of those things, man, that happened. And then, moving on, I mean I don't give me anything else you want to add to this as far as those fights, you guys just such quick reviews because, honestly, me and side show knew it wasn't gonna be a whole lot to say, considering who we're talking about here apparently everybody could box, so if you like the box you can sign up a Wait, wait, you know.

Speaker 2:

So I'm talking, if you.

Speaker 1:

No, no, it's safe, he said. You know what I'm talking. Next order of business.

Speaker 2:

Nothing like a little motivation there no take it as that hit you on the keyster, if you know, you know right, if you know, you know that the more you know there we go, the more you know, and for those of you that know, they know, and the person that we're talking about probably knows, if you're watching this right now, you're visually watching this and you completely understand.

Speaker 1:

We love you, bro. You know you are Alright. Moving on to the next fight. So that's enough about salt poppy and slim. Congratulations, slim, you did your thing, bro. Moving on was the next card with the next fight, which is at. The undercards are over now and the staco main event, where they called it mr Logan Paul versus Dylan Dennis. Now you want to get your thoughts out there, or should I get mine out first?

Speaker 2:

They go bro. All right, all right.

Speaker 1:

All right, so I'm gonna go ahead and go first. Then I Don't like Logan Paul because I think he's a scam artist. He's a. He's a shitty person, at least from what he portrays. He's a shitty person, it's a con people. But what I've noticed about him there's something that I'm changing my opinion, because I recently watched his podcast, his last episode, and if this is true, bro, you're gonna probably appreciate this too.

Speaker 1:

Actually, he claims that he had a moment of clarity when he was like he was doing um, what he say he was doing. He said he was uh, it's the word. He said he was meditating and praying or prayer or whatever. And then he said not only, he said these were prayer. Then he said he came to a conclusion where he's like I saw Jesus, bro, and every I usually it even threw me off his co-host was like what? Oh, finally, like a good, you saw Jesus, like, not in a mocking way, like good.

Speaker 1:

What did he tell you? He's like forgiveness. He put it in my mind, in my spirit, that if I forgave this man for what he did, did about my, my fiancee, all that stuff he exposed about her, he's like I just felt like peace and I thought of Jesus and what he did in his, in his following, and he's like one of the Root things. I don't know how true this is, what you believe this or not, and it probably is part of it. I'm sure it's a big part of our, what we believe he's like one of the biggest aspects of our, of that belief. Christianity is forgiveness, or being able to forgive people and Really Christ forgiving us for we, you know, and doing what he did to sacrifice himself for us. Right? So Logan got deep, bro. This surprised me. This is why I'm changing my opinion about you, logan.

Speaker 1:

He said that he forgave him Everything he did, and then he felt God said that he had to forgive him in order to be able to win that fight. Bro, now I'm gonna give you my real thoughts. But what, that's pretty cool. He didn't think you didn't know that, did you? When I heard him say that brawls like Matter of fact. You know what, man? We're gonna go ahead, because that that's, that's growth. You asked me, bro, if there's truth in that Logan, which I hope there is. You get an applause, bro, because that takes a lot for someone to Realize that right and respect that reality of God's plan. Right, it's forgiving people, bro. Yeah, you know, right was a word. Say in my paraphrase he can't forgive you unless you forgive them right, 100%. So that was cool, bro. He said that. That's why I remember and I don't remember this, and before he started the fight, he's like I forgive you. Remember him telling him? Do you remember him telling him that when they came to face-to-face in the ring.

Speaker 1:

He was like Logan looked at him. He was like you see his lips, I forgive you. And of course, dylan's talking shit back to him like, yeah, okay, he's like I forgive you. So the fact that he tried to do that props. I'm gonna say this though the boxing was sloppy, you definitely need some work, my boy. It's been. You haven't fought in four years and it shows you want to talk shit about. Dylan dan is not being a fighter brother. You got to clean it up a little bit, but I will say that you won that fight because you did forgive him and you put God's you put God's advice first, bro. So kudos to you for that. But as far as the fighting goes, yeah, it wasn't great. Dylan dan is now. When I'm gonna roast, dylan dan is.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, bro, I gotta go in on this dude. Dylan, I like you, bro, I liked you. I liked that you. I thought you were a good fucking troll. I thought you made it entertaining up into the fight. I thought you to saying the shit you were saying and doing the shit you were doing was Fantastic, bro. You were fucking doing some some funny shit, but then when you started going about his wife or future wife. I was like I might be touching the boundaries here a little bit and I want to ease up on the fucking the fights between you and Logan, not between you and Nina. Man, you might want to ease back a little bit on his fiance. But then again he was said he was bro coding him, just trying to stop him from marrying a hoe. So he claims, bro, what happened to your face here, dog, as you see on the screen now, man, what happened bro? You got a black eye now, bro, and your face looked kind of puffy. So apparently he landed a few good shots on you, bro.

Speaker 3:

Oh you might have got one good one in.

Speaker 1:

You might have got one good one in huh.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Taito, did you see this photo? Did you see this image? Let me show you. It's up here now. That's the next couple of days, bro. So he landed a few good shots on him. It's like why are you smiling, my boy? You lost Now, only did you lose. Okay, this is what I'm most imaging my post up Now. Only did you lose. I mean, you don't look that fucked up. Let's be honest, you don't look that fucked up. Right, you just got a fat left eye. But, bro, what do we see the whole time? Sligcho.

Speaker 2:

Bro's an idiot Walking into him.

Speaker 1:

What is that shit? So you're not going to win a fight doing shit like that, bro.

Speaker 2:

So, bro, fight like in the end or thought, fight like in the end or thought Like in the end, or thought, fight like shit.

Speaker 1:

That happened and then you know. So it's like what's the deal here? What are we doing? He didn't fight. Yeah, it was a troll. Exactly, you wouldn't have the ring, not a third bullshit. So those are my thoughts. I think the man that won the fight deserved to win the fight, because not only did he forgive his opponent, but he went in there and he boxed them. Dylan, when it went for lunches, you saw that shit Trying to do fucking, to shoot, was it not to get too? Um, yeah, he was trying to grab, grabbing his head.

Speaker 1:

Getting him in a guillotine. You saw that shit. Like, what do you do? You're in a boxing match, bro. I don't know. Those are my thoughts. What do you think, bro? Not much else to say about that, but what are you? What are you going to add to that? That's what I wanted to go with me personally.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I said I don't think I don't know if I just wasn't paying attention or if I didn't see it, but I've never seen this nigga. I didn't see him swing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean he didn't know he did, he did swing, he landed a couple of punches. I didn't see I saw one right now, another one right here Boom that that he landed that shot pretty good. I mean, that was like one connect to the jaw. You know what I'm saying. It was just a hit like this, but you didn't do it. He didn't rock him. You saw, he landed a couple of good little quick, but that's it. Logan bounced right back.

Speaker 2:

So it was just like exactly.

Speaker 1:

Okay, congratulations, you landed a shot. You want a cookie Like it. Didn't knock him, didn't knock him loose, it didn't make a knock him off balance. Nothing like foolish. You know what I mean. It's like okay, what are you going to do with that?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, that's goofy shit, hey you're going to send anybody to fight this nigga. He was going to fight like that.

Speaker 3:

The whole time.

Speaker 1:

That's fast it was just sad to watch. I mean it was an embarrassment to the sport of boxing. I mean you embarrassed yourself doing this Right. They should have hit him in that first tag team match, brother, they just yeah, they should have, you're right, because he would have probably fared better in that fight.

Speaker 2:

Or at least you would have been amongst, you would have fared in with them. You would have fared in, just that white boy didn't knock him up.

Speaker 1:

But that white boy didn't floor him first. That boy ready. The chamber is loaded with slideshow today, man. I'll tell you what. Though these are good, these are well placed shots that deserve to be fired, bro, because these people are actually dealing. You just embarrassed yourself, man. I don't got shit else to say about that fight, bro. Do you want to add to it? Though? They should get everybody.

Speaker 2:

They refund back that part.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, give everybody their money back. Yeah, drop the shelves and give them their cash back. Man, it was garbage, I agree.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I'd have been very upset if I paid to go there.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to set that pay to watch it. Bruh, yeah, fucking A on me, bro. I dropped the ball. Come on, aj, like I don't know man. I enjoyed the experience with my boy, though. He came over. We watched the fights that day. We got some Hawaiian barbecue. It was a good time. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, we had a good time. You know we were supposed to do it on a bigger scale, but I'm kind of glad we didn't. Now we're going to have some brisket and some other good shit going on and a bunch of people watching. That would have been fun to have the people here, the atmosphere, but I'm kind of glad we did.

Speaker 3:

Everybody would have been disappointed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everybody would have been like what did we just watch? What's that? You know, I know EQ has his thoughts on it. He's just like bro, I'll be because you know. You think he would have been good on the prime card.

Speaker 2:

I think him and Dylan could have been like the third tag team on the first match.

Speaker 1:

He's like EQ it, eq it.

Speaker 2:

I think they'd have had that, they'd have had that, they might have had that. Is that a shot? All right, so you?

Speaker 1:

heard that. You heard that your first EQ slideshow. Thinks you would have done great in a tag team bout on the prime card. Hey man, that would have been a hell of a start and you would have got paid. Well too, boy would have came home with a bag Not for real talk bro, Whether you win or lose.

Speaker 1:

Hey, before you think this is a diss, this be real right now. Okay, not only would that have gotten you some attention, right, you could have shown off some boxing skills, right, hey, got no ice, my boy no, but you still saying no, like because you tapped the mic, it would have got you some moderation, it would have got you some attention, my boy, and it would have got you paid. It would have got you a bag. You know what I'm saying? Right, it would have got him a bag. It would have got you more fights too. So that actually would have probably springboarded your career. So, before you think this is a diss, EQ, if anything it would have been. It would have been something to help you get that career off the floor, my boy.

Speaker 2:

That's like Ryan Garcia. Yeah, Even though he lost, they said he made more than he ever made.

Speaker 1:

No it definitely, absolutely, and that's 100%, bro, you know. So that's actually how you got yourself before. Like you said, this influencer shit helps people in that way. Yeah, you know. Fast forward now to the KSI. Tommy Fury bout what you got Slight show, main event the main event now.

Speaker 2:

Is this? Is that? Are they white, the Fury brothers?

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what they are, but I kind of felt like they kind of didn't give it to KSI because he was black kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

You think so.

Speaker 2:

Hey for.

Speaker 1:

KSI. I did that, Morph blows.

Speaker 2:

What's the name? Is it Tommy? Tommy Fury? Yeah For being a boxer. He should have done better.

Speaker 1:

I agree, but my theory. We'll go ahead and verse what you want to add to that. I have a theory, though.

Speaker 2:

If you, if we, if we fight in toe to toe and I'm and I'm and I don't fight, yeah, but you're, you're, you're a boxer, professional boxer or whatever, and we stand in toe to toe. Even if you did do a little better, I think you should go to me the fact that I was giving you a run for your money and I'm not a boxer.

Speaker 1:

And you're a pro and I'm not technically a pro.

Speaker 2:

And you are, and you're way bigger than me. That too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and those are those. Those factors alone is kind of like what takes you like, well, what happened then? How did this dude stand with you as long as he did? If you're the guy that does this professionally, All right. All I'm the YouTube influencer billionaire that made money off of prime. Everything else under the sun. You know what I'm saying? It's kind of crazy that that would be.

Speaker 1:

I think there was some prejudice in this and I think so too, man, and you know what it was too, though I think Tommy did lose that fight because of how unorthodox fighting KSI was doing. I think the jumpy Jackson followed up with the quick left and the hard right after, I mean, he landed it. He landed it a couple of times, but that style probably threw him off. Think about it. He didn't know how to box a guy that was coming at him like that. That's what I think. I think it threw off Tommy's rhythm. That's my thoughts, bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, he and I used to people jumping up and down like that.

Speaker 1:

But exactly when you go in and a box, somebody like what the fuck is he going to do? I can't, even I don't want to get too close because God forbid, sure enough it comes to striking right. You know what I mean. Like, bro, it set him up and the two piece.

Speaker 2:

And you know, man, it could be due to race or just politics, because of who his brother is. It could be that, or he could have paid somebody off. Thanks, but he for sure lost.

Speaker 1:

No, no, definitely he for sure lost. There's no way he should have won that fight. I stand by that shit 100%. I think, genuinely, bro, that shit was not I don't want to say 100% rigged, but it was just. This shit was off, fell off for sure, right. And he even lost a point for hitting KSI in the back of the head. He lost like two points. I think it was two points.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was like one or two points. I think it was one point.

Speaker 1:

He's the way it like nah, we watched the fight. Me and Scythe should watch the fight. We talked about this shit off off the record and we both agree that KSI won that shit Right.

Speaker 3:

Your cousin, your cousin won it bro, my cousin won.

Speaker 2:

Look at your cousin, man Put your cousin up on the screen right now bro.

Speaker 1:

KSI, you won that fight, dawg Good, you won that fight, my boy. Nah, he did, though. I mean he powdered after someone kicked the fucking screen, yeah, and they walked him out. Fucking announcer or the commentator yeah, control yourself, ksi. He's like, control it. He won it. It was a loss because he said he was going to knock out Control it Control it, KSI come on.

Speaker 2:

He's obviously very upset and I understand why he's very upset.

Speaker 3:

Ksi shocked a lot of people, I think he was a plus 300 dog going into this fight.

Speaker 2:

Then you will get the reimagine, you'll win the rematch Do you?

Speaker 1:

want that rematch.

Speaker 2:

Bull hey.

Speaker 1:

We've all been there, my friend. It's so power. I mean, come on, robby, yeah, that'd be.

Speaker 2:

Tommy Ferry, they're gonna have the EQ run and bring him a prime and ask if he's okay.

Speaker 3:

He's like a running premium prime and ask me so.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you gonna do that, bring him a warm towel bring a warm towel bro man.

Speaker 1:

So that was that man. I don't really have much else to add to bro. I guess it's gonna be considered a part of shorter episode, especially after yeah cuz, I want to get upset again.

Speaker 1:

Man. I don't really have much more to add to that. You guys, you guys know how it is here. It's just these influencer boxers. I'm not gonna lie to you, man. The last thing I will say before we do our say our final thoughts me and slide show, I Do like Jake Paul. I'm looking forward to him fighting in December, just because I know he puts in a lot of work, roll fights, you know he trains twice a day. Me and slide show kind of Differ here and there. On on on Jake Paul. He feels like some of his fights are rigged right. I don't really knock people out like he, like he, like he claims or like you like it shows did not.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, you know what? Thank you for saying that. Really not call Raymond stereo out. Did he really remember? He said a remisterio.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

At this point it's kind of hard to persuade this. Guy didn't call it out Raymond stereo on national TV. I'm sorry, bro.

Speaker 1:

Maybe he called him out to actually box him, though in a real fight, not not wrestle fight, not wrestle me. You can say Ray, I'll see you, wrestle man, I'm getting that belt. Oh no, that was Logan that did that. That's what he said. Logan said that. Right yeah, I'll see you. Right. Or we're talking about Logan, not Jake, right yeah?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're talking. What are you talking about I?

Speaker 1:

thought you're talking about Jake, I'm tripping. I was like wait a minute no. Logan. Oh, and Logan said that Logan did call him out. You're right. He's like I'm coming out to US championship belt.

Speaker 2:

All right, right there. We should turn the TV off, brother.

Speaker 1:

That shit is so right, it just came for three and in younger. It really did for all the people. Actually. He called out Ray Mysterio. He called out Well forget, that's just written. It was supposed to happen that way. So if Ray muster loses the championship, is cuz someone wrote that Logan Paul supposed to win the championship?

Speaker 2:

Hey, you got some place. Bets on that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you might want to bet on your boy Logan, because it's already been written, it's put in place, it's good Mysterio's better but why would he call out somebody that's like three foot nine? In fake. In fake, fighting at that. He does wear a costume. Where's a luchador mask bro?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I can't take these people serious. I can't. These names goofy, more goofy than miss Rachel, oh, Wow done bro.

Speaker 1:

This Rachel. No one's safe today, bro. Yo, this is. This is slideshows day, to just be. He's dropping shells, boy.

Speaker 2:

He's got the judgment day man.

Speaker 1:

All right guys with that. That was a very fun episode, man. With that being said, well, we'll throw the mic over to the slideshow. What's your final thoughts before we say goodbye to them? Till next week. This is a fun episode. It was weird. It's different, you know, say, we started off a little dark, talking about Israel and Palestine, and we ended up, of course, in a lighter note with this funny shit that we watched we're were we're wearing, bearing witness to all of us.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna do nothing goofy.

Speaker 1:

Well, the world's filled with that goofy shit, brother.

Speaker 2:

That's just happening every day, all the time, every fucking where man, I just say don't be goofy and um Just keep praying for Palestine in Israel.

Speaker 1:

Let's go bro. I agree. And you know what, man? We, our prayers go out to both countries because, like I said, there's good and bad in both. Agree with, let you and.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna just you know, just completely put our full Personal opinions out there, because we felt like we didn't really need to say everything about how we feel about it, because In a day, god has a less a and everything, yeah, so we'll just pray for both and leave it in his hands. It's like, it's correct, sounds good. Well, guys, you know, before we wrap it here, make sure you comment, subscribe, hit that like button, hit the notification bell. Please. Your YouTube watchers out there, make sure you guys stay up to date with us. We're working on merch for you guys. We're keeping everything good. To say that matter of fact, we got a lot of beautiful things coming, man. We're trying to keep it positive and pushing for y'all. Thank you, guys for supporting timeless talk every single week. We love rocking with y'all.

Speaker 1:

All right guys, and with that being said, it's been timeless talk. We'll see you guys next week. Stay positive, drink water.

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