Timeless Talk
Artistic Creative Director & Host AJ brings onboard Co-Host Fur1ous in the Reboot of the Multi Topic “Conversation that Never Ends” ♾⏰⚡️
Timeless Talk
"Polysemous" Defines as - When a word or phrase has several meanings, you can describe that word as polysemous. (One word that's famously polysemous is "bank.") We feel the definition of this word incapsulates this episodes substance perfectly since we couldn't narrow it down to just ONE overall themed Topic. So get ready because this time on The Conversation that Never ends, we start off by discussing SlideShow's current event which involved a child from Indiana that was able to get his hands on his Father's Gun to then briefly revisiting a Would You Rather scenario B Money $ was absent for last season. After getting his take on it, we bounce around from topics involving Red Flags, Cheating, Kanye West & a couple of pet peeve discussions which were about peeing in the pool & death date celebrations. so yes, for as all over the place this episode is we hope you all enjoy it for what it is!
>Current Event: Kid with a Gun
>Red Flag Law?
>B Money's $ Drawing
>Kanye likes Hitler's ideas!?
>Would You Rather Scenario, B Money's $ Take
>Kanye West is Broke!?
>Pet Peeve: Peeing in the Pool
>Pet Peeve: Deathaversary
*Intro Beat Credit: JJ got Beatz*
*Outro Beat Credit: JJ got Beatz*