Timeless Talk

Living Life with Faith: The Journey of John Jesse Fariñas

AJ, SlideShow & JJGotBeatz

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  • As we gather to remember the extraordinary life of John Jesse Fariñas, we're inspired by the rich legacy he left behind: a testament of unwavering faith, Timeless lessons on responsibility, spirituality, and morality. His life served as a blueprint for manhood, teaching us the essence of responsibility, the significance of emotions, and the power of choice. Have you ever wondered how much your choices today can affect your life's journey? 

Join us as we explore the profound impact John had on our lives and how his teachings continue to guide us. We'll talk about his unwavering faith, the timeless lessons he imparted on responsibility, spirituality, morality, and being a man of substance. We'll discuss how he taught his sons about leading a life rooted in strong moral values and faith in God, and how those teachings have shaped their own lives. John's life and teachings have inspired us to reflect on our own lives, our faith, and our journey toward self-improvement.

In the latter half of our discussion, we dive into fascinating biblical mysteries, the intricate dynamics of family issues, and the exploration of God's plan. These explorations serve as opportunities to reflect on the importance of faith, the power of forgiveness, and the significance of obedience to divine commands. So, come along on this heartfelt journey of reflection and soulful exploration of life, legacy, faith, and self-improvement. We guarantee that John's life and teachings will inspire you to reflect, learn, and grow.

Eulogy for John Jesse Fariñas
*Lessons From a Beloved Father
*Fatherhood and the Definition of Manhood
*Importance of Spirituality and Morals
*Finding Peace and Gratitude in Life
*Self-Improvement and Following One's Own Path
*Finding Purpose in Faith
*Ark of the Covenant Mysteries
*Emotions and Family Issues
*Views on God's Plan and Ministry

Intro Beat Credit: Memnoc (Picasso)*
*Outro Beat Credit: JJ got Beatz*

Speaker 1:

So, josh, come on up and read the eulogy, and then we're going to have Ashley and Adrian get ready as well, and I'll have them come back up.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, bessie, thank you everybody for being here. You know, unfortunately on these terms, but you know I'm grateful for all the family and everybody that's here. I have this quote that I got and it says the will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you. I felt like that, and my family felt like that during this time. More than any time in my life I felt like our faith has been really tested. But, as sad as it is, it's like bittersweet, because I know my dad is in God's presence now and he's not suffering. And at that same time, when it was happening, I know it was peace from God, because the fact that I didn't break down is only from God, you know. So, as difficult as it is to attempt to put into words how much John meant to us, is an honor and privilege to see the positive and beautiful impact his life has had on everyone who met him.

Speaker 2:

John Jesse Frenes, the son of Eleanor Juan Frenes, was the second, the oldest of five siblings that were born. He was born in Los Angeles back in August 28, 1963. John was a creative soul who was very talented when it came to illustration and he created music, aside from playing sports. Anyone who knew him must have known how genuine and great he was. He was devoting father, a loving husband and a wonderful grandfather, a great son, a righteous brother and a friend you can count on. As you can tell, he was all around. He was an all around legend. But to know that the Lord he truly was a selfless man, always had put God first, his family right after and always left himself last. He had the biggest heart, a smile that would light up any place he was at. He truly will be greatly missed. Although we all grieve in here, it's not farewell. I look at it as a see you later, because when we meet again, we're all going to meet again in eternity in the house of the Lord. So that gives me peace. Knowing to look forward to that and my family brings them peace.

Speaker 2:

Like I said before, I appreciate every single person in this room. I know all of you guys. My dad impacted you all in different ways and in great ways. One thing I could say, one word to describe my dad was a man of faith, because even down to the last days of his life he never folded his faith and I admired that so much about my pops. It's incredible and I'm grateful. He's the man he was. He left me a great example of how to be a man. He's the best dad. I'm blessed to have had a father like that. A lot of people don't get experience of a dad like that, and I'm grateful for the years I did have him, and my family as well. So I just want to say to every one of you I love you guys. I appreciate you guys taking the time out and spending this time with me and my family. Thank you, pastor Shane and everything. So thank you everybody.

Speaker 3:

That's good, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

For first of all, I want to say thank you to everybody that's here today. I cannot stress that enough. I know that my dad made different impacts on all you guys, like we've said before, but there's two lessons my dad taught me. First one was lazy man works twice. He always taught me that when I would leave, straggle, leave something in the yard or didn't clean up my area good enough for whatever the case, but it's something that stuck with me. Yeah, it was definitely something that took to heart. That and always put God first, no matter what you do work or leisure and we keep saying keep rearing his walk with God was just something that you couldn't ignore and he was very proud of it and he raised us up to believe it and always led us in that. I'd be up here all day if I gave you guys details of all the deep conversations I had with him playing catch man.

Speaker 4:

He taught me so many lessons.

Speaker 1:

I'm just blessed that God gave me the father that he gave me. I'm thankful that I had him for 60 years of his life. Sorry, guys, but honestly I'm thankful that I was even able to have him as a father. He led me in those things that he did and his life basically showed One thing. The last thing and I won't spend too much time up here, guys I just want to say one more thing that it stuck with me.

Speaker 1:

Every time I go visit him and see him and visit my family, he'd always ask me son, the first thing he would say when I sit on the couch is to give him a hug How's your walk with God? Always, every single time I went to see him, it was the first thing he asked me. Don't ever forget how important that is. He was really ready to tell me how important it was to raise my daughter and treat my soon-to-be wife. He always made sure to ask me that question. With that being said, I want to say thanks again to God. It's an amazing hand to Dad that I had. Thank you, guys, thank you. Good to see everybody.

Speaker 4:

I said if Miguel came up, I was going to come up because I was feeling kind of heavy back there. But this was also my buddy, so I'll say a couple words. I met John maybe a little bit before or after this past year, so I actually kind of met him when his strength began to decline. I actually didn't figure out right away that he was suffering from this because of how strong his faith is. One thing that I can say that I knew John for was he was always welcoming From the first time I went over there up to the last time I seen him at the house. He's always greeted me, always made me feel like I was one of his own In a sense. I kind of feel like he was a father to me too. One thing, another thing that also stood out to me is he always emphasized and showed the love of God. I always heard him tell his wife I love you. I always tell his son I love you, son. Even though he wasn't talking to me, I could feel it. I don't know. It's just quite amazing to see the actual love of a father that you're supposed to have, because I didn't grow up with it, but that you're supposed to have. I always smiled when he told his sons or his granddaughter I love you.

Speaker 4:

Just coming up to his final days in the hospital, I always walked in, or every day that I did walk in, I tried to be there as much as I could. I was always scared to say something to him because I didn't want to tell him something that wouldn't happen or just overstep my boundaries. One thing that I did know that I could say is quote scripture because he loves him, some scriptures. I always grabbed his hand and said the joy of the Lord is your strength. He would just shake his head and say amen. It's just like up to even his final moments.

Speaker 4:

I got the privilege, like Pastor Shane said, it is a privilege to be a part of something like this and just be a strength with the family and mourning. Do all the good stuff with the family on the last day. This is what will stick with me probably for the rest of my life. I walked in, I said my quote to him the joy of your Lord is your strength, or whatever. He grabbed my hand and he held it and he said I love you. I looked him in the eyes and it was just like the moment just came to a standstill and I just I looked at him and I said I love you too, and ever since then I just want to thank the Lord that I had the privilege, even though it was less than a year. I know it's telling his sons this even though it's less than a year, it's quality over time, so it's like I really appreciate it. I love John, I love the family, I love you guys that are connected to him, and we love you too, pastor Shane. Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

This is Timeless Talk. I'm your host, aj, and this is a bonus episode that we put off for a little while, for good reason, but we're back for y'all now. Man, you know what I'm saying. It's another day. We're all here, we're all healthy, and look who's with us, and look over here to my left. We'll have to do the intros right now. Y'all All right? So, to my right, as always, we got Slideshow. Yeah, that was my purpose. I'm sorry. That's your first time back in a few episodes, bro.

Speaker 4:

I'm sorry, I love you though, doug, it's because he had oh.

Speaker 1:

See, when he watches this he's going to really think that it's.

Speaker 4:

No, actually, actually I was here, you know, but then you know I had to leave, but I was here for that you were here for that.

Speaker 1:

You were All right. So, to my left, we have the music producer back with us again for always, but this time not for a music episode. Jj, what's up, man? Hey world, yeah, yo, all right guys, kids of the media.

Speaker 1:

So this episode Kids of the Media yeah, this episode is going to be very sentimental because we're going to talk about Father's Day. That's right, and you know, you guys, before the episode started. Well, really right now. It starts now, but before that, if you guys were obviously watching the first, I want to say five minutes. You just saw a service and that service was actually from my father, who recently left us, and the U of G was given by my older brother here, jj, and then myself in the slideshow. The episode is really going to be about him, but also about just Father's in general and what Father's Day means to us individually and what his life meant for me and my brother here and the impact he had on slideshow. Even though it's for a short time, it's going to be a loaded one, fellas, but we're going to bang it out. It's going to be a good time, jj. Thank you for making time too. Brother, I know you're tired, it's late.

Speaker 1:

So you know we went out and made this happen. So you know, shout out to you for coming in on a work night, man, that's right. You know it means a lot, so take it seriously on time to start. But you know what I'll go ahead and give you guys for me, father's Day. I'll break it down. For me personally, father's Day is unique because I'm a father myself. I was blessed to have a father to show me an example, but it's when you become a dad. It's a different beast altogether. Man. There was a clip that I saw online today. I was actually going to be posted on my Instagram.

Speaker 1:

Shia LaBuff says something about when do you become a man? And he was like you know, a lot of people say, oh, you became a man when you go to prison. You survive that. You come out stronger, different, right. Or you become a man when you get your license, or you become a man when you he's like no, no, no, that's all bullshit. You become a man when you become responsible for somebody else. I was like, oh, that's real man. He said that you become a man when you become. When you become responsible for someone else, whether it's a child, you're leading a group of people, something. I was like yo, that's real, that's true. I feel like that's so relatable and that's probably because I'm a dad and that him being becoming a new dad, that makes sense of why he, why him, while people would say that, but yeah, man, I agree. I think when you're responsible for somebody, you really find out what it's like to become not only a man, but a father.

Speaker 1:

Like that's what it's like. Obviously, you figure out what it's like to become a father, but when you're responsible for somebody else, man, it's a lot of it's a lot of responsibility, which is a lot of what's another word for it? A lot of pressure, a lot of a lot, a lot at stake. Well, you know, you can put it that way when, when you're responsible for somebody else, so kind of forces you to become a man, whether you're ready or not. You know what I mean. So, I agree with that statement.

Speaker 1:

You know what do you, what do you fellas, think about that.

Speaker 2:

That's just true. When you, you cut you truly, because you're not a you're not when you're a boy and you're a child, or you know, you don't. You think about yourself. Meet me, meet me.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

And then when you have responsibility of other people, whether it's, like you said, a family, or you're leading a group, that's a. You're putting their needs before yourself and yeah, that's that's. I think there's a lot of different things that define a man, but that's one of the big ones.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's true, I agree, you know so there's more than one. Then, yeah, do you want to stop one of the things that makes you man, other than being responsible for somebody else?

Speaker 2:

Being responsible for someone else also doing the things. Doing things that you need to do just because it's the right thing not because you feel like it, do it anyways. Yeah, even if you don't feel like it in the moment, you do the right thing regardless. Yeah, that's being a man too. That's true. No, I agree, I'm not a good person in general, but you know, not being led by your emotions and doing the right thing because it's the right thing.

Speaker 1:

That's a good one, and I don't know what you feel differently every day.

Speaker 2:

We're human, you know no, that's true.

Speaker 1:

I agree with that. That's facts. That makes sense. What about you, though, slacho?

Speaker 4:

same question man, I think one thing that at least I'm looking at myself when I was younger, I think you have to Take initiative. Taking this shit that's kind of like what you said just taking initiative like yeah, don't wait for somebody to tell you something's broken to fix it, you know. And Then, like I had this one idea where I get whether it be like two people in a relationship or like two family members fighting, or whatever the case may be I always used to think you know, let's talk it out now, let's talk it out now. But sometimes a problem with that is, if you know if both parties are too upset I think we was talking about this a little earlier to the both parties are upset. Sometimes you can't, you can't just clear it right there On the spot. It's too much. Everybody's there, everybody's neck.

Speaker 4:

Yeah so it's like talking going on and not a lot of listening going on, you know. So it's like that's something, that's something, but then also learning that sure ways and always right think. Somebody else mentioned that. Yeah, that's, that's, that's Growing up, becoming a man too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree that, because that takes, yeah, because that also takes you being humble enough to admit when you're wrong about something.

Speaker 4:

Right, hey, for sure, it's your pride, it does. Yeah, you know, I don't know it does no one likes to be wrong.

Speaker 1:

Let's be real right. No one likes to be wrong. Someone tells you they're okay with being wrong. They're liar. Nobody, nobody likes me wrong, bro.

Speaker 4:

He's off top, he's just lying.

Speaker 1:

It's the truth, man. I mean, well, maybe not have time, they not just lying, but no one, no one, no one likes being wrong, but that's what that's, that's growth you know, you know that's growth.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's growth, it is.

Speaker 2:

And no, I know, I think there's many layers To define, like what it is to be a man. Yeah, you know, not sure I agree being a man Isn't just you grown up and you're a man? Doesn't make you I mean physically you're a man, but does it mentally doesn't make you right.

Speaker 1:

You'd be a grown-ass man.

Speaker 2:

But it doesn't make you a man. There's a lot of man childs out there.

Speaker 1:

That's true.

Speaker 4:

Hey, you know what man I think, whatever you want to call them, but if we look at it under that light, bro, I think I think being a man is a process that you'll never fully achieve in life, like completely, because I think Adam, when God made him perfect, that was a man. That was a man. That was the man got created when he fell, you went under.

Speaker 2:

That's a good way to look at it. You know they went way under the mark, so we're just talking about. We've been trying to get back to that.

Speaker 4:

I mean we'll never get there, but we get. We get close enough.

Speaker 2:

That makes sense, you know yeah, no, I agree with that. You put that way. That does pretty good yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, slouch, all good job. Look at you man.

Speaker 2:

Dropping the gems. No, that that does makes perfect sense, because at one point man was perfect, until man fell, yeah. So man was complete. And now that we've, you know, the corruption and sin, now we've fallen short of that. So now we're incomplete, but we're complete with God. That's why I said like to be a man too. It's it's not just, it's spiritual to yeah, we're saying yeah it's, it's. We can all agree it's a spiritual walk to it's not just People.

Speaker 2:

Well, because the world will sell you what a man is Right, right from a worldly but from a worldly view.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we'll, you know. It'll tell you like, oh, you're not a man, you got to do this, that, that if you don't do these things then you're not a man, it's just. But then then you also think about, like what is, what is the actual the bar to be set to say that what's a man and what's? You know what I mean? Hmm, I think it's based off of, you know, like, good character. He said spiritual. The spirituality aspect has to come first. Yeah, without that, everything else is just gonna be Out of whack. If your spirit isn't right, how could you be a good man, how could you be a man?

Speaker 4:

Or according to who standards according.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because if you don't have any type of morals, then what I'm saying doesn't matter to hold a certain view, or yeah, they might look at what I'm saying and be like oh, who cares about the spiritual?

Speaker 2:

That's not to me. That doesn't mean so it's teach his own, every, every, but every individual, every person on this earth has a Did, their own definition. But to me, first, to build yourself, to be a man, first of all, you can't build yourself yet. The God has to be the one to build you. That's what I feel. So that's why I think spirituality comes first, and then from that you get good morals, yeah, and then from that you get good actions, and it just trickles down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah but if you're spiritual and you're, your moral code is messed up, then how you move as a man is gonna be Messed up your compass.

Speaker 2:

Yeah uh-uh Cuz you're not gonna, you're not gonna care, or you're not gonna know what is good and what's bad, or your good might be actually bad and what's bad is actually good. You know, I mean it was gonna be all Confusing. That's just my opinion, but I think it starts with your spirituality, like you're saying to like At one point, adam was the perfect man, mm-hmm Eve was perfect to mm-hmm woman. Mm-hmm, and we were perfect beings, but then we fell short. That's, we're dealing with all that now.

Speaker 4:

Every human is now like we such a trickling yeah, it's a trickle effect.

Speaker 2:

but it trickled in the wrong effect cuz you know everybody knows the story. Yeah, but that's true. That's very important, though I think you made a. You hit it perfectly with that like Honestly you did, though that was.

Speaker 1:

That was spot on. Both y'all, you had some good insight there, cuz. What I want to say too about that is what I liked about is that it was very accurate. As far as you know, there's more. There's more to a man that just being responsible for somebody else, because that's one aspect of it, but it's true, it's multiple things, I agree, that feed into it, to making it now Wow, this talk, for what makes a man on Father's Day. Well, the most important man in this, this me and my brother's life, was with someone. That is no longer with us, unfortunately, but while it was he, while he was here, he, he taught us so much man, and you know, even though you and I didn't really follow everything he taught us to a tee, I know he was proud of us because he did see what we did do right and he just kept never stopped praying for us, we wouldn't do what we was, you know, and he was always in spirit, man.

Speaker 1:

One thing my dad would always ask us that that I had already said, you know, at his, his funeral. You know how's your walk with God, because it's so true, man, that's the most important thing, above everything else. You know he's like you, have dreams and aspirations. He would encourage us to always do it and never tell us not to do something. But he would always say how was your walk with God? Like that was his most important, like it. You know, none of this other other shit on the planet really matters, because it's not gonna last. All of it doesn't last anyway, and you there, sure as hell, is no. You know something else? He would always say there's no you all following the hearse, because all of his stuff stayed here too, man. So you know, my pops knew what he was talking about, man.

Speaker 4:

So yeah, he had the occasional gym. I like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's no. You all following the hearse like that. Yeah, man, cuz there isn't. None of this shit goes with you, none of it. You come to this world naked, you leave naked man.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Can't, I can't take, I can't take it it's full. You know for that, that's my dad, so my pops.

Speaker 4:

But I already, I could already see what he's doing if it was here and he heard you say that you just yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not to me yeah, man, and that's what he would say.

Speaker 1:

You know, the glory goes to God. That's me. And even where were arrows that he fired back at God, man.

Speaker 4:

So I was gonna say I was, I was admired, two things I'm. I only knew your dad up to the, I think, the last you know I think seven, nine months, something like that. Yeah but I always admired. I would never come and see a mother character. I would always admire the love and Just the humility. He would have forgotten his family. Yeah, like, like that, like every time you try to give me even just a little bit of credit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, every time, yeah, he's just like.

Speaker 2:

That's so. That's why I say like he was a great example to me and to our family, as what it is to be a real man, 100%, you know. Like you said, it had a combination of spirituality, putting others before himself, doing the right thing, even though he probably didn't always feel like it, because he's human. Yeah he still did the right thing. So it's a combination of what each of us have said. You know, it makes a man a man, a real man yeah you know you deal with like.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure he had times where and he never really Express that to us, but doesn't mean he didn't feel it never broke character. No, never, that's one thing Shout out to my pops I know you see this. I love you and thank you for leaving us a great example. That's why I like. Yeah, it's sad that he's not hearing with us in the physical, but the years that we did have him, I'm grateful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you know what I mean, because he left us a good blueprint of what it is to be a man, and that's right. You know he gave us great principles to live by, and you know that's all he did, you know, and and that's just you know. You can't ask for a better dad.

Speaker 1:

you know, in my opinion and I'm blessed because we're blessed, because some people don't even get a dad like that, hmm, yeah, you're right, you know what I mean and, like you said, like you said, like, like the viewers were able to see and you're in your speech we went up there during his celebration of life service things you said. He made an impact on you as well. Right obviously in a short time. Yeah, that's why you said that, you said to him man, it was deep, I was.

Speaker 4:

I was. I was in that moment, man, like there was a lot I wanted to say, but because of trying to just hold myself together, yeah, you couldn't really get everything I wanted to say. You know, I told you there was actually something else I wanted to add to that. He actually contributed that like kind of did something for me.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, so here.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'll say it, so I'll go ahead. So I explained it to him, but I didn't get a chance to explain to you, I don't think. But, um, I was actually saying just Just the faith he demonstrated up to his final moments and you know, always staying positive, you know even smiling up to his last moments.

Speaker 1:

You know he did.

Speaker 4:

You saw my husband singing, you know telling, and then you could tell the way everybody was coming in here's I love you. It's genuine, like yeah, every time you said I love you to somebody, it's like the atmosphere froze, yeah you know yeah you know, like just all of that, it did something to me, man, even up to the moment where he passed, and I got that. I got that message. I got that message when I was at work and I remember I was like I everything just froze.

Speaker 4:

I remember I was in line for lunch and I just, yeah, I was like okay, I said like, like Jesus said like it's finished, you know. But what it did for me was and this is what I didn't get a chance to mention over there, but you know, I was telling AJ it's like if you would, you would look at Jesus as you know, the author of our faith, right, he's kind of like the teacher of the faith. He's a teacher, yeah, and If you would look at like one of us down here, like us right here, your dad, he's in the race with you, so you look at him as a student. If Jesus is a teacher, you look at him as a student, just like you in the class, right?

Speaker 4:

Yeah and you know, you know the teacher is intelligent because that's teacher. Like you know, he went to college, for this is what he does, this is what he does, right, yeah, and so you know, when Jesus died and you know, he resurrected, went to heaven and it's okay, yeah, you're gonna do this too. It's like okay, but you got. So you know you can you, this is this is what you do, you can do this. Yeah, you tell me I'm gonna do it?

Speaker 4:

Okay, yeah, but when you have a classmate that demonstrates so much faith in the same race that you're in Even up to his final moments, and it's like, no, everything's gonna be okay, you know love you Don't, don't be down and you see how peaceful and even smiling up to the last moments, it's like okay, now I got the teacher saying I could do it and I have a classmate, that's it, I could do it. That's kind of. That's kind of more reassuring.

Speaker 2:

No, it is.

Speaker 4:

It's like the teacher demonstrated it. But now I've seen a classmate, kind of like the teacher, saying the test is easy, but now the tech that now you're on the same level as the same test, and say oh no, it's easy.

Speaker 2:

I did it. You're gonna do it too, because you're on the same level as the classmate.

Speaker 4:

Exactly now. Now, I don't see now, I could not not that the teacher's word is in, you know no, I get you. But now I got a classmate saying oh yeah, the teacher was right, that's you know see, oh, yeah, you're gonna do it too, it's just extra. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna wait for you. I'm gonna wait for you to turn your paper.

Speaker 1:

It's a bastard crazy. I didn't know that that was also what he did for you, man, see.

Speaker 4:

See, the thing is, people impact us in different ways, man, and in the thing about, well he for sure went out with a bang, because Anybody that could affect somebody, even after they're gone, yeah, somebody left a really good, and that's what you did after.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he did it for you after he was gone already.

Speaker 4:

Right, right. So it's like, it's like man even even when you're gone, you're still serving.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You know, because they're like walls. The good boys down to legacy, right? What did you do while you were here?

Speaker 4:

If you will remember you for, you know, they say only what you do for christ the last. Yeah, you know, yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's the ripple effect, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

That's true All we do for christ will last man. That's so true, is deep.

Speaker 4:

No, that's true though.

Speaker 1:

Did you, I'm sorry, what you were saying? No, no, go ahead. I have a question for you, jj, like you know, I was with brothers and everything I know. You went up there and you and you wrote a very heart.

Speaker 3:

He wrote that by the way, you know, yeah, in case a good job with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, whatever, just case y'all out there that are watching and y'all that were at my dad, my dad's service and friends of the family. Would you guys just watch the beginning of the episode? My brother wrote that from his heart. There was no lines involved.

Speaker 4:

You know, bro, I think I think you're your family. I mean cut you off. I think you guys deserve your own round of applause for how y'all held it together at that I mean I honestly, you don't see nobody go up there and do their own family members. You don't see that passable. That's a good point.

Speaker 2:

You know, I didn't even think about it like that that's true, I'm like, I'm like I was thinking myself.

Speaker 4:

How were you even able to talk? I was like I couldn't even talk. It was.

Speaker 1:

I mean I mean, yeah, they just saw I broke down a little bit while I was up there. He held it better than I did up there and I know he broke down later. We, we didn't show too much on camera how we felt which is why we took through the service. And funny you say that, yeah, it's funny because the reason why we took so long to even record this episode Is because we weren't so, we weren't ready to do it as you guys can see.

Speaker 1:

This is that you guys are not gonna be watching this till August. So Go figure, this is August. Right now we're in August, and we didn't record this till August because of what happened with my family.

Speaker 2:

I think you know I was Because I was emotional and I was nervous up there and I was feeling a bunch of emotions but I felt also at the same time, overall those emotions, I felt peace.

Speaker 2:

So then, I was able to. You know, I didn't really think about it like that, like how I held it together I think it's just gotten holding me and holding my family together, that we didn't. And I broke down like in the service To we watching that videos. I I was, you know, I got emotional, I started crying and everything Because I how close we were all to my dad. But, like I said in the, in the funeral, I was like, you know, I really believe it's not, it's not goodbye, it's see you later. Because you know, we all have our day and I was talking about this with someone earlier. I was just like you know, from the day you're born God knows when the day you're gonna die too, you know your whole life right.

Speaker 4:

Days are numbered, Days are numbered so regardless.

Speaker 2:

So in that in-between time, from when you're born to when you die, make the best of it, be a good you know, do these things and, like you said, do it unto God and just cause. When you do things, when you put God first and everything it really does, make us better people cause you're not doing things for a selfish reason and that's what counts out of everything.

Speaker 2:

You can be a person that lives for money or lives for all these things. You know there's nothing wrong with wanting to get money, but if that's your God, you know it only could bring you so much, you know.

Speaker 4:

You can never have enough.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can never have enough, so it's not satisfying, whereas you know I agree. So, like in that time from when you're born to when you pass, just you know, do your best, be better than you were. Like you said, being a man or in general, it takes a lifelong process. So each day that you get another blessing you get to be better. Yeah, be better than you were yesterday. Every day you get a chance to wake up. You're winning, you're blessed.

Speaker 1:

That's already a win. Yeah, You're taking a breather.

Speaker 2:

There was this clip that went viral. I'm probably sure you guys saw it. This guy went around asking people. He was like you know, if I gave you $10 million, would you take it? And they're like, yeah, I'll take it. They're like, okay, but what if I told you you can take the money today, but you wouldn't be able to wake up tomorrow? Would you still take it? And then everybody's like nah. So then he said so stop complaining about life.

Speaker 4:

And just live and live.

Speaker 2:

Hey, that's true. I mean, I don't know if I'm saying all the details of it.

Speaker 4:

But James Bobby, you got the point across though.

Speaker 2:

And you know what I mean. That's true, though, like good or bad day, the fact that you woke up, you're still blessed. You still got to experience life again, because, even in pain I heard it in what was in a 50 cent song he said joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain.

Speaker 3:

That's kind of real.

Speaker 2:

You wouldn't know if you're alive In life. We get the chance it's the way to look at it. We get the chance to experience all these different experiences like emotions and things you go through in life. That's a gift, even in the horrible, like you know, even with my dad passing, it's horrible.

Speaker 2:

Even on rainy days yeah bro, there's days that I'm like man. I don't know how I get through it, but it's God always carrying me and I still could look at it from a different perspective where I'm like you know, I'm blessed. I'm glad I got the dad that I did. Yeah, if it was up to me I wish he could live to like 105. Yeah. But also I'm blessed because other people's life experience they never got to experience that they don't know what that you know. That's why I even admire people that don't have a good role model in their life and they grow up to become great people. That's tough to do, so, man.

Speaker 2:

Because, you never had hot like. You didn't have a good, you just trying to figure it out. You didn't have no good like, not that you didn't have good morals, but you didn't have a good example to look at. So how do you know what if you think just something is good and it's not? You know what I mean? You just got to go through it, you just got to live through it. Whereas you know, even if you do have a good example, you can still learn the hard way. Someone could tell you don't do that and that's, I think that's all of us. As humans, we're stubborn at times. So, even if you do know the right thing, sometimes you're going to stumble. But that's the beautiful thing about life, that the growth.

Speaker 2:

And as long as you were better than yesterday, even if it's a little bit, you're still doing good Like you know what I mean and just that's all these different things make you a better person, make you a better man, and that's really you know. So it's like I'm grateful for it all. I'm grateful to live.

Speaker 3:

Be able to be alive.

Speaker 2:

You know I'm trying to tell myself that even on, like you said, rainy days, find the good in it, still have gratitude. It's hard, but you can do it.

Speaker 1:

Everything's all choice. No, no, you're right, absolutely is man, and that's why you said every day is a brand new slate, clean sheet of paper, to start something new, be a better person and you wore yesterday. That's the beautiful part you have a new start every single day. Joy comes in the morning, right Lord, says man, so you can start up. It's a new day. Whatever, you don't want to do again that you did from yesterday.

Speaker 2:

you could change it and you're only competing with yourself, absolutely Competing with nobody else. Don't look left and right, don't look left and right, look straight.

Speaker 1:

That's true, no, 100%, bro, and I was going to tell you anyway before we. You know that was great, by the way. I appreciate that.

Speaker 2:

Self-improvement is an individual journey. It is. It is. It's not for anybody. Anybody can say whatever they want and have their opinions, but they're just opinions. They only have power if you give them power. That's right and in you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Of course, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Like we said it off camera we were talking about no matter what you're going to be, if you can't live life to please people, you just got to do the right thing Regardless, and sometimes, when you do the right thing, you're still going to be happy. Not everybody's going to be happy, not everybody's going to be excited and so you're always going to be a bad guy in someone's book, but if you know you're truly doing the right thing, it doesn't matter. Bro, I agree, you know what I mean. It's like they hated Jesus.

Speaker 4:

All right.

Speaker 2:

Jesus even said they hate me.

Speaker 4:

They're going to hate you, yeah, so why wouldn't they?

Speaker 1:

hate, you. That's true, and they hate it. They spat in his face, man. You know what I mean. The Pharisees were always trying to find every reason to prove that he wasn't the Messiah. Remember that they were always throwing the Old Testament at him Like it was their football man.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's almost like you're not doing something right. You're not doing something right. If everyone likes you or like you, don't ruffle any feathers. There's something, there's a quote I forget who said it. I think it goes a friend to all is an enemy to himself.

Speaker 1:

I never heard that one.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I've heard that, if that makes sense, a friend to all is an enemy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because you don't even know who the fuck you are. Who do you identify with?

Speaker 2:

Like if you're a cool everybody.

Speaker 1:

You're a shape shifter. Yeah, you just do whatever the person likes. They like you because you're more for whatever they want.

Speaker 2:

What I got from that quote is like, if you're a people pleaser, you're going to be a mess bro.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, like I feel like you can't Please everybody.

Speaker 2:

Your job isn't to make everyone friends. Yeah, no, and it's not like it goes back to what I was saying Like you do the right thing, because it's the right thing, not because you feel like it either, because your own emotions will betray you. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's true.

Speaker 2:

It'll lead you the wrong way, because you could feel I could wake up angry. And if I decided to live my day angry, I'm going to make bad decisions. Yes, because I'm basing it off of how I feel, not because it's the right thing, but it's how I feel, and that could be angry. That anger could lead me to a lot of different things, a lot of different outcomes. I wake up mad. I'm going to go do this. Boom, I might end up in jail. I might end up hurt. I might whatever. I might hurt someone else, I might. Or if I'm sad, I'm not going to look at the good things, I'm just going to be in self pity, yeah, and then you don't even know what the mission for that day is if you're to focus on your emotions, which already counted yourself out.

Speaker 2:

You already did, and that's why, when they say, oh yeah, follow your heart, I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing.

Speaker 1:

That isn't a good advice.

Speaker 4:

There's a Bible verse that says uh, it was the heart's really deceitful. Yeah, that's what it said. It said who can understand it? That's what God said.

Speaker 1:

Man, if God's telling you that, then that just doesn't really know To be off. They say follow your heart, you're probably following impulse.

Speaker 4:

There's another one that says uh, it's another one that says uh, the heart is desperately wicked from a child.

Speaker 2:

See, there you go.

Speaker 3:

So it's like yeah, it's for sure.

Speaker 4:

But, honestly, bro, the more it's really you know what I'm saying, the more you know it's like it's like. But having that said, you know what do you mean?

Speaker 2:

The more you know like.

Speaker 4:

The more you know like, the more you'll be like self aware you know, like conscious of what's going on, because, like there's there's been times I've heard somebody say something like if you don't like, if you don't want to act on emotions every time you get done wrong, do the opposite of what you're feeling. Like to do. Like if like, for example, if somebody like, like Jesus said, if you spit on you, turn out the cheek, yeah. Or like you know, if somebody do you wrong, tell them God bless you. Like, try to act against what you're feeling in the moment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you know why, though? I think it's because your nature is sinful, so it's going to want to, it's going to lead you in the wrong way, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because it's sinful.

Speaker 2:

It's not. It's like, oh, and it's hard because it's. It's. It's just, you know what it is. It's it's having discipline over the flesh and having this letting the spirit be greater than what the flesh feels like.

Speaker 4:

But I don't think people know how to do that, though.

Speaker 2:

No, a lot of people don't know how to do that A lot, and even people that do know how to do it, you still make mistakes, yeah.

Speaker 4:

You still slip.

Speaker 2:

You still it's. That's why it goes to your point that you were saying, like it's an ongoing process, you don't owe it, you don't fully master it. No, you know, in this life, all you could do is do the best that you can to be that's right Greater, but you're not going to fully master it.

Speaker 2:

I mean you're going to have your human wear, a flaw that we have. That we're not. We're not until we get restored completely again. It's always going to be that struggle, that battle of like always, and if somebody tell you any different, they lying, that's true, that's facts. But you know, if I was wrong, Run the other way if they tell you that they got it all figured out and they're just perfect. There is no perfect being.

Speaker 4:

Good. Run the other way, other than God.

Speaker 2:

Just God, but there is no perfect human. No, there isn't Facts.

Speaker 4:

But Hold on, I was just going to say, like those people that say, oh, like they don't struggle financially anymore and they don't struggle Like they, like they, like it's just peaches and creams I'm just waiting for the Lord, like I don't struggle with nothing. And you've probably wanted me like really value where you're going when you die.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true, because if they don't, play mess with you.

Speaker 4:

we're just going to say how you're not messing with you Then you yeah, then you're not in the right path.

Speaker 1:

You're obviously going somewhere that he's like oh fuck it, Whatever reason to be there anyway, so let him live his life here, that's so that's, I feel like, so true. He's just like okay, I don't need to, I don't need to fuck with you, You're going to be there anyway, like I'm going to go mess with this person instead.

Speaker 4:

Because you know that's the truth. He's not going to mess with somebody you already know Like, oh, they're going that way, he's not going to waste his time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's going to send himself there. He's going to send himself there. So I'm going to worry about him. He's already. He's a done deal.

Speaker 2:

You know, and if your time is short, you're going to be tactical with the time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So you're going to go after whatever is a threat towards whatever you're trying to do, right.

Speaker 4:

Whatever you're trying to push, that's right yeah.

Speaker 2:

So you're going to attack the?

Speaker 4:

threats, not someone's lost or lost. You're not worried about catching the fish that's already in the net, exactly.

Speaker 1:

So that's really going to get. The fish is already in the net. But anyway, guys, before we continue, the reason why I was going to do what I was going to do next originally, before we got to this point, I was going to ask you a JJ, was there anything else you wanted to say? You know, back to back, pedaling back to the eulogy when I was first bringing that up, was there anything that you didn't say that that day, that you still that you wanted to put out there about pops, or just what you wanted to say, like because I know, you know, I got to go talk up there, our sister got to go talk up there. I actually got to talk up there and you did too. But you said your eulogy and that was it right. Is there anything you wanted to add to that before we moved forward? That's what I was going to say that's a good question.

Speaker 1:

You want to say personally from you that you didn't get to say that day. That you want to say now on the record.

Speaker 2:

I love that. He's just a great man, bro. Like that's, I have the greatest example of what it is to be a man. To me that's a complete man. He provided he did the right thing even when he didn't feel like doing the right thing. More importantly, put God first, amen. And those things to me make you a great man. And obviously you know we all have our flaws, but he was always still striving to be better, that's true. So it was, like you said, like we said again, like an ongoing process. He didn't master it, but he was a damn good example of like.

Speaker 4:

We don't see that nowadays. No, we don't.

Speaker 2:

No, no, he didn't. No, you know. So T set the bar high, but it's a great bar to. You know what I mean. Like I love my pops and I know he was proud of all of us. You know what I mean. Even when we messed up and that's how close we were with him, we would tell him Like he was, you know, we respect him as a father, but we would be close like he was our friend, like that too, like we can be open with him, as I feel, like everyone that has a dad. I hope they get to experience that with their dad, because it's really important. Bro, a lot of, I think, fathers nowadays don't get a lot of credit or they get a bad rep and a lot of times I think society is kind of bad because, you know, lack the father figure is important in the family structure. So even just like the mothers are important, you know, when you have one missing, it's a kind of an imbalance.

Speaker 1:

That's true.

Speaker 2:

This is why I feel like, even in what's going on in the world, the enemy's trying to attack families, because God knows families are stronger when they're united right, and the enemy knows that. So he's going to do everything in his power to try to disrupt the family unit with different taxes. I'm not going to go into details, you all know, we see it, you know. And so it starts with the head of the household, which is the father. So it's like if the father is in spiritually right, how could he lead? Hmm, yeah, how does he know how to lead if he's not in tune with God? That's the most important out of all the other things. That has to come first. In my opinion. God has to be first, because how do you seek your guidance Doesn't mean you're perfect, but when you mess up, who do you go to to get corrected? You have to go to the source.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, God is the source for our life.

Speaker 3:

I go.

Speaker 2:

When you have that in tune, you make better decisions. Everything it's a ripple effect.

Speaker 2:

And a trickle, it goes down everything else. Not that you're gonna be perfect, but you're gonna think about it more than if you're not being led that way. You know what I mean. If you're not seeking the source, which is God, you know how are you gonna? You know, guide your family? You're gonna, you're gonna, be led by. Either you're probably led either by someone else or You're gonna be led by your emotions, which we know how that goes, yeah, depending. You feel I wake up and I live my life how I feel, then you must feel like exhausted then, because every day we do not feel the same.

Speaker 4:

That's human.

Speaker 2:

Even in the same day, you don't feel the same. We chase the compass.

Speaker 4:

Huh yeah, in the same day you could be pissed off.

Speaker 2:

You could be at work mad and then after you got work you're happy because you're off of work and then you can. You could feel sad. You get a car, then you get. You get happy again and you get Angry cuz someone cut you off. Whatever it is like you go through all these emotions. If you really think about it in one day, how many emotions you go through? You go through all, like all of them a lot, a lot of times all of them?

Speaker 2:

Maybe all of them, maybe not, but you go through more than one emotion in one day. I don't think there's a human out there. If there is, hey Let me know. Good, but I don't know of any human out there that's. They're in the same emotion all day, nothing else.

Speaker 1:

No no one is. That's why the pursuit of happiness. You're pursuing happiness, but you're not gonna feel. It's the human condition all the time, you're not. We want to feel it 24-7 right. We tell ourselves that you don't feel it all. Even if you, even if you're in a place where you feel like here's your happiest, that euphoric feelings not gonna last you all I like what you told me off camera to like you gotta find your exhale.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah like even as a man Like or a woman to thanks not just men, but as a woman too. You got to find your release, but it has to be in a healthy way.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I mean in a toxic way.

Speaker 4:

Even a perfect man needs it. Adams exhale was God told him to tilt the ground.

Speaker 2:

To the ground, oh yeah basically a gardener.

Speaker 3:

That's how you know it's on till, even though, even though it took care of itself, yeah, yeah but he tilt the ground.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, till the fields deal with it in in a healthy way.

Speaker 4:

Well, that could be the gym. That could be, it could be it could be, but I think that I don't know if that goes back to what God, like. You know they talk about talents, yeah, and you know certain gift God gives people. I don't know if it's Specifically something that's to attach to that like. You need to find what that is. Yeah but I can't help but to feel that's what like, once you find that you know that void of like, what am I?

Speaker 4:

here, like what like am I just existing the purpose that that purpose. What my mission is for.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you know yeah, there's a purpose behind now what you do, mm-hmm. See the drive, you see the. There's fulfillment in it, yeah, and like it. You know what? Ultimately, it's because you're, you find purpose in what you're doing, but it's not even for yourself, it's really to serve others.

Speaker 4:

That's, that's what it's a lot of fulfillment in that yeah even through your talent and your blessing others.

Speaker 2:

You know why I feel like it's set up like that because God doesn't like lazy people, mm-hmm, he doesn't like laziness. Oh, we don't when you have a gift and you have abilities and you're just lazy. It's kind of like God will give you all the tools you need, but he won't do the work for you. That's why you say faith without works is dead. It's like you see that tree? There's a tree Right. God gave you the resource, mm-hmm, and gave you the vision. Yeah, I say gave you the vision, like the house.

Speaker 4:

But, Story and.

Speaker 2:

Noah's Ark, mm-hmm. Yeah, tell them what he needed to do, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he had, he didn't build it for him.

Speaker 2:

though he made, he did it, he had to go build it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just was obedient.

Speaker 2:

Just like all of us, a guy will give us gifts and in all that envisions, but are we gonna be obedient to be to follow it out?

Speaker 3:

We're not gonna be he doesn't.

Speaker 2:

I gotta bless the lazy man you got a fat but move.

Speaker 4:

But even beyond that, bro, it's like you got a listen before you give in deciding if you want to be obedient or not. Like that's how many of us could just hear the voice of God saying what to do, yeah but that's like you said. Let me try to keep you like distracted by this, that so you can't hear his voice, you know. Yeah, just like your mom over there calling you. But if you talking to us and or trying to fix that in, yeah.

Speaker 4:

It's easy not to hear them. I didn't. He called me, yeah called you though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's, that's good.

Speaker 4:

That's a good one. I was gonna say, though, I was I was thinking about you guys and I Think about your father and I Just I'm just really, you know, as I said on, you know, the first father's day, I don't grow up with a father in the house, so it's like every time I see in a strong Father figure with a friend, or outside or at work, you know, I always, always, always pay deep attention, like what can I learn from this? Right, yeah, and it's like the kind of the kind of faith he had. I can't look at them as like a, as if I'm talking about like a character in the Bible, because I know that's just how his faith was.

Speaker 4:

Yeah and that's that. He's with them right now. Yeah, but I don't know if you guys are familiar with the story of Elijah.

Speaker 2:

You know that's you know a little bit.

Speaker 4:

Everybody knows him as the guy that God took to heaven, right he?

Speaker 2:

didn't die. Yeah, elijah and Enoch, I think well.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, both, both didn't see death.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, but Enoch also. Elijah had a protege, which was Elijah, hmm, and then one day, you like already knew God was gonna take him away. Right, this is the day he got taken away. Elijah Was following and you know, talking to Elijah, and then Elijah's like stay here, stay here. I'm gonna go walk over here real quick, because you already know I'm going somewhere. You can't go. Right, he's like stay. And he's like no, but no, I ain't gonna leave you. It's all because he, they, they kind of like beating around the bush with each other, like no, I know you're going, brian, I'm about to see you trying to get me to go away.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna see it though, yeah you're not getting rid of me, yeah, you know. So I was like, no, no, I'm going with you. So then they traveled on from city to city stay here, I'm gonna go talk to this guy, I'm going with you too, yeah, so you know, just following them everywhere, and then finally ask him, like, what can I do for you before I leave? You know, yeah, and I do for you. And you know, and you know they're just bouncing off each other. Good conversation. And he finally says you know, give me, give me a double spirit of what you have. You know, you give me twice the funk you got. Yeah, you know, he said. He said, he said you know what I got. I mean, he asked me to do something hard, but I could see what I could do. Talk to the man. I said yeah.

Speaker 4:

But this is the part that remind me of you guys, the relationship that you guys have with the father, with your father, and that your father had with the father, you know. So, when it was time for him to go, god is gonna take him away. You know, the Bible says it was just, they were just talking and walking, just talking to walking. You know, life as usual, you know. But then there was a strong wind. When the chariot finally came, there was a strong wind and it was so strong it pulled them apart, separated them. This brother went flying over there. Well, this brother already fly started flying into the tornado or whatever the case may be, but this is the critical part. As he was going up, his mantle flew off of him. Mantle is kind of like a shawl.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, cover your neck or something like that and you know so. Then it says Elisha is looking at Elijah as he's going up into the chariot. You know they're probably sharing their final last words, like you know, probably got tears coming down his eyes as he's going up. So you're not gonna see me no more. But I'll be able to see you, yeah. But then, yeah, last thing he notices as the chariot is taking off, you know seeing his father figure in the faith leave.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

You know, and he looks at his shawl on the floor and he, finally, and he said he just picks it up and he, I could imagine you know he's just admiring it. Like you know, this is what I have left to remind him. Mind me of him, right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

But then he went over to the water and said you know Where's the god of Elijah? He went like Water, dividing. You know was this a second.

Speaker 1:

This is a separate. This wasn't so some. So two people part of the water then other than well, another person was in the Moses. He was Moses, so only him, and Moses were able to do this right.

Speaker 4:

Well, there was that time, and then there was another time, the priest, same time as Moses. They were crossing the ocean and they went. They went ahead of the people, so, as they took the Ark of the Covenant it's four of them, care, I don't know if it was four or two people carrying it, but I think it was four. But as soon as the step to where the water was, at the water, so they, so they walked on dry ground that's crazy, the dark of the Covenant.

Speaker 1:

Some of these artifacts that God had back in the day were just magnificent. Man, that thing, you can't touch it, you'll die. Right, I was. Only you had to be able to be especially anointed, right or approved by God to touch it.

Speaker 4:

But look at this though yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh yeah, with the poles, if I didn't get.

Speaker 1:

God didn't play right. There was someone you told me you weren't a priest dude, someone that was carrying it Right. It stumbled and they caught it. Stop it from hitting the ground and that guy drop dead. Yeah, drop dead. Can you believe that he stopped the artifact because he didn't want it to break or get damaged at all, just putting his hand out to stop it from falling? He died anyway.

Speaker 3:

Right. Where do you ask that?

Speaker 4:

What do you think? He went Research. He went to heaven, though I did some research like man, that poor man's soul dude.

Speaker 1:

God, just like that.

Speaker 4:

For touching it. There was a reason. There was a reason he got disciplined, though there was a reason behind it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, every time, every time, yeah, cuz God is off, you gotta do research around it. Yeah, cuz God right? Cuz why would God kill someone that right? You think would think you start thinking that right. But it's like well, he said, don't touch the box unless with that with that.

Speaker 4:

You know, the leave arts were supposed to. The priests were supposed to carry it with poles.

Speaker 3:

They placed it on the ball.

Speaker 4:

Oh for a parade, and it's so. You wouldn't even supposed to be doing it. You ain't supposed to be doing that. No. And he stopped it from falling off the ball, so he died from ignorance, okay that's why it there's a scripture to that says like oh, my people, I forget what I offer for lack of knowledge.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they were gonna. Yeah, Pat Paris, because of you know the right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So it's the same thing being ignorant, you can have it right in front of you, but if you. That's why knowledge without application is pointless. Yeah you could know something, all you want. If you don't never apply it, what good is it?

Speaker 4:

That's true, or yeah? Yeah, I could see that.

Speaker 2:

I can see that it's kind of like you're willing. Well, that's a little different from being ignorant, because ignorant is like Not knowing. Yeah right, yeah ignorance.

Speaker 4:

Just people use it as something bad, like they say ignorant, like oh, you're stupid, yeah, that doesn't mean you're stupid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's lack. Of you don't know better, don't know any better, yeah, so if you don't know any better, you. So.

Speaker 4:

They always say like you know better, you do better yeah not always cuz I mean yeah, I think I think anybody else cuz like you know, the Lord's presence is in this box and you see a fallen. Why would you not catch it?

Speaker 1:

That's true, that's that's, that's, that's that's. I'm thinking. That's what his reaction was. I can't let this fall and get damaged or hit the floor wrong. And then, when he did that, took his life. So I was like man, but it wouldn't. My question is when he dropped dead? Who?

Speaker 4:

caught it then oh no, it was on the floor. They probably, they probably did what they were supposed to do pick the anointed priests pick it up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's, that's intense, bro, but it's you know what. He warned against it. It is what it is right. He did war. I mean a. He warned it so many, we warned everybody that was around. That thing too, man. So I don't know, is God don't play? That's on. See up, he really don't. Hey, man, even Indiana Jones in that movie, man and Raiders he didn't even touch it. They use poles to take it out of the tomb. Obviously, we know it's not still lost on this day, but in that movie when they, when they found it, you lift, they lift the lid. They didn't even touch the top of it, they just put the poles in where they're supposed to go and they lifted it that way. They don't even put their hands on it, you don't touch it at all. They took, they put in a box, they boarded up and then they lifted out. Of the other two they don't touch it. So even even there they respected, even in that movie, knowing that that was God don't play man. But that thing there's a lot of mystery surrounding it.

Speaker 4:

We're not gonna touch it because the last thing I'm gonna say, cuz I want to, I want to make it, I want to make it about something else, even though this stuff is interesting, yeah, but before that happened, you know, before that happened what? So what? What initially happened is they were Celebrating, they were bringing the box back in because they tried to take it into war.

Speaker 4:

Yeah use it, yeah, but. But God didn't tell me to do it. They tried to take it as like a good luck charm. So then, not knowing, did they get the ass whoop? They got taken away, oh.

Speaker 4:

The art to. Yeah, they took the art and then which of them call it? So then they had it and then they started the other, the paper that took it. I believe it could have been the fullest honor for the Philistines or Melokites, but they started getting boils. So it's like, hey, take, send that shit back. So then they sent it back, and then they sent it back on a bull or whatever the case may be.

Speaker 1:

Right, send it back, it's cause I was saying that shit back like yeah and then they sent it back and then.

Speaker 4:

So that's when, that's why they were parading cuz they got it back. Yeah, I don't know if they didn't take it off the bull or whatever, but then it and I do try to catch it and then killed them. Yeah, but. But. But it says that some people try to look like a group of people looked inside of it and I opened it man. Hey, they were dropping like flies.

Speaker 1:

Everybody I look inside just dropped. We don't even know where it's at this day. You know what it looks like. It has two angels on top of it. You never seen. You never seen the first thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but how do we?

Speaker 1:

know that it looks like that the Bible describes.

Speaker 4:

I don't think it's here anymore. No, I don't think it's here anymore. What do you mean? The lid and everything the whole whole. Yeah, I don't think the whole thing is here cuz.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you don't think it's together anymore what it sounds like.

Speaker 2:

It's like literally God's glory. A piece of it was in there. Yeah you know I think it's just his presence. His presence, yeah, just there and supposedly.

Speaker 1:

Inside the actual box that, but inside the box itself it also housed the Ten Commandments. Were inside there the tablets. And I was something else.

Speaker 4:

I don't know. I think it was Aaron's rod, the rod, the staff man. I'm Anna.

Speaker 1:

Manna a staff those three things.

Speaker 3:

Ten Commandments.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so that we do know was inside of it. But someone to try to glare in there that wasn't supposed to look in there would die too. So I'm telling you and of course again I'm referring to the movie the movie is fictional, but In the movie they lift the box and everybody that looks inside of it, even Indiana Jones, he's tied to a pole and he tells Mary and don't look, keep your eyes shut. Everybody else that looks inside of it, they all die, every single one of them die. Oh yeah, dude, that the movies man. Well, about those movies because it does time with my dad is that it had a lot of biblical references. In the, indiana Jones had a lot of, like a Lot of relics that are from the Bible, a lot of them, and in the Ark of the Covenant, one of them.

Speaker 4:

So in the Bible, you know, I it shows the when Israel was still like a small tribe, when it was like 70 people, right, yeah, God would act in certain ways. Where they're surrounding, like he told the surrounding, like, don't worry about passing through here, they're terrified of it. They heard what I did, yeah. So, having that said, what if, like the other outside, like outside tribes, hear stories like this? And that's where you get, like the story I just told you, they looked in the box and dropped it. What if, like that's where they get the idea of like Pandora's box.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, they talk about stuff like that. It's like, really, pandora's box is the Ark of the Covenant. It was a box, adelid, and things inside of it.

Speaker 2:

What is Pandora's box? Yeah, I always heard the same.

Speaker 4:

Supposedly when you open it up, or it was open, and then I don't know. I only know it from God of War, the game. But it's like you open it and then like some darkness came out. But if you open that and you say like 70 people dropped dead from licking inside, you think something evil came out. But you, I wasn't supposed to be in the cookie jar to begin with. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

But you know, okay so, what it defines as, on Google, a process that generates all complicated problems as a result of unwise interference in something Case in the container. It's not literal box, it's not because, like no, it is the same because, look to close the container, only one thing has left behind. Usually it translated as hope, though it might be something else. But, like JJ just said, it's not a literal box, it's more like a figure of speech.

Speaker 4:

Also crazy shit's gonna happen if you open Pandora's box. I think it's like. I think it's more of like a Greek mythology for story time. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I agree. But no, you made a good point, is it? Could it be originally referring to the Ark? Maybe they could have just took that idea of the Ark and just switched it to their own and you know, changed it. That's the world does right. They could have.

Speaker 4:

You know that's what even Hollywood does, that you pay attention to the movies Like they do do it a lot.

Speaker 1:

Well, they changed these two. I talked about this with sex. I'm like you know, I talked about with him at work. Briefly, he was just kind of like talking about it. He's like man. He's like a lot of things get changed, like in Noah they changed a lot of things. Like, oh, check your Bible. He's like everybody right here. He's like you watch the movie. You're like, okay, that's there.

Speaker 3:

And something else. That's what Paul said Then he looks again.

Speaker 1:

He's like oh, that's not there.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what the hell that is.

Speaker 1:

They added that he's like okay, oh, that's Hollywood, that's Hollywood, Bless the soul. Oh, the next thing he made me laugh. He literally did the visuals and everything. He was like, oh wait, was that? Okay, that's there, that's there. Well, that's definitely not there. That's Hollywood. I'm like, okay, I gave it to him, man. So you know. But you know, aside from that stuff, man, I wonder, before we wrap the episode up, there's one thing I did want to ask you, because you know me and JJ kind of got our thoughts out there, and the last thing I wanted to ask you slideshow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we didn't get to interview me we didn't get to interview you about you about it, so you know you did express some of your feelings and your thoughts on you know my father and everything right you not growing up with one and having yours in your life?

Speaker 1:

There was something you told me off camera that you were going to speak on. Would you want to go ahead and express that now, real quick? Let us know what that was for you and then also when you explained that. I also want you to just briefly go into how you view it now like only having your mother in your life, and how do you see your father now after what you're about to explain to us? Okay, what?

Speaker 4:

are your thoughts on?

Speaker 1:

him now, after that's what I'm saying, go ahead and say the first thing.

Speaker 4:

So the first thing is, you know, it's always been. It's always been, it's always been an emotional roller coaster for me. You know, I would say this I would say you know, there's been times where the Lord has always put on my heart that I'd have little periods where I'm like, you know, he could take a long walk out for short bridge, for all I care, and that's the end of it. But then the Lord would come back and tell me, like yo, like honestly, this is what, this is what I've been hearing in my spirit. I've been hearing God say you know, this dude, he's getting ready to like his time is expiring, like that's yeah, like he's he don't have too much, much, much You're dead.

Speaker 4:

Your cups. And I've shared a story with you guys before where the last time God told me that about somebody he was out of here in the next two years, he onto one accident, he onto one accident and I'm thinking, oh, he lived. God must have changed his mind or gave him more time. I think God gave him time to repent because he onto another accident. And what was that? So like now. And I always told God, like if you, if you ever told me something like this again and I wouldn't, I wouldn't question it because I did that once and I seen that that person like that could have been one person that got saved if I said something. So the fact that I now hear this about this individual, as much as I am not going to say, as much as I don't want to care, but as much as I don't want to care, I'm not caring because of who you are to me, I'm caring because this is somebody you know. I just I don't, I don't wish hell on nobody Of course not.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

You know, even though my enemies, I like this. There's no point in this, like, if you feel that way about somebody, like you need to check your heart. Of course, I agree. But so then I go on to say after, after feeling like this and you know I was, I was, I was very emotional, like God, I don't, I don't know how to feel about this. Like you know, I'm a man at this point and I don't, I don't need him, I don't need to come play daddy son at this, I'm a man, I don't know, of course.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's not why he was putting that on your heart.

Speaker 4:

No, it's not, it's not, but the thing is is. So I was like, okay, god, I'll act on what you're saying. And you know, I went ahead, gave him a call, didn't answer, left a. I called a couple of times, left I left the one long voicemail, and you know, and I was like this is just something I got to put my pride aside about. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Definitely use.

Speaker 4:

So I left, I left the email. I was like, maybe a minute and 20 seconds Send a couple of text messages here, you know. So, just just everywhere, that everywhere possible, besides showing up to his apartment, I tried to reach him out right To no avail. And so I think maybe a two, a week or two past, and then my brother Justin, that lives the same house as me, he gave me a call and he said he was talking to one of our brothers that live in LA and so what it is is you got to separate me and my brother Justin from, okay, their mom and their mom, right? Yeah, so us two are from this woman, the other four is from that woman, okay.

Speaker 4:

So, with having that knowledge, he said one of our brothers from the other lady gave him a call and one of the things he said he said I guess he was just giving me the feedback that my brother was giving him, right? So, and that's this hard, no, it's true, because I didn't tell nobody, I tried to reach out to him. So he said he said, oh, did you, did you try to text that? Did you try to call him? I was like.

Speaker 4:

I was like, yeah, I tried to. I tried to call him and he was like okay, cause, yeah, he was saying. He said, oh, yeah, I got his text message referring to me, right, like, yeah, I got a text message by the, open it. Oh, I didn't read it. And then this is how he said the second part, like he's quoting a quote, right, like you, telling me how I was set to him and about the, about the voice mail left. He said, oh, yeah, I see those calls, I seen the voice mail, but I listen to that shit. And then, when I heard that it, it like it's like God, I'm trying, but help me, to remember less of me and more of you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You know, and I told you before I told you before.

Speaker 4:

you can't. You can't get in your feelings when things I've seen, some people I'm talking about somebody, somebody, somebody killed a family member of theirs and because of how well they you wouldn't know that's the person that just lost a daughter or a wife, or like their family image got murdered. Cause they're their emotions is yeah, it's tight and I'm like. I'm like, how do you do that? And that's because they lost somebody. We just over here, off of petty things people do to us, but they lost somebody yeah.

Speaker 2:

A lot of discipline.

Speaker 1:

Definitely lost a lot of discipline.

Speaker 4:

And I'm like I'm like man, I'm like I'm like I could, I'm like Lord at this point, man, if. But the thing is it's like I think God has us do things like this, cause I wouldn't say, oh, man, I didn't hear from God, I didn't hear from God cause it didn't work. I wouldn't say that what I would say is the best of my human knowledge is when judgment day comes, or when he comes before God, if he doesn't change, is he could press that remote Like that, if you have listened to.

Speaker 4:

That's what he was going to tell you, but you didn't give them, you didn't listen.

Speaker 1:

You didn't give them the time of day to even hear it.

Speaker 4:

You didn't even listen to the voice message or voice mail or whatever. Oh yeah, makes sense and it's just like. You know God is so merciful. You know it says his mercy is in Doroth forever. But it's like you got it, you got to accept it.

Speaker 1:

No, I agree, I definitely agree yeah. No and that man. That's but a good thing you at least you didn't do what your brother did in that situation.

Speaker 4:

This was recent. Okay, you can't. You can't force somebody to want to talk to you.

Speaker 1:

You can't. No, you can't. No you can't, so you reached out to him.

Speaker 4:

I'm not just going. You know cause when you say you did your part, that means like no, I didn't mean like that, I meant more like did you just?

Speaker 1:

did you at least attempt it? After God made that real, you did.

Speaker 4:

It's like God, like if you, at this point in God don't fix it, it's just okay, no, no, no, no, but you did your part, though you know what I'm saying. Well, you couldn't. Well, I know I wouldn't say that, because you could always pray for somebody.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

When all else fails, you can keep praying, that's true.

Speaker 1:

Man All right. Well, I mean that's, you did look bro.

Speaker 1:

You have a second question to that right, no, yeah, yeah, and then we're going to wrap up, but yeah, no, a prophecy for doing that, though, because, for someone who doesn't really deserve it, the fact that you put that aside you listened to you, obey God, on that, that's good. That's good on you, bro. The last thing I wanted to ask you was and knowing that right and what you just explained to us right now, looking going forward now, from this day onward, how do you view that man now? Do you feel like you just? Do you feel like you just did what you did? Like I said, you didn't wipe your hands with it? Like you said, you didn't clap your hands? All right, whatever I did, I did my thing, I tried. Do you have any resentment there? Is there? Do you have any feelings towards him at all? Or are you just like whatever it is what it is? What are your feelings on? Your pops is going forward now and then indefinitely.

Speaker 4:

No, no, no, no, no. Resentment, no resentment. That's good, I feel you know. You remember when Jesus was at the table and he says you know, whoever I passed this to, you know it's going to be the one to betray me. Yeah, God above is to Terrible To Depth. When Judas got up from the table, Jesus told him that what you do, do quickly, Kind of like it's a play, Kind of like you know, like a show.

Speaker 4:

Like like, hurry up, now's your part. Like me, I feel like it was necessary for it to happen. Everything that's happening, I feel like it's a it has to happen.

Speaker 2:

It has to happen, you know. At that right time too.

Speaker 4:

I think it's a ministry, like you know how they say what the enemy meant for evil. God used for my good. Sometimes, when God wants to and this is what I mean, like when you hear somebody tell you oh, god told me he wants to use you- yeah. If you don't read the Bible, you'll think like oh man, I'm about to have. Like, oh, tell them what he told me Ray Beams coming out my hand, but it's like, it's like it's like he's about to tell you what.

Speaker 4:

It's the more you know, Dude there's some stuff oh you want me to tell them the same thing that I told you the other?

Speaker 1:

day. Yes, tell them that.

Speaker 4:

Okay, hold that, though, because I want to get something else out. Okay, go ahead, but the more you know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what, I'm just serious. The more you know.

Speaker 4:

But when I say it's a ministry, if God wants to use you too, and he wants to use me, he uses everybody differently, right? Yeah, so he could use me to reach out to other black boys or you know, children that don't have fathers in their life but they struggle with it like somebody's thinking about suicide right now, all for the same thing you just went through. Go minister them, go save a life, go add one more to the kingdom. That's good, I like that. There's somebody that don't know how to take the loss of their father that could be listening and they want to take their life. I can't do it. He's always been my superman. That's you guys' ministry, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's awesome.

Speaker 4:

But what I was telling him the other day. And when God say, usually when God say he want to use you, you should want to run the other way. I remember he went up to Moses. He told Moses, I'm about to use you. Moses got scared. He told Jonah you know I need you to go appreciate these people. Jonah got on the boat with a different direction. That's why the fish had to go arrest his ass in the middle of the sea.

Speaker 1:

Bring his ass back. But why is it? But then you suffer the loss, it gets better.

Speaker 4:

You had a prophet in the Bible. He said oh yeah, go ahead. You know God be making people do things just to like. This is what y'all doing to me.

Speaker 1:

I don't understand this one, though we go ahead.

Speaker 4:

God's right hand man, his prophet. He told him hey, bro, I'm gonna need you to get some bread go eat in front of these people, but oh yeah, you gotta rub some human shit on it too. And they eat it in front of them.

Speaker 1:

That's a true story.

Speaker 4:

So he said God bro, check this out right. I ain't never, I ain't never, I ain't never did nothing like this before in my life, right this?

Speaker 2:

is in the Bible.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no, no this is in the Bible.

Speaker 3:

He said no, you gonna read it you gonna learn today.

Speaker 4:

I put hints in it. He said God, I ain't never did this before.

Speaker 3:

It's worse.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I ain't never did this before, so you know what? You ain't never did this before. He said instead go get the cows and you gonna rub it on the bread and eat that. And I'm like, when I started reading this stuff, this is like, oh, maybe I don't want God to use me then, but it get better.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I don't want God to use me. He said you know you're right, son, don't use human shit, go use the cow shit.

Speaker 4:

Instead, you say you know what? You're right, that's a little nasty, go get the cows, but no, but you know what? This I'm gonna tell you. The one that takes the cake had to profit Hosea. You know what? I want you to remember her. It was a prostitute.

Speaker 3:

Yes, you know that one. Yeah, you know that one and everybody taking her, she going away with other people getting clapped up, and then he got to buy her back, raise other people's kids.

Speaker 1:

I guess, that's great that.

Speaker 4:

I don't know if it was Isaiah, I don't know if it was Isaiah walking around naked, climbing through holes in the wall and stuff like that For three years. I'm like, nah, maybe the same I ain't fit out for this one.

Speaker 1:

He said maybe I'll be the congregation though.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, I said the congregation, though. I'll be watching for sure you can use him, god, now you about to put what on there.

Speaker 1:

Brad yeah, man, that heavy, I couldn't believe it. You told me it was yesterday, the parking lot after the gym man, you told me that I was like what he's like? Yeah, bro.

Speaker 2:

It all is God's plan, bro.

Speaker 1:

You know, what you don't understand it. Yeah, but he said go eat in front of these people.

Speaker 4:

Hey, you know what? Hey, that's the A, but you can run all you want. You can run all you want If God wants you, you're going to get you Yep. You can run all you want.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but all right. Before we wrap up, though, thank you for that, man. I appreciate that. That was well put, sir, and well explained, and we're on the same page with that stuff, man, it's a different experience for everybody. That is intense though. That is intense.

Speaker 2:

It is bro, it is you think that it's never going to be in the way you think. Micrometer.

Speaker 4:

Right. You could be used by God, but it's never going to be in the way you think, or the way you want or the way you want. Yeah, I want that Moses experience.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, or I want him part to see like he did.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's dope, let me do that.

Speaker 1:

Or turn the staff to a snake. You got to use it, god used it in cool ways, man.

Speaker 4:

He said believe all that eating stuff. You got some more the eating shit stuff.

Speaker 1:

The eating PCs? Yeah, no, but JJ, is there anything you want to, any plug you want to put in there real quick? You got going on your life musically. You're working on any projects Coming soon, all right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I need days I'm working on stuff.

Speaker 4:

Working on stuff Like an album or singles.

Speaker 2:

Just a little bit of both.

Speaker 1:

You working on anything with Eli?

Speaker 2:

Alexander, I sent him some beats.

Speaker 1:

You'll see, eli, if you're watching this man, you got to say let's cook up bro. Got to do something, bro, very talented. Yeah, you're talented in the AV. We're looking forward to Antelope that's coming out this month.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that looks good, that's going to be good.

Speaker 1:

It looks good, a little home like a movie that he made that's in the town, that's around the town. They shot around the city. It's pretty cool OK.

Speaker 4:

Looking forward, yeah, looking forward.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the preview of the preview, for it was in the episode we had him on. It looked good, man. We're excited to watch that. So maybe we'll go out to the premiere and check it out. And you know what I'm saying Document, that shit. It'd be cool. I'm going to reach out to you about that, bro. That's it Just coming soon. That's the only thing they get. They don't get nothing else.

Speaker 2:

Nothing else. You just got to wait and see. All right, cool, just wait and see. I'd rather let my actions speak.

Speaker 1:

I respect it. I respect it, Cool man. Well, thanks again, brother, for being on the show man, we really appreciate you being here, bro.

Speaker 3:

It means a lot to us.

Speaker 2:

Always dope, good to have you here.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, man. Always you know All right. What about you? A slide show? What's your last tip, big for everybody, besides being careful how you let the Lord use you oh man, that's not.

Speaker 4:

That's very important it is. I would just encourage everybody to remember in the race, because I remember growing up I always thought everything was like everything has to be done, perfect. But the thing is you can't control the things. That's not that you can't control, you can't control so everything is not going to be perfect. It's not about how you start the race, how you're running the race. All that matters is how you finish the race.

Speaker 1:

Amen, yeah, that's cool man and just remember every day.

Speaker 4:

Like JJ said, every day is not promised. You got to live every moment like OK, if God, take me now I'm going to explain why I did what I just did, how I did it. Yeah, all right, I ain't know if it's going to be acceptable in the site, but I'm wondering if this is what I was thinking. Yeah, that works though. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, oh, I think that's awesome, man, that's true, though, you're right.

Speaker 4:

I mean, hey, be prepared right, Like my boy Scarce from Lion King.

Speaker 1:

be prepared Be prepared, stay ready, so you don't got to get ready, right, oh yeah.

Speaker 4:

I'm just going to call it a.

Speaker 1:

Pops. Yes, sir, all right, man. So I did, I did, I did the Dickel Pops. And then what's you going to say Me, man? As far as I go, I just, you know everybody stay positive out there, those that didn't have a father, you know, hope you guys had a good father's day again. Like I said, the episode was late because of you know the obvious reasons, but I felt strong enough now to do it. I wanted to do it in honor of my father and congrats on your newborn.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that too, of course, and I'm also a dad now a new dad times two Woo Girl dad, Girl dad, yeah, Girl dad.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, man, many van coming soon. No hell, no, that's right.

Speaker 1:

You play too much, bro.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no, no no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Fuck, no, I ain't getting no pinkie man, You're gonna need a new car though.

Speaker 1:

No, we definitely need a bigger car. We're going to get an SUV pretty soon, man.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, I'm a daddy of two now, so if you come to work with makeup on, mind your own business.

Speaker 1:

There, you go Fuck outta here bro, oh man.

Speaker 4:

No, but you can use those Pallettos.

Speaker 1:

Fuck, no bro, nah man, I'm going to pass on that bullshit. No, anyway, fuck you guys the acrylic nails. Anyway, nah, man, I'm a dad, though now times two. I'm really happy about that. My daughter's healthy, my daughters are healthy. You know it was crazy setting up, seeing that you know your kids really do watch every move, because my daughter was literally trying to talk into the microphones and when we were setting up it was cute to see her put the headphones on she watches daddy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she was trying to talk into the microphone, so it's just like they really do watch what you're doing, and it's a beautiful thing to be responsible for a little life that's growing and be an example to them and show them how to do everything you know. But anyway, guys, with that being said, though, I do appreciate you guys' time. Please like, comment, subscribe. If you were on every platform, you could think of everything audio-wise, everything visual. We're still working on Get On Rumble. We're on YouTube, spotify, apple Music, apple Podcast. You guys already know by now. But anyway, literally look us up anywhere you guys listen to your podcast at. We're there Anywhere. You watch us, mostly on YouTube right now. Viewership-wise, it's starting to grow, we're getting there, but we appreciate you all. So, yeah, please subscribe, like and hit that notification bell so you get notified whenever there's a new episode up. Season four is coming soon. Most likely it's going to be, I'm going to say, september.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So right now, it's probably going to release in September. So the first week of September is going to be the first episode of season four. We'll be back for that, all right guys. With that being said, this has been Timeless Talk. Appreciate you, guys, and we'll see you in season four, take care.

Speaker 3:


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